it's even better than bear vs. gorilla
Horse vs. alligator
>"you think he's ok"
>caring about alligator
ungulate: america
gila lizard: assad
>siding with the dickhole horse
hope an alligator eats you
Alligators are the niggers of the animal kingdom.
And now the horse dies from an infection while the gator goes and gets gator pussy.
>gator quietly minding own business
>horse runs up and stamps on head
>horse is black
you are the niggers of the animal kingdom
>"He'sthhh justh thrying to protect thu hurd"
horse apologist bitch
I was waiting for the wild ponies to attack the camera man.
Horses are /our guys/. If you side with alligator you should kill yourself
the alligator didn't get stomped. horse was actually bitten, that's why he jumped so fast and backed off. it's actually a win for the alligator. dumb fucks.
only women love horses
gator = jew
horse = muslim
>t. jidf
I'm sure the alligator was just minding his business right next to all the tast- er... friendly group of horses.
He dindu nothin.
wtf i love muslims now
>horse out with horse family enjoying a meal in a nice part of the grassland
>gator moves in
>grasslands that were once nice are now dangerous
>gator lies in wait for chance to steal a life
Fuck alligators.
fuck off chubbs
>this thread
Gator = Peaceful Native Americans
Horses = Evil white European settlers
Horses were okay when we didn't have cars, but we never truly "loved" them
They're unreliable, ornery, dangerous and unpredictable. You really can't trust a horse
The moment the first mass produced cars rolled off the assembly line the horse became obsolete. Everyone couldn't wait to get rid of theirs
He was just using his horse Second Amendment rights
Bleeding hearts who are of course animal lovers always have a hard time when they find out about the brutality of nature.
He was just horsin' around
>They're unreliabl
compered to what? early cars were unreliable and we depended on horses for war a couple decades after we got vehicles.
horses are arguably on par or second to dogs as far as reliable animals. not even gonna bother with the rest of your post after spouting this garbage
>all these people that close to wild animals
I'd rather see horse + alligator vs retarded humans.
how long before Jamie pulls it up?
>gator and his people have lived in marshland for generations
>horses emigrate brought along by some bad hombre named "Cortez"
>used to cart heavy loads for years but then just turned out into the wild because of "muh feels"
>gator just gating and minding his own business
>gang of horses approaches
>gator refuses to be pushed around anymore so doesn't run
>horse doesn't let him stay
>horse doesn't care about tolerance
>horse attacks gator FROM BEHIND like coward it is
>"i dindu nuffin I was just minding my own business when dis raycis gator started harassing muh bitches"
I'm just glad as humans we don't have to deal with this sort of behavior.
Based PBF.
>He's never made love to a gator
the point is that theyre both shit
gator is a sneaky kike pretending he dindu nuffin and the horse is black, violent, and chimping out for no reason
There is a video of the same thing where he is in the long grass
florida is the worst state in union
wish we could give it back to spain
dis nigga did a fucking barrel roll to rip that other croc's arm off
Try riding a horse for more than 20 minutes at a pace more than a stroll
Step it up to a trot or gallop. You'll figure out how shitty the ride and handling is and the miracle of automobile shock absorption when your ass/back is hammered into gravel
>did you get that?
>send me that
Fuck people are so disgusting now.
I have and it's fine. Then again, I'm not a guy.
Gustave vs Seabiscuit, who wins?
who was in the wrong here?
Chill out - I'm a lesbian so it really doesn't count as sex.
>early cars were unreliable
Exactly, this shows how shitty horses were
Even with the shortcomings of early cars people still preferred them over horses.
>muh war effort
They were cheap, plus there was a surplus because of the reason mentioned above.
>no one yells WORLD STAR
fucking white people missing prime animal wshh
I was waiting for one of the rowers to get eaten by a croc
You are absolutely clueless! That stallion was protecting his herd. And no! Alligator was not minding it's own business. It neared the herd in order to attack them. The leader of horses motioned the alligator many times to leave, but finally decided to kick its ass because the alligator was not moving until the stallion freaking ran him over. This was a wild horse behavior...completely natural! It's ridiculous how you guys have no clue what you're talking about. You just see a 'poor alligator' attacked by a 'mean horse'.
Yeah, the alligator was scoping out the herd for a likely prey item. Makes sense for the horse to take exception.
Deer vs Dog (cat)
>bitch yelling "stop it" instead of going to help the doggo.
One of the females in that video actually cares about its charge.
god damn I fucking hate horses
>Women being as useless as usual
I've never been thrown off, bitten, kicked or ridden one that's gone out of control
This is due to one thing: I never trust a Hoorse
Why are other species such a cucks?
I'd ban her gators, wait no I wouldn't.
Just goes to show a croc could tear one of your arms off in 2 seconds.
That's it?
>wild alpha stallion fucks up an alligator to protect his harem of sexy mares
>humans stand around and watch thinking it won't fuck them up also because they are not alligators
>wondering if the alligator is ok
>He was just horsin' around
>He was a good gator!! He din du nffin!!!
>horse is black
You dont have your fucking balls under yourself while riding, only a retard who can't properly sit in the stirrups has problems riding for a prolonged time
Horses are dicks. They're the size of a small car and as skittish as cats. Fuck em.
Poor gator
The horse doesn't even stomp the alligator, the gator bites the horse's leg and the horse jerks its leg out the gator's mouth. Team Horse BTFO.
Wish that deer charged the woman.
>Fucking niggers stole our kill.
I don't see how nobody sees this
>the guy with the airhorn
Ok horsie
rofl stupid fucking americans
Gator did nothing wrong, wtf what horse's problem?
Lmao all these non-floridians who think alligators attack while not near water
When gators are basking like that it's literally impossible to get them to even move unless you run right up to them and start fucking with them like the nigger horse did. They're in total chill mode when on dry land, it's when they're near or in water that they're sneaky.
Poor gator was just trying to relax
>Told to get out the way
>Row in the wrong direction
How do you even do that?
gator bite like that probably wouldn't even cut the skin. horse would rekt a gator. my horse stopped a ram dead in its tracks with one kick to its head
>Back up right now
>chilling in the grass
>getting some sun
>horse starts kicking you for no reason
fucking asshole
Reminder that women love horses the point where they will justify any action they take.
The gator wasn't even looking at the horses direction. And the horses could have easily ran away if you gator attacked. There was no reason to be aggressive at all.
>compered to what?
Donkeys, mules, camels, etc.
Horses aren't that great.
Gator c!early violated nap
Women say otherwise
>implying that horse has homesteaded that land and had anything to trespass on
the horse broke the NAP, you're a literal statist if you think otherwise
Women don't know shit about animals.
>gator is a sneaky kike pretending he dindu nuffin and the horse is black, violent, and chimping out for no reason
fatties are such shits
>omg we're insane for recording this xD
Holy fucking kek, retards literally everywhere.
I've been to this place before. It's about a 25 minute drive from where I am now, the horses are all wild. At one point I was walking back to the parking area with my girl and we had to cautiously walk through a group of about 6 horses blocking our path out. Fuck horses
poor dog, he was just minding his own business and being a good pupper
if you live in a place where deer randomly stroll, you should probably own some sort of rifle for this exact reason