What the fuck was the point in having this "Is he dead or alive?" Inception-type ending when we know he's alive?
What the fuck was the point in having this "Is he dead or alive?" Inception-type ending when we know he's alive?
too deep for you?
Incompetent storytelling
There are literally normies out there who have never read Death of Superman. I have friends who really believe Supes is dead and not coming back.
>Death of Superman is a must read for everyone, if you haven't read it you're a filthy normie
Sure thing buddy
I never said it's a "must-read", what I meant was that anybody who's never picked up a comic in their life doesn't know about Supes dying and coming back. What the fuck is your problem?
Even without reading that you would have to be a fucking retard to think that DC would kill off their biggest hero in his second film of a new universe.
Why would you think that?
The dirt started moving.
There's a new DC hero in the next movie - mudman.
Played by Idris Elba, he's a pile of dirt that got mutated by Kryptonian radiation from Supe's body.
>Superman gets his superness from sunlight
>"let's bury superman underground"
>"in a closed box"
Comic books are pretty normie. There is even a show with it big bang theory. Its not having interests that is un-normie. As long as you like something you are a normie.
Snyder killed off Jimmy Olsen at the beginning of BvS
Why the fuck did he do that?
you don't need to read death of superman to know superman isn't dead
Anyone remember the ending of League of Extraordinary Gentleman when Connery's grave begins to rise as it cuts to black?
This ending reminded me of that
>Superhero played named mudman played by a black actor
Seems racist tbdesu
to show how deep and mature his franchise was going to be!
>Comparing Jimmy to Superman
I think what really confuses normies who are not familiar with the comic is how crazy they must think with DC even deciding to kill off Superman in the second movie.
Not to mention, this Superman is hated by the world YET loved as soon as he dies.
This is not a heroic Superman but a Superman who doesn't want to be a hero and who says to Lois "Superman was never real" and he cries over killing Zod because he killed the only person who can relate to him as he is now stuck in the world filled with people he cannot relate to.
Killing a Superman like this off in the second movie was a grave mistake.
Staring BvS without a standalone Batman or Superman sequel was a grave mistake.
And don't forget, Batman's knightmare makes Superman out to be a type of Hitler figure who orders guys with a Superman logo on their arm (like a Nazi swastika) to go out and kill everyone and ruin the world because the only person who he ever cared about apart from his mother - Lois - dies.
>Snyder is deep for killing off one of the most beloved characters from Superman
How is this deep? I know you are memeing
Snyder still fucked up by not doing a Man of Steel 2 first
so what? if they didn't show the dirt rising you'd make thread blabbing about "WELL WE KNOW HE'S ALIVE LOL STUPID DC"
you're just a complainer.
Remember too his parents in Smallville tell him to not save the people on the bus (well his father says he should have let them die) and his mother says he doesn't owe the world a thing.
HE IS FUCKING SUPERMAN! Of course he owes the world a thing.
I know Snyder was doing Jesus references with him being tempted and rejecting himself before taking on the demon and sacrificing himself as he kills Doomsday (Sin) BUT still, doing this in the second movie when we still haven't come to love nor appreciate this Superman.
There should have been a Man of Steel 2 first with Superman exploring these things about himself then a Batman movie and then a BvS
It's just way too rushed
dude jimmy olsen represents all the lame and weak stuff from the supermans comics so killing him is a statement that everything will be BIG and TOUGH and DEEP and MATURE with HOT BITCHES and SEX and IDON'THAVEAMICROPENIS and SKULLS and BLOOD!!
Showing the dust rising is pathetic. Why? Because if the rumors are true, Batman, Wonder Woman etc go to resurrect Superman many days later so this dirt rising at end of BvS is a stupid decision.
Snyder should have just ended it without the dirt rising.
>this Superman is hated by the world
No he isn't. Plenty of people love him.
I'm not complaining about anything you moron. I'm just pointing out how stupid people would need to be to think that Superman is actually dead.
the WB execs see snyder as a budget nolan who's fucking thrilled at the idea of paid product placement.
so, yea, he has to ape nolan every chance he gets.
Jimmy Olsen was a great guy we could all relate to. Did you ever see Lois and Clark? Jimmy was the best in that show and a great sidekick to Lois and Clark.
Terible decision to kill him off.
and btw: EVERY DCEU movie made now will not be as dark as BvS but will contain lots of humor and quips because WB want these movies to do well with normies and since normies like MCU, the DCEU has to be similar to them.
Don't believe me? Look at pic related.
If you want to stick around and see Batman quip in Justice League go ahead but it's not going to be the same as Batman V Superman was.
>If there was one element that definitely lacked in Batman Vs. Superman and Suicide Squad (and certainly Man of Steel), it was humor. It was all by design and I honestly think that years from now people may very well look at those movies as “before their time” because frankly, look at Logan. Logan took the serious tone and just made a much much better movie than those two. I bring up Logan because Wonder Woman is said to be decidedly more humorous and light than it’s DCEU predecessors.
DUDE these are GODS we're talking about! GODS are not relatable! They're AWESOME!
fuck that PUSSY "everyone needs to be joking and friendly" SHIT, I've got a HUGE DICK so I don't NEED to get people to relate to my GODKINO! They will kneel and WORSHIP the GODS these characters are!
Logan still had bit of humor in it though
all of snyder's movies had attempts at humor as well.
he just doesn't have any talent or ability so they always fall flat
I think in the comics the robot from his fortress dug him up.
I'd pay for a ticket to a LoEG sequel
>"let's bury superman underground"
where else would you bury him retard
Universal is making a cinematic universe that sort of is LoEG now. Tom Cruise becomes the Mummy and starts recruiting other monsters to form a the monsters crew thing.
What are they going to do about Clark Kent coming back from the dead?
in the fucking
that's where
I'm convinced all DC drones are just gay
He literally said "this is my world" before sacrificing himself. A proclamation for the love of his home and the place living in it. Fuck off moron
What the fuck do you even mean "Inception-style ending?" It's clearly hinting that he's still alive.
There won't be a clark kent
Is it not just a remake of the original Universal monster universal?
DUDE clark is DEAD! fuck that weak faggot always holding SUPERMAN back from being a HELLA EPIC GOD
seriously though, there is going to be a scene where martha says "you're not my son anymore"
This. I liked BvS but it came about 5 years too soon
13 year olds are always quite the little closeted fags.
>Not to mention, this Superman is hated by the world YET loved as soon as he dies.
Notice the difference in the sizes of the crowds? Barely three-deep at the Capitol versus the horde of celebrators at the festival? The haters, like always, are just more vocal and strident.
Kind of like here.
Superman is loved by the world. Protests and news network shills calling him into question doesn't mean a huge portion of people don't love him. Remember the crown in Mexico, or the flood victims?
Someone should post a screencap of that comment someone made about loving men with big muscles of ancient Greece and how Aquaman, Superman have hot bodies
HAHAHAHAHA no joke someone actually said this
>Remember the crown in Mexico, or the flood victims?
Those scenes would be better if it wasn't slow motion "LOOK AT HOW GREAT SUPERMAN IS".
I hated that. Actually show him in real time saving people not slow motion montages over "DOES THE WORLD NEED A SUPERMAN".
I liked the Mexico scene, but i would have made the flood scene differently. Imagine a pan over shot for people on rooftops as Superman uses superspeed to save one family after the other instead of hovering over them like he was still deciding whether to save them or not.
Overall I liked the movie a lot, there was just more they could have done.
Stop being an idiot. I beg of you. It's not too late.
That wasn't the message. That's the moment when he realizes what he's seeing and what it means.
Sounds shit. Focusing on a single rescue made it more personal and a more human moment.
>Superman doesn't want to be a hero
>his mother says he doesn't owe the world a thing.
Does he really though? This version of Superman, as a young boy, is an outcast and seen as a pariah by his peers, is constantly harassed and bullied, and yet out of the goodness of his heart he still tries to do the right thing and help others, even though humanity is not worthy of his grace.
He DOESN'T owe our world a thing. We don't deserve him. Yet, he sees himself as one of us, and was willing to die for us, taking up personal responsibility for the fact that his very presence led to the creation of Doomsday.
> Yet, he sees himself as one of us, and was willing to die for us,
What the fuck are talking about? When in this movie does that ever happen?
>Plenty of people fear him.
I like that they really make Clark human, too - he doesn't see the people that love him as a hero. He focuses on the extremes just like the rest of us do. He sees people that revere him as some sort of god, and people who hate and fear him as an alien threat.
He doesn't see the guys who see what he's doing and just quietly appreciate him for it.
>HE IS FUCKING SUPERMAN! Of course he owes the world a thing.
You say this in every thread, You don't understand what a hero is. You don't have the first fucking clue.
When he claims the world as his own right before dying for it moron. Jesus this shit isn't hard. If you have an actual problem with merit then try harder.
Maybe the fact that he's in love with a human woman, works a normal job, pays bills, socializes, has a traditional family... Do I really need to keep going? No one can be this retarded.
in MoS, he literally chooses earth over krypton
>No one can be this retarded
marvel cucks can
He doesn't want to be hero.
Well said, DCbro.
>Does he really
He has literally bringed death with him. Thousands dead. Billions of property damage. And I'm prettty sure he didn't even help to rebuild people's homes.
That's not choosing one over the other, that's him deciding it's not right for Zod to kill people to make Krypton live. Are you telling me that if Zod came peacefully he would have not seen himself as both Kryptonian and human? Snyderbots are fucking retarded.
Then he simply wouldn't be moron. This is clearly a person trying his best to help ppl and do the right thing. And its adamant from the bus scene that he has wanted to help ppl from a young age. A human struggle in an alien. And he ultimately died because he wanted to be a hero, fuck off.
That's sort of the point - Krypton as it was wasn't a society worth taking as your own.
Superman doesn't owe the world anything. They shit on him constantly and he FUCKING DIES for them. Batman kicked his ass and was about to kill him but Sups forgave him. Lex kidnapped his mother, almost killed Lois, but Sups saves him from doomsday. People talk shit about him non stop but he keeps trying to do the right thing.
We don't deserve Superman. Call me a faggot but this is why i like Superman. He's literally a flying alien but in his heart he's a better human than most of us.
Why do you have to make threads just to shit on movies you don't like. Wouldn't it be better to make threads about the movies you do like? Or does no one want to talk about marvel?
Who the fuck is talking about zod dipshit. Are you fucking new? Do you know how to follow posts and responses? It was asked "when" does he claim the world as his own and die for us. I responded he does just that when says it to lois and sacrifces himself for it on that notion. Fuck are you talking about a whole different movie for.
>thousands dead because of him
>Metropolis is in ruins because of him
>literally canser to the Earth
>doesn't owe the world anything.
>Then he simply wouldn't be moron
Did you watch the movie at all? Seriously, the whole crutch is that he wants to fulfill the destiny Jor-El gave him. (Which also ties into the fact he wants to be both part of his Krpytonian and human) That's why he became Superman. Before he met his dad, he just saved people because he needed to and was in position to do so. But he wasn't actively doing so. Why do you think he kept moving jobs? Cause he didn't want to be that hero initially, he just wanted a normal life. Do Snyderbots even understand the own movie they love so much?
>autism at its finest
wow he chooses the people who he has lived with for ~30 years over some strangers who are about to kill everyone you know and love to create a new krypton which actually means making you weaker. also his dad tells him to do this
tough choice
damn that autism
>thousands dead because of him
without him, literally EVERYONE would be dead
>Metropolis is in ruins because of him
without him, literally EVERYONE would be dead
>literally canser to the Earth
without him, literally EVERYONE would be dead
i kinda feel sad for you guys, you will never understand true kino with that autism
You need to learn to see the bigger picture, user. The world isn't as black and white as you think it is. Sometimes, you have to break some eggs in order to make an omelette.
>he was saving ppl because he needed to
He doesn't need to do anything. He saved ppl because he wanted to this chose to. Period. He didn't need to save ppl on those oil rig. Yet he chose to swim over and help. Your shitty argument is falling apart if it hinges on the notion that his parents (real or foster) told him to save ppl, since he showed he cared about lives long before anyone told him otherwise. And the fact that he ultimately again, sacrificed his life for the earth trumps any stupid headcanon you can come up with about a superman who doesn't care.
We don't know that Krypton fucked itself over with artificial breeding, but that doesn't mean aspects of it couldn't be redeemed.
You didn't watched MoS, did you? He activated beacon. And he didn't use his chance to stop Zod before landing. He is literally the reason of tons of deaths during Zod's invasion.
Not to mention that Zod knew exactly how to force his hand. And did.
tell me how that's a choice
Thus chose to*
Corection: We know Krpyton fucked itself over
really think it was a viable choice to just let doomsday destroy earth?
that would've just made him a pussy, it's no choice at all
i never said it was a choise
>autism agin
Zod and his guys were all that was left of it. Whether or not they're representative of Krypton as a whole isn't even relevant. The fact remains that they were basically fanatical Space Nazis.
>in MoS, he literally chooses earth over krypton
Without him, literally everyone would stay alive because Zod wouldn't find Earth in the first place. And inactivity of Superman after Zod's ultimatum caused all the disaster.
Nah, you just should stop to be blinded by your fanboism.
You've done this before, autist.
If invite you to my house and you're a dickhead, being a dickhead is on you, not me.
A mausoleum like Lenin.
Did you even read your own statement? We're talking about how he decided to take the mantle of Superman. He did not take it until he met Jor-El. Are fucking retarded? He was NOT actively saving people, he just did so because he could and was in position and cared. But then again so do all of us. He didn't know he was going to die in the Doomsday fight, so that's a retarded argument.
Lol now you're arguing that superman didn't effectively choose to save the earth by sacrificing himself? He claimed this world was his home. Maybe you could make an argument if he didn't utter those words with a smile a few seconds before. But it's obvious it was an action done under the intent of saving everyone. Not in the heat of battle. a decision he made that he thought was worth doing. A choice he made. Sorry braindead
>thousands dead because of him
>Metropolis is in ruins because of him
What a shitty argument.
He had no idea Zod even existed, as soon as Zod said to hand himself over he did, and then Zod decided to fuck up the planet.
How is that in anyway Supermans fault?
If some guy your dad pissed off when you were a baby came looking for you and started killing people in your city would that be your fault?
If I will threaten you to kill your whole family, but you by being cuck invited me anyway - it's your fault, retard.
it was his home as much as earth is ours
He killed an intelligence agent who used the name Jimmy Olsen. Odds are, there's an actual cameraboy jimmy olsen that they knew about and used his name to sound credible, or COINCIDENCES
>he was not actively saving ppl
>shown actively going out of his way saving ppl
Are Disneydrones this backwards on purpose or what? Fuck what a tard you are m8.
Zach is very clever at this part, its a Schrodinger conundrum essentially. Is he alive or dead in the box? Who knows..