What are the best fight scenes in film?
What are the best fight scenes in film?
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we need a slowmo gifm
Any scene in Ip Man
The one in they live :^)
Movies where right wingers get tired of being abused at rallies and btfo leftists so hard they rethink what they're doing.
tfw you will never take a shitlock liberal's scalp in a riot
>sucker punching a qt
what a fag desu
I don't give a shit about childish american activism, but seeing women get punched is satisfying as fuck
Further proof the alt-right are a terrorist organization.
When will the police begin to profile and surveil White Males, the greatest terrorist threat to freedom and prosperity?
why are the alt right so cucked?
>waaa we get bullied by the starbucks and apple brigades.
>a fucking riot
>""""sucker punching""""
What was he supposed to do? Throw a glove in her face and demand a duel?
this one
>we need to show everyone we're not violent psychopaths!
>we'll do this by beating up people who oppose our viewpoints!
what did he mean by this?
You're shit at this. Steven Crowder shit.
Watch the video, it wasn't a riot it was a bunch of alt-right pussies ganging up on 1 person and then turbo-manlet Mussolini running up, sucker punching a girl, and immediately fleeing.
Tragedy right there.
Sup Forumstards literally acting like niggers
No surprise desu
She tweeted that she was going to Berkeley to "collect 100 nazi scalps" that morning. Instead she got a taste of reality.
A trump supporter got beat with a skateboard. Why isn't there any outrage over that?
>ever seen an alt-righter that weighs less than 300lbs?
me neither.
>get attacked
>defend yourselves
>get called niggers by someone posting Chris "The Cuckold Supreme" Evans reaction image
Shit, is Rich Evans okay?
I don't really care about some commie getting punched but that guy is also a manlet fag and both of them probably play too much into identity politics
>White supremacist
le i'm gonna go punch some nazis :^))))))
Because nothing of value was lost
oh so NOW you can punch peopole for things they say, but not when richard spencer got punched
nice to know that you guys' only enduring rule is "it's okay when we do it"