Women’s relay starts now
Go Jessie and go Norway!
Women’s relay starts now
Go Jessie and go Norway!
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Hello is this the QT posting thread?
Ded thred
Sup Forums only seems to care about speed skating these days
pls no smorebom.
so many qts. watching this is literally an inspiration. it makes you want to be better.
All-nordic podium incoming
Haga is going out of pitty
>Not finishing with Kalla
Sweden was a mistake
is there any way this does not happen?
damn talk about unlucky
they probably all have chad boyfriends
For me it's watching Haag lose a minute on Norway on the first leg
i have been into cross country ski for about a week but even i understand that this is a mistake
USA and OAR are contenders
Please Finland, get that bronze. I can't handle it if Russia and USA beat us, even though I know it's not that realistic for us to beat them considering how bad Riitta-Liisa and Aino-Kaisa have been
Why are they following marks on the snow?
yes that is exactly my point. makes you want to become better / the kind of man these qts would date.
how come my nbc stream is showing figure skating
Still don't understand what smorebom means. Google gives me nothing.
Kalla is our strongest classic skier and Stina is near unbeatable if we're still in it somehow by the finish
because it's faster
What did Sweden mean by this?
the booty shots are something else
>OAR at leg
This is perfect
Yes but why is the track premade?
USA pls
Come on Aino-Kaisa, don't let Nepryayeva win
Skiing scrub here. How does passing the skier directly in front of you generally work? Leave the track for a moment then re-enter it?
it is a speed race, so they prepare it before so everyone has the same conditions
Are you retarded?
Are you takling about Haga? She is in 2nd leg, not that fucking hard to understand
Even if Kalla leads, Haga will tow in Anderson and Bjorgen will leave Stina over 5 km. Kalla would’ve would beat Bjorgen
He's talking about Anna Haag, the Swede currently fucking up.
You retard
No, I'm talking about Haag who is doing the first leg for Sweden
>norwegian cross country knowledge
>they actually went with Haag over Falk
Holy shit what a bunch of useless twats
Just another gold for Norge
Is there any way I can follow this sport after the Olympics are done? Also womens biathlon. It's as good. Literally 0 coverage here so I'm talking streams.
Can't Kalla just play all 4 laps?
Lel the retard deleted his post
(It was me)
pls cancel the race now, thank you.
Yes, world cup races all winter, streams exist
Is it over for us now?
>sweden +25.8
"It's dead for Sweden"
Expert French commentator
Where would one go to find them?
If Haga is as good as she was on the 10 km, then most likely so
Looking good. What the fuck was Sweden thinking with Haag lmao
FFS why are we overhyping Haag? Why is she even there? She did something good for like 10 years ago that still someone remembers.
>inb4 Kalla reks everyone
why are you so cute, finland?
Google it you fucktard
Whoever picked Haag over Falk, or even Ingemarsdotter should literally be fired
For me it's Slovenia.
Haga will destroy ebba anderson
USA is already fucked. That’s disappointing
you have any chance of winning?
Looking at her medals from WC and olympic, almost all of them are from relays, lel
And the only ones who are overhyping her is the team management for some unknown reason. And commentators who kind have to try to stay positive.
Why aren't they onto freestyle now? I thought they already did the classic leg. Tagged out. Shouldn't they now be doing skate-style?
>wake up at 4am to watch this
>internet fucks up for the entire first leg
>we're in 10th place
Fucking great
Maybe if it was a sprint, since they are all sprinters
2 classic, 2 skate
Imagine fucking up your lap and then look Kalla in the eyes afterwards.
Belorookova please
I woke up at time but we surrendered in 10 seconds.
I don't even care about the medal for the flag, I just wanted Jessie to get a medal ;_;
Cheater OUT
Imagine being Kalla and knowing you'll be at very least 20 seconds behind when it's your turn
>burger waking up at 4am to watch women's cross country ski
do you follow this sport year round?
Kalla is a beast in relays
are stina and kalla our only good skiiers?
norway will win anyways
fuck i'm late
how much longer will this last?
Ebba came in 4th in the skiathlon. She could have a pretty promising future.
5 hours
you won't medal anyway, you can go back to bed
She will win the 50 km :)