Is this the most embarrassing celebrity tweet?

Is this the most embarrassing celebrity tweet?

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>Debra Messing

She was always so brave when they made fun of her flat chest on Will and Grace..

What man hits a woman?

He needs his ass kicked.

only one type of man

>bitch throws small explosive device at you
>gets knocked the fuck out for it
>omg dont hit wominz
fuck you

Wish I was Nathan. Catch Evans outside around people and he will either pussy out or beat your ass, then you can sue for millions.

kys nigger

Chris Evans isn't an idiot, he could easily hire someone to do it for him.

altcucks BTFO

What woman shoves dildos up her vagina on camera?
She needed to get her face smashed in.

A manlet

Probably the tweets where Mark Hamill used Carrie Fisher's death to virtue signal how he hated Trump.
Not even Sup Forums memeing. If some conservative celebrity had a colleague and (supposed) personal friend die right after Obama won an election, and compared that """""friend's""""" death to a political candidate they didn't like winning office, I'd think they're a piece of shit too.

>Chris Evans isn't an idiot
His tweet proved otherwise

You're virtue signaling yourself, retard.

What did I post that was off topic?

>ywn be assaulted by evans so you have a legal excuse to pummel him and crush his skull stomping on it
Hold me lads


Where did I say anything about off-topic?


>Anonymous poster.
>virtue signaling

Dont be a fucking tool friendo.

She deserved it

He's a small guy

He can hire niggers like you.

>affluent actor tweets from his gated community home about a meme manlet assaulting a LARPing whore


why are alt-right members always such beta faggots


possibly this one

manlet rage

alt-right melts are still limp wristed pussies but you are aware that isn't the same person you fucking newfags

thats fake

>alt-right melts are still limp wristed pussies but you are aware that isn't the same person you fucking newfags
I didnt say it was, did I faggot

No its real
It was deleted almost as fast as it was posted. Look it up

small son

is it true he lost all respect when people saw how short he is?

so why are you calling him alt right you fucking cretin

because he's clearly a beta manlet


Disrespect doesn't save you from a fist to the face.

You think everyone at the top isn't just fucking each other? Come on, user.

>it's real

Don't the people in black covering their faces usually start shit or was it unprovoked?

>women should be able to behave violently and disruptively in protests but still be exempt from any repercussions
I haven't seen anyone m'lady this hard in a long time.

what does the image you're replying to has to do with the alt-right?

What an idiot, these are utility marks drawn by workmen to trace the direction of gas or electricity lines.

>couldn't even knock her out

Top tier milf though

she found out later and blamed Donald Trump for "making her see swastikas everywhere"

>why is this HAPPENING to me ;_____;


*gets in real close so nobody else can hear* Hail Hydra

how can someone be a coward if he hits someone whos looking for a fight?


every Cher tweet is embarrassing

Of course antifa started it. Just a little bit of pushback and they get btfo and cry.

She didn't even have the sense to lie and say it was a poor joke


Wow....... Drumph BTFO!!!!!!!!! #ImWithHerNow

not nearly as bad as Carrie Fisher's stupid fucking batshit crazy tweets. Almost all of her tweets are this fucking nonsense.


serious question: why do people go to protests/rallies and fight each other? Do they really think they are accomplishing anything?

just google the text in them if you want an actual link


>man hits batshit feminazi like he would hit another man


Oh my God I lost it

What if it was ironic comedy?

>be a Jew
>bring up the Holocaust after you do something fucking stupid
>think it protects you


yeah she got BTFO in the comments

WTF i hate stephen king now

>46 year old woman

The fuck is anti/fa/?

I enjoyed the amount of effort she put into these. Weird to think that was only 5 months ago and now, gone.

>first reply showing she had literally tried drawing a swastika in the past and posted it on Twitter


would still get it

the top reply to her final tweet is pretty embarrassing, some manchild retard that probably posts here



They got a whole fucking country out of those atrocities as restitution by displacing the local populace by force, what more do they want?

Jew still looks good for her age.

guys like this give the rest of us a bad name

wow, they sure showed Trump. Politics have become so mature thanks to social media

>What more do [Jews] want
Dumbest question 2017

This is kind of a compliment coming from you.

You can tell just from the face shes crazy

they hate clothing

>bitch throws small explosive device
No, user, she cearly tried to shoot him with a cop-killer assault carbine but he was too righteous for her fake bullets and clocked her right on the spot.

you can tell from the multiple galleries she shot for atkhairy and the multiple masturbation videos of her with her giant gross bush that are online that she's crazy

If your man enough to call out the president your man enough to quit drinking

That Slavic bitch is hot af

>Taped Ellen today. It airs tomorrow! I reveal man. People I haven't slept with, plus positions!

I reveal man is really the only part I'm confused about.

>muslims want a caliphate to consolidate their religion
>evil bigoted bastards
>jews want the same
>given to them on a silver platter with nukes thrown in for free

>small explosive device

the victory symbol is a y

Nobody's crying about the dumb bitch getting decked. Oh wait you are.

Patton Oswalt's Twitter is a goldmine of cringe. I encourage you to check it out. He is the definition of an sjw and a stereotypical liberal.

>washed up hag doing whatever she can to stay in the spotlight, which allows her to put food on the table

and you faggots lap it up

Jews dont suicide bomb people and ban drinking like mudslimes do

Jej Krager with consistently good bait
Well done, Nigger

Shit. Should have known that considering I deciphered the word "today."