Trump is gonna lose by 13%

Trump is gonna lose by 13%.
Enjoy your retard convention, retards.

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Post your name here, if he does lose by 13% i'll send you a gift.

Gary Johnson won't even get 3% of the vote nationally on Election Day.


Friendly reminder that with every happening, Trump grows a little bit stronger.

Mortimer Shnerd
1618 SkullSkates Way
Santa Cruz, CA 90210

>Gary Johnson won't even get 3% of the vote nationally on Election Day.

He is polling around 13%

It is so cute to see libertarians get worked up by the polls like this every year

I'm voting for Johnson

He polled between 8-12% last election and barely got 1% on election day.

He's currently at 266-272 electoral votes if states voted with current polls. He's literally one state away

Every four years we go through this: Some poll shows a Libertarian candidate polling high, or shows like 40% of Americans "want a third option", and the media orates that it's the Year of the Third Party Candidate.

Then, on Election Day, fuck all happens.

Gary Johnson was polling at 9% nationally at one point for the 2012 race. Remind me how he did again? Oh, right, he received not even a full 1% of the vote. The highest ANY Libertarian Party presidential candidate has ever gotten is the 1.06% of the vote Ed Clark received in 1980.

No way Johnson even matches the 2.74% Ralph Nader got in 2000, which is the highest popular vote percentage for a third party candidate since the turn of the new millennium.

>David Koch was the 1980 Libertarian candidate

nice try faggot.

Ed Clark was the Libertarian Party's presidential candidate in 1980; David Koch was Clark's running mate.

>He's currently at 266-272 electoral votes if states voted with current polls. He's literally one state away

Let's see the map you're talking about

I'm a classical liberal, but you guys DO know that any third party that would steal votes from one major party will get political donations from their opponent, right?

It's as common a tactic as gerrymandering.

Only Hillary or Trump votes matter

Johnson will never be president

>It's an increasingly nervous thread

Let the monkey brained goy pretend their establishment cuck is better than the other establishment cuck

>Every four years we go through this:


People loved Obama in 2008 and almost as much in 2012. GJ barely got 2% in the polls all of 2012. In 2004 options were pretty shitty but Republicans were pretty gung ho about Iraq War and GWB, Ralph Nader did get some support though. There really hasn't been a strong 3rd party since Ross Perot, and he wasn't at all Libertarian.

Never before have two worse options been presented to us than 2016 with Trump and Hillary.

Most libertarian shit in prior elections was during the primaries.

>RIP Ron Paul presidency

No, PPP had Johnson at 9% in December 2011. He was also at 5% in multiple polls in September 2012.


>libertarians get 1% of vote for decades

>trump wins nomination

>neocons who want open borders claim to be reborn libertarians

Lol fuck you guys, any seasoned libertarian knows a trump loss ruins our hope of small government forever

Hypothetical 3rd party Ron Paul polled at 10%, but Gary never went nearly that high.