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Fuck. I miss him so much.
Im sorry
Seriously, I'm sorry George
I'm sorry George. Please come back and direct a spinoff film.
I'm sorry. I am so, so fucking sorry.
No. I don't want anyone, including him, to make more Star Wars films.
For what?
>I only fucked you in the ass, goyim
>These guys, they fuck you in the dickhole
>Aren't I wonderful?!
Yeah well, NO
Sorry George, the prequels were shit
That's why the new movies are writing them out of the continuity
Fuck you George. You fucked it all up.
You try to defend your precious prequels that they are "mainly kids movies", but you put so much politics and an attempt of a Shakespearean dialogue in them, it's all a big clusterfuck and you will never admit it.
Kids are a lot smarter than you think user. They're not that much dumber than your average normalfag tbqh.
>it's a big clusterfuck
It's not George's fault you're a retard.
apologise for the special editions, the prequels, and selling "your movies" to disney
>Kids are a lot smarter than you think user.
You're right, I was a kid when the prequels came out, and even I thought they sucked
I refuse to believe these are movies for kids. Most of them fell asleep during PM and AoC and RotS had decapitations and burning people alive.
When is he going to apologize to his fans
it's a meme excuse used to deflect criticism. star wars is in the tradition of old fairy tales and romances and has no specific age target
if star wars is just for children then so are stories like beowulf and don quixote
Apology accepted George Lucas.
The whole "Star Wars is for kiddies" is a dumb meme repeated by RLM drones. These stories are universal, much like the legends of old that were both cheery and also brutal and edgy as fuck.
It's like pottery.
As a kid I loved The Phantom Menace so politics or not, it was great movies.
Too bad eps 2 and 3 has aged cgi but the first looks the best to rewatch
you have it backwards. mike's prequel reviews make a specific point to refute the "kids movies" argument
No he criticizes the political angles simply because he considers it a JUST TURN OFF YOUR BRAIN kids movie. Which is a retarded assumption anyways since kids don't mind the political scenes.
No he's criticizing the fact the film can't decide if it wants to be a silly kids movie with a talking rabbit or a serious political drama about trade regulations.
It can be both. Stop this retarded shit that a film can be either super kids oriented or adult serious political drama. Star Wars has always been a universal story. The original trilogy had C3PO being a clumsy robot while also having scenes of Vader suffocating his subordinates in a fascist-like hierarchy.
RLM are dumb fucks. They manufactured the flaws and then attacked those fabricated flaws.
The trade negotiations weren't even that ponderous, he's just another stupid subnormal faggot that imagines children are much dumber than him when the truth is they're only slighter dumber than him.
Death to brainlets.
rest, george. your day is done.
He really does preach for the whole "turn off your brain" culture that Disney is cultivating. He is the perfect goyim. He hates his little safe space entertainment even daring to step out of his very narrow and childish definitions. Fuck him. Another drone that feeds into the safe and focus-tested blockbuster medium.
A tree George. A tree.
someone post the webm
you know the one
>TFA = female main character
>Rogue One = female main character
>Battlefront 2 = female main character
>Last Jedi = female main character
>Forces of Destiny = female only focused show
>Episode IX = female main character
>Not one new white male character in a lead role since disney takeover
Tell me you honestly don't miss him after this shit
Phantom Menace was great when we were kids, I never heard of anyone falling asleep during it
The other two movies were a disappointment even back then
Rogue One intentionally went out of its way to avoid casting white people as rebels. We get it Disney. You hate Trump. You hate white people for voting for him.
someone should post this on the star wars reddit i'd love to see how those cucks defend this.
Last jedi and ix don't count because like it or not Rey is the main character of the new trilogy. This doesn't stop her from being a mary sue and both Finn and Poe Dameron being better characters.
They'd say boys had their turn with the old movies and you're a shithead for even noticing. Nevermind that it's a perfect example of yet another franchise boys were liking too much so we must now hand it over to girls in an attempt to pound a square peg into a round hole.
Just like the OT, where Luke was the Mary Sue and Han and Lando were the interesting characters
How is luke a marry sue?
Luke was not a mary sue you faggot, he routinely got his ass kicked.
What would've the media response been if Twilight was turned into a story of a man having sexy female vampires lusting for his dick? I wonder, would they have been as liberal about it as they are with Star Wars having its balls neutered?
So a Strawman? sounds about right.
Of course not you idiot but why are you even trying to preach that shit here, everyone here already has their eyes open.
>admiral raddus
>not white
It is fitting that a symbol of feminism is a work stolen by men and then bastardized to fit their agenda while doing none of the hard work which was needed to create the franchise.
Luke is the main protagonist who is good at stuff because of the Force
Oh wait, he's not a woman so no one complains :)
He doesn't get good with the force till vi.
Oh wait your baiting so you won't ever give a proper answer. :)
oooh nevermind you're just a salty disneyshill
Yeah, he really should.
I agree. He should apologize for selling out to the Mouse jew.
Will you defer your motion to allow a commission to explore the validity of your accusations?
Literally the only word there that would have given me pause as a fucking nine year old was 'defer'. DEATH TO BRAINLETS.
He probably wouldn't have if the fans didn't go full autism and turn against him. he probably sold it to keep it alive for the fans.
Thing about kids is what they don't understand they easily ignore. They're kids. That's why they're so happy all the time.
Another question, do you think kids really understood why Frollo wanted to kill Esmeralda in Notre Dame? They didn't but they're kids they don't care. Stop dumbing down films because of this misguided quest to protect kids from complicated words.
Why did he wait so long to sell Star Wars?
He created the franchise, then he killed it. But letting someone else take a shit on its grave is just unacceptable.
... 'defer' gives you pause? Did you go to school?
Lucas' most bizarre misconception of what children enjoy must have been child Anakin. Kid characters don't appeal to kids, charming, fun adult heroes do.
Every kid I knew was crazy for Qui-Gon. A meditative badass jedi with an aura of mystery and wisdom.
i always believed it should have been Hayden as Anakin in episode 1. show some shitty flashbacks or a short scene if you want to show how he joined the jedi.
the movies should have focused more on obi wan and anakins relationship but their different beliefs. basically anakin should have been more dooku and slowly believes the republic is more and more corrupt and the emperor taking advantage of that.
he shouldn't have became Vader because of a bad dream.
Lucas refers to the original trilogy with very specific angles and shots that only a geniune Star Wars fan would know. It shows he has a deep understanding of Star Wars beyond mere Death Stars and the like.
When Disney tried the same, they ripped the whole ANH off, blatantly stealing plot points to the point where entire scenes felt recycled as Harrison Ford looked tired as fuck for having to do this shit again. There was no nuance of Star Wars. It was a rough copy-paste but the small nuances that really give the Star Wars feel weren't there. Instead the holes that were left from Lucas' absense were filled with Marvel-like quips and poor action scenes.
This basically.
George's Star Wars was built with a vision and encouragment of ideas and creativity
Disney's Star Wars is built on le nerd culture and only making money
It's like watching a rape. George Lucas raped and killed his child, then sold its remains to the Disney kikes who desecrated its corpse even further. How did he come to hate his creation so much? Was it because the OT was impure, muddled by people with actual talent and passion?
Ever since the George Lucas/Star Wars breakup, every time he's at some Star Wars event he looks like he wants to kill himself. It's like you're at a party and you have to mingle with your ex-girlfriend and her new boyfriend.
You can pin point the exact frame where he regrets it all badly.
Lucas has said it himself multiple times in defense of the critics.
He said it at this years Star Wars Celebration too.
Nah fuck off George, if you really cared about Star Wars you would have never sold it to anyone, it's not like you were a poor fuck before that fat Disney check came in.
Fuck off George, this is all your fault.
FUCK THIS PLANET!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
no, he should apologize for pussying out and selling SW to Disney. instead of taking all the criticisms lobbied at the prequels(after the redditlettermedia plinkett critique) and made a masterpiece to prove all the "haters" wrong.
weak ass jew.
Now that Star Wars is 40 years old and you lot have made me richer than god, I have something to say: "STAR WARS IS FOR 12 YEAR OLDS!!! STAR WARS IS FOR 12 YEAR OLDS!!!! Did you all hear me? 12 Year olds!!! You are all a bunch of worthless mongoloid fucks for liking this childish shit. Grow the fuck up. Thanks for coming and remember to buy the new line of toys on the way out. Goodnight assholes.
If it's for 12 year old why did you put so much politics, wannabe Shakespearean dialogue and literal kid genocide in them George, huh?
What a pathetic old man you are, unable to accept a single criticism.
It honestly wouldn't surprise me if shit like Meme Letter Media was preplanned to lower the stocks for Star Wars to make it easier for Disney to buy. Oh sure, Meme Letter Media looks like a harmless youtube show but its watched by millions and Prequel hate only truly took off when their reviews happened. Every other case it was 'sure Jar Jar is shit but Prequels were okay'.
Hell TFA seems like it was co-written with Meme Letter, considering a lot of their ideas were incorporated like not bringing anything new to the story nor design aesthetic.
Why did you sell your company to evil, George? Why couldn't you find a worthy successor to yourself, if you didn't feel like running things anymore?
Because with the prequels I wanted kids to learn about politics and the nature of good vs evil, but in a fun way. Jar Jar was the key to all this. Oh and in case you weren't listening. 12 Year Olds. 12.
If I ever see RLM guys in real life, I will not hesitate to hurl rocks at them. Cancerous manchild fucks.
Nothing to apologize for.
Well they're in Disney's employ now. Much like that other manchild Pablo who's in charge of all the canon.
>b-but they riffed on Rogue One!
Well duh, you can't have them looking like actual shills. They can riff on the spinoff that doesn't take away from Disney's flagship SW movies (the new trilogy).
Pretty much. He did what he assumed the fans wanted him to do. They get what they want and he is rid the pressure of having a million manchildren calling for his head.
Star Wars is the definitive proof just how hard a fandom can kill a franchise.
Star Wars needs to be sterilized and left to die anyway. We have the OT and that's all we need
literally no one asked for or even suggested disney buy star wars and make bland, pc movies
I liked the prequels, reddit letter media be damned. They were perfectly watchable popcorn flicks.
Look at all those idiots lining up every year for Marvel because they're "nerdy and fun". Let's face it, Disney knows how to play the masses for the idiots they are. Look at all those idiots praising TFA thinking it was good. Look at all those idiots who line up for Star Wars conventions so they can wave their plastic toy swords around. You know George hated that fandom cult surrounding his films. He just wanted to make movies, not religion for retards.
he sold lucasfilm. he chose disney. he personally put kennedy in charge. no one in the "fandom" ever asked for that
stop trying to pass the blame
Yeah alright. But all the movies are basically flicks, even the originals. We don't need more Star Wars.
I'll say this for George, both sets of his movies were industry defining events. He helped get us the huge special effects driven blockbuster, the multi-part series, and pioneered even better cgi technology. Like those things or not, they've definitely made an impact.
But how can you still be entranced by the story at this point? It's just a generic space adventure with some mythic elements at heart. It's not like it's our culture's Iliad and odessey, it has very little of importance to say to us about who we are as a people and how we should live our lives. It's just a spectacle, let's move on.
>Yeah alright. But all the movies are basically flicks, even the originals. We don't need more Star Wars.
We don't 'need' more but it couldn't have hurt with Lucas in charge.
The prequels were the exact opposite of generic, which is why some fanboys hated them.
Is that all it takes for you to like something, "not-generic"? The Room isn't generic either (i love the room), but that doesn't make it a good movie.
>A New Hope
>Farm boy can pilot a space fighter perfectly having never done it before in his life and no, flying a T-16 through canyons isn't the same fucking thing. It's like saying a crop duster can pilot an F-16 without extensive training.
But nah, it's cool because the Force guided him.
But it's not cool when the Rey does the same shit.
>and a diet coke
So why did you claim it was generic then? Why are you spouting words you don't even know the meaning of?
Go to bed Mike
TFA and Rogue One were shit.
But the prequels were also shit.
Stop being such fags, fags.
I thought rogue one was alright and the prequels turned into a goldmine of a setting for top tier animated tv shows and video games. Then Disney came in and shit all over it.
I saw TPM as a kid and I loved dialogues like that, it made me feel like I was watching "grown up" movie