What are some movies in which western civilization is saved?
What are some movies in which western civilization is saved?
>that tranny with the pepe flag in the back
memes were a mistake
A birth of a nation
sounds about right
before the invasion they would do anything to fit in
>Sup Forums thought they finally saved pepe from normies by associating it with nazis
>this happens
>this is the so called master race
what did they mean by this?
>meme spouters, neckbeards, autists and fedora tippers
>the only white man on Sup Forums.jpg
This will be seen the same way we see Chanology
>Wearing Roman hats
>not realizing that Rome was a multicultural society
The lack of self awareness is hysterical.
looks like it worked
is that the black guy from "Teens react" from Fine Bros youtube channel?
>constantly on the lookout for slightly elevated terrain to stand on
being a manlet is hard work
Nazism is inclusive and multi-cultural.
>tfw it's impossible to take any political activism seriously in the modern age because you can just post pictures of the average protestor or post screencaps of the tweets of their dumbest members and BTFO and entire movement without leaving your room
>roman helmets
>leftist education
>Sup Forums whines about newfags and reddit
>during the election, doesn't even realize that reddit and newfags mainly storm on Sup Forums
Trump was a mistake.
more like equality
yeah yeah I know it's a Karl Marx quote but it's still true. applies just as much to ANTIFA and modern commies
>Posting a Manlet
That's sad
>50 people fighting
>i guess ill punch this girl
nazis for democracy
Maybe. What if we're completely overrun with newfags though?
>bunch of nazi larpers
so this is the power of r/T_D
Are you stupid ? That is a super weak bait
Fucking retards
Is that the patriot that punched the white chick with dreadlocks?
They would be literally arrested and send to concentration camp in the Third Reich.
Tbh it's also true for antifa and the Soviet Union.
>Sup Forumstards literally defending acting like niggers
Why are you complaining about reddit when they made it possible for you to make this post on Sup Forums right now?
>Rome was a multicultural society
where people of other cultures lived in oppession*
>these are the people saying Meds aren't white on Sup Forums
it already happened
>cracking a woman in the head with an 8 foot metal pole is ok
>punching a woman in the face once isn't
one of these is clearly less shit
I don't care about American identity politics I just want REDDIT TO FUCKING LEAVE MY IMAGEBOARD
Stop acting and behaving like niggers
>roman helmet
For christ sake
Also Rome was "multicultural" but they pushed their own culture, language and laws, set up romans as governers and found other cultures to be barbaric and lesser.
Funny thing is, that it was multi-cultural when dealing with countries. Nationalism promotes that each nation should live in their own country.
we are living in one, friend
It was not even me who made that post dumb nigga
>watching a documentary about Hitler on yt
>some Nazi larpers in the comment section
>they are all third worlders and shitskin
It's pretty surreal.
The "woman" was going there to get some "nazi scalps".
Play shitty games, win shitty prizes.
It takes one monkey to recognize another one
Romain were multicultural and that the exact reason why the greatest empire ever fell.
They litteraly had no more true roman army, the state was filled with corruption. As soons as barabre came knocking down they couldn't do any shit to stop them
Rome allowed Arabs and other cultures to keep their heritage as long as they followed Ronan traditions. Plus Rome was more influenced by their conquered territory than vice versa.
>b-b-but she did it first! even though she didn't do anything!
Except for countries they considered inferior to them. They planned to erase Polish, Ukrainian and Russian identity, enslave their populations and resettle their lands with Germans.
And of course let's not forget about their plans for Jews or Gypsies.
>redditors start hating Jews because they think pol likes Jews now and they already love muslims who hate jews anyway
>pol effectively normalizes anti-semitism on a massive scale
geniuses, the kikes are finished
what was the acceptable non-nigger response to a ground of people throwing m-80's at you?
>Triggered nazis
>HE POSTS ON Sup Forums
beating women, obviously
I never post on Sup Forums
Only lurk
Try again
>Rome was more influenced by their conquered territory than vice versa
Only in greek case, you fuckface
turns out... lil monkey fella
Remember when polturds actually stayed on their containment board?
that thumbnail looks like a woman in a seductive pose
Anyone got the webm on Lauren Southern getting pissed on?
>All you need to do to trigger Trumps is to throw firecrackers at them
so this is the "peaceful right"
answer the question
Oh please, Judeo-Christianity was even the state religion of Rome for a period.
Every empire in history has been multi-cultural. Its the nature of empire.
However the life of some provincial Gaul was nowhere near as valuable as that of a Roman. Conquered people were meant to become Romanized and they didn't have affirmative action bullshit.
However massive unchecked immigration by those who wanted all the benefits of Roman civilization but weren't keen on assimilating is what brought down it down.
Really makes you think.
>posting alt-right white supremacist symbols
Nice pathetic false flagging attempts poltards but I guess old habits die hard.
You are the ones acting like niggers though
we normies are taking pepe back
>Roman hats
>culture and religion are same thing
>romans have stoled christianity from jews despite jews rejected it themselves
Actually most barbarians were Romanized. Nearly all of them were already Christianized for example.
That's a corinthian helmet you dumbass, how in the fuck could you confuse that with a roman legionary helmet?
Also rome was multicultural in the sense that they didn't give a fuck what culture you had so long as you paid their extortionate taxes or else they'd murder/enslave your entire culture. Is that really an example you want to use?
>Nazis will defend this
literally shilling a millionaire for free, at least those antifa mongoloids get paid by soros
Culture and religion are totally the same thing. Are you fucking retarded? How are they not?
>People will make fun of black people and mexicans for going WE WUZ KINGS N SHIEET
>at the same time have MOLAN LABE tattoos and signs and flags WE WUZ ROMANS N SHIT
Its two sides of the same coin guys
How many people did you rape and kill?
Not really, nazis and hitler aren't nearly as villified outside of the western world for the simple reason that they didn't attack them. What did Hitler ever do to the Indians? Meanwhile in western countries you can't avoid people who are personally connected to what they did in one way or another.
You cannot deny that white nations = higher quality of life.
I wonder what will happen when white people finally become minorities.
How christian nations had their own unique cultures despite sharing the same religion then?
Has there ever been a single non-autistic person at a political rally/demonstration of any kind?
Due to imperialism and globalism.
>Rome allowed Arabs and other cultures to keep their heritage as long as they paid Rome's extortionate taxes or they got genocided out of existence
What a model of progressiveness!
Rather be a brazilian than you tbqhwyf
They were the more successful race because of this. Why didn't other races try this out?
>right wingers are triggered by people trying to physically assault them for expressing their political opinions
>left wingers are triggered by people saying that there's only two genders
Wow they really are the same aren't they #I'mstillwithher
Mao or Pol Pot are still considered genocidal dictators in the Western world, though.
I think it comes from the lack of education. They see Hitler as a cool villain, and they want to be edgy.
You already posted this one, god you people suck.
Any WWII movie
>why don't anyone let me be a nazi???
>paying taxes in Rome
It was an astounding reason why Rome fell in the first place.