Is James McAvoy the most underrated actor?

Is James McAvoy the most underrated actor?

My GF wants to fuck him. Never seems to give a shit about any other male actors.

He really did an amazing job in Split of making each character distinct and unique. Not many actors could do that.


Yeah, but he hasn't been in much yet. I hope he doesn't make any more movies like Xmen and Wanted.

Split's sequel will probably make him more appreciated.

*grabs you by the throat*

You just like him because he doesn't look like stereotypical Hollywood Chad

You dont talk about who you would and wouldnt fuck with your GF?

When you look at the webm in OP's post. Love him or hate him, the dude can act. Shit...


There aernt a lo of actors that I like to watch, since I hardly watch hollywood films

mcavoy was great in filth, and I'll hopefully watch split later on
another I like is Michael Shannon
hope these two are in more films/tv show

i hate when actors do that retarded overblinking to try to force tears in every fucking movie

Split required a little bit of overacting, but I do think he did a pretty good job. If the facial expressions had been too subtle we wouldn't be able to see his personality change when the screen isn't zoomed in on his face.

I dont have gf

I wasn't at all impressed by his acting in Split. I like him, but those seemed too over the top.

That scene required him to blink his tears away I think, he had been done crying.

>le blinking bald man.gif

Well to finish the story I am more of a ryan gosling man, myself.

She seems to be put off by chads. There might be some insecurity there.

hes just trying to force tears and failing
extended eye opening + overblinking to create watery eyes

That wasn't me, but he replied just the same as I would have. I didn't mean it anyway, I'm just trying to further devalue the word. I'm so lonely...

I don't know about you, but when I get watery eyes, I blink a lot to make it less watery.

No, no. He's blinking the tears away. Did you watch the movie? He's changing from his Barry persona to his Dennis persona here, Barry is supposed to be the flamboyant sensitive sweetheart, while Dennis is the stone hear killer.

What? He literally had a scene where he has teardrops dropping off his eyes instantly. Watch the movie next time.