Why can't Spanish taxi drivers handle a bit of banter?
Why can't Spanish taxi drivers handle a bit of banter?
could have easily paid the taxi driver off?
would have cost maybe £30 at best. thats a fortune to Spaniards
Funny how footballers just get away with comitting crimes (including murder)
Who's gotten away with committing murder?
Marcos Alonso
Marcos Alonso
Lionel Messi
That was manslaughter at best. She was in the car with him. It's not his fault that Spain has ridiculous laws.
>Sky Sports News understands the team had dinner at a restaurant in the city before watching that evening's Champions League fixtures on Wednesday, but afterwards four players went unaccounted for and missed a midnight curfew.
>On Friday a source from the Catalan police force Mossos d'Esquadra told Reuters: "There were four people who wanted to go out in the city centre.
>"Everything was closed so they got a taxi to a McDonalds by the Barcelona port. At some moment the driver left the car for some reason and the four people took control of the car.
>"They eventually returned it to their hotel and we got a call from the receptionist saying they had parked outside the hotel. This happened at 5.30am. The taxi was returned to its owner at 8am.
>all those players running towards the ref
I hate Barcelona and Madrid players so fucking much. Messi is the only decent person
The murderer of pastasciutta
Why can't British people not act like savages while in Spain?
>going for a cheeky joy ride
>acting like savages
thats what spain is for m8. you literally cant go to jail if your first offence is less than 2 years
Kek this. It's like they are sending us their "white" trash on purpose. Germans in Majorca are not far off as well, but at least they are contained there. Brits are like the plague.
Pretty sure there was a lot of special treatment there, not just retarded laws
>thats what spain is for
If you think that, maybe you should consider staying in your shithole and act like a subhuman there.
>It's like they are sending us their "white" trash on purpose
White trash love cheap nightclubs
richer people here either go to the Caribbean or northern Continental europe , spain gets our chavs becuase its only £30 to malaga on easyjet
West Brom's very own Lee Hughes
Yeah i can see that. But I dont understand, Brit clubs are awesome (at least the ones i ve been to), great music. Here everything is latino trash... i guess it makes sense that they come there if they have low IQ, but it's still a waste. Also drinks are overpriced af.
I know it's an example, but i wish they actually only went to Andal*sia...
I remember few years ago the Geordie Shore lads went to a pub right next to my house... what a shitshow lmao
>most experienced player in the prem ever and the team captain
wew.. was not expecting that when I heard the news without the names of the players
>Evans one of the hottest center backs on the market due to professionalism and leadership
>involved in this
great banter
taxi driver probably loved it after he got his car back
Malljorka ist DEUTSCH
There goes any chance of winning free titles with City.
>West Brom doing a La Manga
So that means they'll win the league in 2030.
They go to Spanish party cities/islands to get drunk and shag other British people who go there, they could do that at home. I guess the weather is better but that's about it.
>THAT garden tool set
>worth £20
Nah fuck off.
but if we do that theres consequences. spain dont seem to give a fuck. sure we ruin it but we spent euros doing it
About the same value as their infamous £9.50 holidays
It's ok if you're rich.
Wait what happened, what did I miss
lad did you not see the bulbs? those look pretty fucking premium
being honest though if some asshole cab driver got out his car to piss around i'd be tempted too, lazy cunt probably went for a siesta and kept the meter running
They probably paid him to go in and get the food then drive off.
>Multimillionaire footballers
>Eating McDonalds
No fucking wonder West Brom are in the relegation zone with this fat pikeys around
the family was given the choice of receiving compensation or sending him to prison iirc
what did they expect to find at 5:30am on a weekday, even in Barcelona?
when we come over, refuse to learn your language, shout loudly on residential streets at 4 in the morning and piss on the walls of your local establishments, were just propping up your tinpot economy paco. maybe stop taking less siestas during working hours and find some jobs for those 50% youth you have unemployed and maybe your government will stop running adverts constantly on our tvs to come to your country and treat it like complete shit