They summon the Zords

>they summon the Zords
>entire theater cheered as hard and loud as when Legendary Godzilla used his atomic breath

God damn, there is no better feeling than that. Movie was really good, too.

what little audience there was anyway, more like Power Floppers

>entire theater cheered as hard
What like 5 people? No one is watching this anymore it dropped hardcore after week 1.

Man Rita was hot a FUCK. I'd hit that green ass all day.

>entire theater cheered as hard and loud

Fucking burgers.

Packed theater.

Sorry that we have emotions and like to show how much we enjoy an appreciate things, Spock. Do they armed guards who stand around the edges of the theater and put a bullet in the head of anyone who makes a peep over in your country?

People actually thought this was good? Wtf is wrong with you?

You are a liar there is no packed theater in week fucking 3

I was pleasantly surprised how enjoyable it was.
Sure, it's silly and downright dumb at times, but it's fucking Power Rangers. Of course it's going to be silly and dumb.
I did appreciate that it made it a character-driven film. That it took the time to develop the five leads as flawed people so you'd want to see them succeed by virtue of their character than just relying on rooting for their Ranger colors.
Yeah, Trinni and especially Zach were underdeveloped, but there's only so much screentime to go around.
I also liked seeing them fight with their normal Zords before combining into the Megazord.
And the Megazord was pretty ugly.

>implying I just now saw it

This was surprisingly good, I regret not seeing it in the cinemas. I was put off by the RT rating, what the fuck, why was it so low.

>ill make a thread about something i saw 3 weeks ago

They wouldn't let me in to the showing. Apparently my power ranger costume was 'inappropriate attire'. Bunch of pussies.


Left as soon as they said Zordon was a former red ranger.

People make threads about things they watched 30+ years ago.

So... like 5 minutes in?

Seems a waste after probably spending 30+ with the previews. Did you at least demand a refund? Seems like a waste of money and time just to get butthurt five minutes in.

You must be 18 to post here, son.

>stops the song after 10 seconds

fucking stupid

>I'm a bitter angry asshole, stop having fun you fucking cockmonkeys

>entire theater cheered as hard and loud as when Legendary Godzilla used his atomic breath
>OP was the only one in the room

Most people who saw the movie would probably be on their 20's or very early 30's, aside from small children, you coon.

Really enjoyed it. The only thing that bothered me was the kids screaming when the Megazord was forming. Thought that was kind of unnecessary.

They were kind of being forced into a burning pit and rather scared.

