You're at the club and this guy gropes your gf's ass. Wat do?

You're at the club and this guy gropes your gf's ass. Wat do?

Score him ten

*smack jukebox*
*smooth criminal starts to play*
punch his lights out

"sry bro, she's a girl (female)"

*spin around 1440 degrees and walk away*

Real talk: is he a virgin?

*bf's ass


Inform him that he’s my gf(make) now. Considering i’m White, he’ll say yes.


Unironically read guy as "gay"

>Considering i'm White
user, I...

Fourth post best post

*slaps his ass back*

Proceed to put a gun to his head and fuck him in the ass.

ask for his ID


Make him my new gf

Grope his ass

*throws Winnie the Pooh stuffed toy at him*

Start talking about Yuri on Ice

What’s with asian-Americans and ice dance?

The japs are cute but the Spaniard is handsome

grope his dick

Oh for sure.


Nothing since is obviously he is gay and was a mistake

Invite him back to our place

Well that's pretty racist

Anyone can do that, you need to do a 1800º to get his attention

I'm exclusively straight but definitely would make this exception

why's he such a qt?

pretty sure the guy on the left is an optional companion in FF IX

examine his butthole and find out

serious question - do japs have slitty buttholes?

i'm going to say butthole again



butt hole

hole of the butt

the whole butt


Spanish lad is far more attractive