This was shit. Fuck you for telling me to watch it

This was shit. Fuck you for telling me to watch it.

The girls had multiple chances to escape, like running instead of hiding in a fucking locker, or looking for objects to use in those two rooms where they could hear each other immediately instead of waiting until he was turning into the beast to try and escape, or sitting down and watching fucking vlogs in that room and occasionally banging on the door instead of tearing the goddamn room apart.

The whole thing was just a half baked and lazy vehicle to continue the Unbreakable story, Shamadong clearly had the idea for it and worked backwards from that, because he's a piece of shit hack. He didn't even realize that he made cameos in both movies which supposedly take place in the same universe, but he's a completely different character in each.

Yes I mad, I want my two hours back to spend shitposting on Sup Forums.

Yeah but Ayy lmao was worth it.

How old are you?

My favorite scene was when she was attacked by the beast during her escape. Felt the urge to fap watching these ass shots.

>that scene on the bed and her delicious pale boobs smiling at me

I almost couldn't control my boner in the cinema, jesus, she is so fucking delicious.

seeing people praise it I was wondering if we watched the same thing

surely they didn't watch the complete shit that I did

how old are you for enjoying this piece of shit?
the only good thing about this is mcavoy
not OP btw

I don't know, I kinda liked it.
It actually feels fresh take on capeshits among all the marvel and dc trite and instead of recycling not only the characters but stories from other medium it did it's own thing.


I mean I like Mcavoy but the split personalities was like watching someone in an acting class do some kind of practice routine or something.

The hedwig scenes were almost unbearable to watch because of this

Most kidnap victims don't actually try to escape in fear of retaliation.

It's self-preservation instinct. They can try to escape and fail, which will make them be immediately punished, they can wait for a perfect moment to escape, they can wait and hope for the best or they can try to escape when they realise that they're doomed either way.

Like Casey said in the movie "we don't even know what this is yet" and "what then? there'll be another locked door after this one".

What would they do? Break every door? Three teenage girls breaking locked doors?

its just like watching a demonstration of IM ACTING!


Great opinion my dude

Which is ironic since it would be unrealistic for teenage girls to fight against their kidnapper.
People fighting their kidnappers actually pretty unheard of.


they could've easily KO Professor X the first time he entered or when he was Hedwig.

Ayylmao's character was pure retarded saying they cant take him down. Kick in the nuts, punch to the throat, finger in the eyes, plenty of weakpoints they could've seperately hurt and might even kill him with that.

>Kick in the nuts

This only makes people angry

Bullshit. I would be doubled over in pain.


That's because you're a bitch. True men grimace through the pain and fight on wobbly legs.

>Kick in the nuts, punch to the throat, finger in the eyes, plenty of weakpoints they could've seperately hurt and might even kill him with that.
So you've never been in a fight and never attacked anyone. Got it.

Why do sheltered people always think it's so fucking easy? It's like those fedoras who think "I'd easily beat an armed robber!".

So this is how a mind of a clueless unexperienced autist works huh?

>So you've never been in a fight and never attacked anyone. Got it.
i actually i do thats why i know 3 people against 1 can easily hit at least one of those weakpoints, especially the eyes regardless of strength.

Only sheltered faggot here is you two. But feel free to demonstrate how you hold back 3 people against you while also fully protecting your nuts, throat and eyes.

You have to be +18 to post here.

look at all these MMA badasses here
bet you take on fucking armies alone

Where did Shamalama find these qts?

US, Africa and Jupiter

It's funny that the movie actually addresses this.

>"we should bite him, we should drop a crazy ass bomb on him"
>"I saw him carrying one of you and lay you on the bed like you weighted nothing, one punch of him would knock one of us out"

You are literally the clueless blonde chick thinking that a teenage girl would do shit against a man let alone a strong man like Dennis.
Hell, Casey barely hold her own against fucking Hedwig.

The levels of delusion of people who never been in a fight is so fucking funny. "Just attack the throat and eyes, bro!"


Was the uncle actually Black Phillip?

that didnt address anything i said, dear lvl99 warrior

You clearly haven't ever been in any kind of serious danger in your life.

Let's say they punch him in the nuts successfully, full impact clean connect.
And then what? Run to the multiple locked doors? Try to find an exit? What if there are more people who are with him there?
And mind you, we are talking about 3 teenage girls, not 3 grown men against him. They probably never punched anyone in their whole life.
But yeah go ahead and aim with your fingers in his eyes, that's a great plan sure thing buddy.

>tfw we got multiple people who are literally beating the shit out of groups of people all alone
wish i would be this cool and strong

Except it addressed specifically what you said.
>3 people against 1 can easily hit at least one of those weakpoints, especially the eyes regardless of strength
>"I saw him carrying one of you and lay you on the bed like you weighted nothing, one punch of him would knock one of us out"

>how you hold back 3 people against you while also fully protecting your nuts, throat and eyes
>"I saw him carrying one of you and lay you on the bed like you weighted nothing, one punch of him would knock one of us out"

I'm actually arguing the opposite, that fights aren't easy like the delusional neckbeard is saying.
That fights aren't "just aim for the weak points!".

>You clearly haven't ever been in any kind of serious danger in your life.

Nope, YOU clearly havent, you are clearly a clueless retard.

>Let's say they punch him in the nuts successfully, full impact clean connect. And then what?

The door was open, go out, grab something hard and bash his skull as long as he moves. And guess what, even if the door is not open, you can still go for the throat after the nut impact
You obviously would've acted as dumb as the girls ending up dead.

still didnt address what i said, learn to read

>Sup Forums is now /MMA/
wew, looks like some people watched the Raid movies too many times

>The girls had multiple chances to escape

He thinks women are rational and not emotional.

>he thinks that Dennis would just stand there letting them punch/kick him in the nuts and throat

HAHAHAHAHAHA, this what I love about delusional neckbeards. They NEVER consider that the person they are going to fight with will have any reaction. It's like they're just going to stand there and let you hit the throat and nuts.
And they don't consider how weak teenage girls are.

This is hilarious.

Everybody look at this post, user invented the perfect self-defense system.

First you punch your attacker in the balls and then the throat, what a flawless system wow you should hold classes.

>and people have superpowers will know exactly know when someone will surprise attack them

and you call others neckbeard KEK
go back to Sup Forums and watch animus

>but he's a completely different character in each
How so? How does carrying some drugs into the stadium prevent him from working as a lowkey security worker?

works 10 out of 10 times

>He didn't even realize that he made cameos in both movies which supposedly take place in the same universe, but he's a completely different character in each.
Yeah I bet he just totally forgot he had a cameo in Unbreakable

I think it's really weird to make an Unbreakable sequel this late in his career, but his career is really fucking weird to so whatever. Shyamalan is interesting if nothing else.

i thought he displayed great command of his craft; there was a moment where he switched personalities and the only visible change is a slight shift of the face and it speaks volumes. that's talent.

And people don't have reaction because of the surprise?
If someone suddenly kicks a ball at you, you won't try to dodge by instinct?

Neckbeards are so fucking delusional.

>just SURPRISE attack them no biggie

Why doesn’t then every hostage in the world just punch their attacker in the balls when they are close to them? And even if they manage to hit him in the balls, do you the the attacker would fall to the ground and blackout immediately with no reaction?
How are you not aware how absurd and delusional your perspective is?

>If someone suddenly kicks a ball at you, you won't try to dodge by instinct?

3 different balls from 3 different directions.
You are fucking retarded.

hostages tend of their legs and hands tied. senpai
You are not aware how absurd and delusional you are.
If you could use your tiny brain a tiny bit, maybe you would realize that you cant do shit against surprise sucker punch coming from 3 different directions.

But i guess you could, given how great of a warrior you are.

3 different directions?
Would the girls surround him or something? Because, if so, how would they hit the throat and the balls?
There's a very limited range from where you can get a clear hit on the throat and balls.

This. As someone who was actually punched in the nuts in a clear hit, my first instinct was to punch the guy in the face, the pain and squatting came later.

>how would they hit the throat and the balls?

holy fuck you are stupid

The only direction they could hit him clearly would be from the front due to things like human anatomy.

do you even have balls, friendo?

>im super epic fighter warrior
>i am super expert when it comes to fight
>i cant hit someone is the throat unless im in front of them

i must be superman to be able to bend my limbs

i think i found a photo of you

>There's a very limited range from where you can get a clear hit on the throat and balls.

you cant be this retarded

Yes. And you can't get a clear hit from the back, due to things like human anatomy.
From the sides, it also wouldn't be a clear hit with enough strength.

Same thing with the throat. Even if you're at the person's side, you'd have to impact from the front to have the effect you want from hitting somebody's throat.

You can bend your limbs all you want, the impact comes from one direction only.

it really was a bad movie

its time stop posting

that's when you go for the donkeypunch

you must be very new to limbs being bendable

So you think that the situation in the film is a special one of a kind situation?

In human trafficking there is probably 20 untied teenagers just like these against one or two men in close proximity. Why don't they just punch in the balls and throat and run away?

>He actually went to google and thinks this image helps him make some sort of autistic point.


>In human trafficking there is probably 20 untied teenagers just like these against one or two men in close proximity. Why don't they just punch in the balls and throat and run away?

in human trafficking there is also guns, with multiple people
why cant you just use common sense?

because usually in human trafficking guns and more people are involved?

I don't think you know what impact means.
The throat, for example, the impact from the hit can only come from one direction.
Doesn't matter if you bend your little arm and your body is at the side, the impact will come from one side.

See the throat, as an example, the only vulnerable part is the front of it.
You can try it in yourself. Punch the sides of the throat, nothing happens, punch the front and there is the effect you want when you hit the throat.

If you're at the person's front and you roundhouse kick the person's side of the head. Where did the impact come from? From the side.

You should really try to learn human anatomy sometime.

>So you think that the situation in the film is a special one of a kind situation?

you fucking dont? Its a guy with 24 personalities kidnapping 3 girls on a secured room with no ropes or zipties

>more autism pictures

you can easily hit the front of throat from any direction easily
and you should really try using your limbs for once

so you mean to say that the only way to hit the throat is from the front, on a 1:1 stance? you mean they cant choke him from behind? while the other two go for the legs?

did you, just draw that yourself?

i bet you think you cant gouge someone's eyes from behind

>all this autism

jesus youre spergy

So you're agreeing with me now?

No, learn to read.

The impact from the throat can only come from the front of it which is the exposed part.
A choke is making pressure on the front of the throat. Your body can be behind it, the impact comes from the front in a choke, which is the only exposed part of the throat which is how you're able to choke the person.

You can't. You can be behind the person, but the impact will always be in front.
Gouging from behind would mean going through the person's skull and then gouging the eyes from inside.
You always gouge the eyes from the front which is where the eyes are.

Can you grasp human anatomy?

post yfw in porn all this time they were faking it because anatomically you can only fuck a woman in missionary position

>the person would just stay there and let you gouge their eyes and choke them out

this is what neckbeards believe

so you are arguing about impact now? when we were arguing about how people can take advantage of the throat from multiple directions? you are going to argue about impact?

stop getting your real life info from Naruto dude, let it go.

>the person would just stay there and this is what neckbeards believe

this is what necbkeards believe

>you cant gouge the eyes from the back because the eyes is in the front therefore you can only guage the eyes from the front, where the eyes are, thereby making my point correct.

>you cant gouge someone's eyes from behind because the eyes are in the front

fucking lost

>>the person would just stay there and let you gouge their eyes and choke them out

good point

>choke nigger out
>nigger reacts
>other 2 people react too and use high heels as weapons to smack the nigger with while the 3rd one is choking the nigger

this is not 1 on 1, yes the attacker would also react, but that doesnt mean the other 2 victims wont

I've been talking about the impact itself for quite a while now.
Again, can you read?

You can't take advantage of the throat from multiple directions.
A girl tries to choke Dennis, the impact from her arm pressuring his throat comes from the front. The girl can be behind him, but he will take her arm which is in the front of his throat and take her off.
Another girl can be at the side of Dennis and try to karate chop Dennis' throat. He will protect his throat from... the front, because that's where his throat is.
Another can directly try to punch his throat. Regardless where she is, he will protect his throat, which is in the front.

This isn't his head which is an exposed part of the body in multiple directions, this is his throat which is only exposed in one direction.

Can you understand now? A throat is only exposed FROM ONE DIRECTION. You will always protect your throat in one way. It's not the head which can be hit from many directions, it's a throat which is only exposed from one direction.

Jesus fucking Christ.

>you cant shoot someone from behind because the bullets come out at the front

lol what? so the girls are only programmed to hit the throat in this situation now?

>lmao that guy is wearing bulletproof helmet, why dont we try shooting him in the head?

this fucking logic

point is there is three of them, if dennis decides to protect his throat, then go for the balls, the shin or the knee, he cant protect everything at once from three seperate people armed with high heels


so those girls are actually nazi soldiers that is how Captain America survived multiple nazi soldiers shooting at him because they purposedly only shot the shield

the more you know
based shamyalasman putting this much thinking into a movie

Hedwig personality was a 8 years old. A kick in the nuts would have hurt him badly

you gonna argue about captain america and his shield now?

looking forward to the drawings man

how does he protect his eyes? closes them? kek

>he can protect everything at once
>tfw 2 arms can cover more shit than 6

really makes me think

pretty sure this is on the wrong board and given where its headed it should be moved to Sup Forums

I love this meme where we pretend to be highly experienced experts in self-defense and martial arts, so funny.

Let's make a Revenant thread and pretend we know more about bear attacks because we saw that one youtube video.
Oh and even better, let's go make an Interstellar thread and pretend we're fast rotational super massive black hole experts too, that's always fun.

It's not like we actually just sit in our room 24/7 while being afraid to even go to the grocery store because of our fear of human contact hehe yeah not at all

One tries to choke him. A teenage girl, no less. Dennis takes her off because teenage girls are actually pretty weak, specially their arm muscles. He punches one, done.
Again, teenage girls are extremely weak, one hitting him with high heels, punches, done.
And the other, well, you can guess.

Dennis is not Hedwig. Dennis is a strong guy. Hedwig or Patricia, however, the girls could easily beat them.

This thread is fucking stupid.

then wait for fucking hedwig and patricia then?

>the person would just stay there and let you sit in your room 24/7 while being afraid to even go to the grocery store

this is what neckbeard believe

James Mcavoy has literally never been in a good movie even though he's not a bad actor

Indeed, rationally they should, but they're emotional teenage girls.

It's like that case in Brazil where a couple of young adults went camping in some woods and some criminals kidnapped them, raped the girl and killed them both.
WHY DIDN'T THEY FIGHT even though they were going to die anyway?! Because people are not rational most of times, specially in stressful situations, people are scared, etc.

>wtf?! the human characters are human?! shit movie!

no brazilians are just retarded

It's okay, neckbeardo, you've never been in a dangerous situation before.
It's normal for sheltered kids to think they can conquer the entire world, like Elliot Rodger.

Why didnt he make the spanish girl sit on his face movie so unrealistic tbqh

yeah lets ignore when people acted and prevented shit or escaped after being abducted because they werent retarded brazilians like you

no need to get butthurt being you a stupid BR

Funny since it's extremely rare for people to actually escape/kill their kidnappers and most of these take years and years after the kidnapper let his/her guard down.
But keep on shitposting.