opinion discarded
Please watch our group
anything but AlbanianMercenary-tzerland advancing
>being this unironically delusional after struggling that much
Honestly can't wait to see Brazil or Germany stomp your shit.
>Can't come up with a counterpoint
>hurr durr that flag
keep dreaming kid
>being this unironically retarded
Hontestly can't wait to see your face when we win the whole thing.
>losing to Bolivia
>tying to Venezuela and Peru
>thinking they'll win the WC
At this point it's either shitposting or you're actually dumb. Whatever it is, it's gonna be a joy watching you choke and get humbled.
>players who all came through Swiss youth systems are mercenaries
>losing to Bolivia
at 3.5k mamsl, that's normal, you dumbfuck.
>tying to Venezuela and Peru
this is exactly what I meant with you not watching the matches, we dominated them, we were just unlucky.
>At this point it's either shitposting or you're actually dumb.
you're just talking out of your ass because you took a look at the standings and thought we we're playing poorly, and now you've just looked at the results to argue with me.
you're a mongoloid m8.
South American qualifiers are nothing like the European ones, and what you saw there doesn't always translate to the WC. Brazil sucked in th 2002 ones. They qualified in the last game as Argentina did this time, and they won the cup. Argies were favourites and returned after the group stage.
>I-I-It's Higuain's fault
It's always the same excuses with you choke artists. Make sure to send me a jar of your tears when you get pummeled in the WC, gonna need something to moisturize my skin with.