Seriously, what could possible go wrong with a epic lineup like this?
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>muh special snowflake magic humans with plot armor
I'm glad this movie bothers you
how many more movies until dc finally give up?
Allowing Zack Snyder to direct, for one thing.
>movie is set entirely at night because Batman looks stupid in daylight
who's the hobo with a spear on the right?
who's the robot thing in the middle?
who's the guy in the red BSDM hear?
Falseflag thread.
Is there a most forced and unnatural "team up" with absolutely no chemistry in movie history?
that all female oceans 9
>Is there a most forced and unnatural "team up"
ya, you hiring a hooker
>guys what if all superheroes actually exist in the same universe wouldn't that be epic ? :))))) oh and put them all in the same kino :)))) im so smart
meant for
Will DC finally learn their lesson when this one inevitably flops?
Nothing forced or unnatural about teaming up with your mother.
this feels too rushed.
marvel took their time with building up the avengers.
dc does it after the "second" movie
Nobody gives a fuck about anyone but Batman in that lineup.
Awful CGI and horrible color and too much humor
Did you see his first appearance in Batman V Superman with him hanging on the wall? I wanted to laugh at how funny he looked
Was this meant to be scary? It was horribly directed this scene
>blocks your wall
really what was the purpose of this scene? he could've just stood there. what if the cop never turned around and was having a smoke in that very room. would he literally just hang there until the cop leaves or turns around?
>7th member is going to be Captain Marvel
>Another movie nobody asked for
>Not having it be Katana
Basically. He is a Bat and bats stay quiet
If they fucked up batman vs super man they could fuck anything up.
>inb4 sexually frustrated dccucks say it was kino
Hahahahahah holy shit this looks bad
But Marvel is doing Captain Marvel, it's gonna be huge.
>who's the hobo with a spear on the right?
his name is Aqualung.
actually Captain Marvel/Shazam isn't happening(soon). but Black Adam will be the villain in Man of Steal 2.
good thing they didnt fuck up batman vs superman then
why not. let's have all the superheroes together.
Bad cgi for starters. That cyborg dude is too obvious.
Why are so obsessed? Are you a shill for real? CGIderman looks worse than that
Nobody cares about Spider-Man either. Guardians and Thor are the only capeshit to look forward to after Logan this year.
>5 points
Ahahahaha yayayaya
well meme'd my good sir ;^3
Batman v superman is a mediocre movie with a horrible CGI fest 3rd act
All but one DC movie so far has been a premature "team up" movie. I just have no fucking clue what they're doing and the constant need to explain all these origins is a huge part of why they have all been hot messes thus far.
>cyborg is in the middle
would be perfect if it was Supes and not le token black guy that normies only know from the cartoons, seriously tho why fucking cyborg?
>Justice league appears in email form
>Suicide Squad appear in pop song form
What's WB's end game?
crashing this franchise
>next one will flop I s-swear
Oscarlets, will they ever learn?
Do you think Disney is actually secretly behind making the DCEU shit?
How a serious company can make such a horrible theatrical edit like Suicide Squad and the horrible theatrical cut of BvS
Maybe Disney is secretly inside WB and making decisions to purposly wreck the movies
They need a token black guy but didn't wanna use the black green lantern
you say this but each movie has made a huge profit. It doesn't matter how good the movies actually are so long as the opening weekend normies lap it up and it's a huge hit in China. If Disney was behind it these movies would have all flopped hard.
Why not? Idris Elba would make a great Green Lantern
Disney doesnt control the box office and who goes to the cinema user so still they could be behind ruining the theatrical cuts
Elba would rather make Mausbucks.
They're scared people still remember the last GL film.
Johns is in love with Cyborg. they even forced that boring piece of shit in the comics and took out Martian Manhunter who is kinda boring, but at least he has cool powers.
>the JUSTice league
Not directly, but Disney marketers are masters of manipulation. They didn't become the terrifying mega corporation they are now on pure luck.
Jajaj el justo league jaj
DUDE. Affleck who played Daredevil is now the head of the justice league so this is no reason why they couldnt put green lantern as a member
Rogue One
Fuck you Rogue One is a masterpiece compared to the shitty DCEU Justice League.
Man I am not excited for this at all.
Just give me the Batman movie
Fuck you I had already forgotten that piece of shit
>Affleck was in the terrible Daredevil, became a great Batman
>Ryan Reynolds was in the terrible Green Lantern, became a great Deadpool
>Chris Evans was in the terrible FF, became a great Captain America
Who is the next to do a 180? Halle Berry? Nicholas Cage?
But daredevil is older and much more forgotten, and that's only the actor that's the same not the character.
Why is not Superman with them?
He's dead bro. He died for our sins.
You are a big liar.
Tell that to Zod's snapped neck.
not the one were she is a princess
What could possibly go wro-
>entire movie is dark blue
>teen Flash
>no Martian Manhunter
>no Green Lantern
Jessica Alba will star a real life adaptation of the Thundercats.
>le I'm not scared in the comfort of my dur movie sit
ya...I know...so not scary right...you're a big boy, horror movies pffffffffffff
There's only one thing that could possibly disappoint me.
No Apache Chief.
Yes, I'm serious.
hopefully JUST this one
>being this autistic months after the original pics came out
Every single movie makes money
Why is Iron Man standing next to Conan?
>thread made by and bumped by falseflagging marvelets
lowest of the low truly
>Avengers comes out 4 years after the first movie in the MCU universe, when there's been 5 movies in 4 franchises, one of which was completely discarded and the character recast
>Justice League comes out 4 years after the first movie in the DC universe, when there's been 4 movies, all of which have retained the same cast and have been financially successful, and won multiple oscars
What about that looks bad?
AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA can't believe how low the view count is
>HAHA. I don't understand basic capitalism!
>won multiple oscars
Not a damn thing. It's called well-poisoning if you're a shill, or filter bias if you're a fanboy.
It's not a trident, it's a quindrent, and he's always had it
>comparing first trailers to second trailers
Here you guy friendo, 10 million views to go:
If Joker doesn't have a cameo I will be fucking pissed
Ryan Reynolds was also a terrible Deadpool before GL movie even came out, but it's forgivable to forget that
>le reddit
left is so much better
Leto Joker sucks. Only place he should cameo is at a Hot Topic grand opening.
nah Leto to be is the only good thing about the DCEU.
I don't care at all about watching the same old super hero movies that Justice League is gonna be
no one can agree what "the only good thing about the DCEU" is because there's nothing good about it
Jared Leto won an oscar for his role in TDK
If Leto's jokes gets you annoyed, than it's actually a perfect portrayal of the Joker
>multiple oscars
Isn't the SS one the only one? Serious question now.
>haha now your movie will be as bad as ours
You didn't think that through did you shill?