It stops being funny and ironic when it becomes a series.
It stops being funny and ironic when it becomes a series
It stops being funny when you realise that they are sincere but try to hide their sincerity through a distant sarcastic layer. Like those 2 cool 4 school kids in the 90s.
It'll always be hilarious because it pisses off you fucking neckbearded numales
was this the most META episode? at times it felt like it was making fun of themselves making fun of nerds. Do they think they were aware of this irony?
>That rich rant on how he was bullied
It was like Moviebob was in the room
How deep does this rabbit hole go?!
Do shows like this really exist?
You don't want to find out...
Look up ColliderVideos, it's a pretty blatant parody of that channel
>they also make you sign a DNR
toppest kek
You're delusional if you think anyone's paying attention anymore. I hope all you Star Wars haters enjoy being bombarded with nonstop Star Wars videos from guys who hate Star Wars. Am I the only one who sees the irony in this?
Just watched a few minutes of an episode and was shocked at how awful it was.
Good lord, I respect these RLM videos so much more now.
Seriously stop posting these god damned shills. Thanks.
Go home Campea, you child molester
Fucking hell, could they possibly overact any more.
Did you notice we didn't have an RLM thread through the bulk of the last 36 hours while they were writing, shooting & editing this? Kind of makes you think.
Yeah, it makes me think that when they make a new video we make a thread to talk about their video.
Its part of Nerd Culture dude...what are you stupid?
>tfw some genuinely talented things like critical role are being lumped up into nerd culture
Please go shill your shitty channel on reddit
Yes. You're the only person who sees irony in this.
Honest question, do you really think RLM posts these threads on Sup Forums before they even update their site or social media when these videos come out?
nope. get this shit off here.
no Disney does that for them now that it's been confirmed RLM are being paid to shill for them.
You sad sad sad sacks of fecal matter. Wasting away your overweight lives as your cheese filled hearts irregularly count their way to their imminent failure. The molded depressions left by your fat asses will likely remain for centuries only to be discovered and studied by a future culture. But hey, at least you got to donate to the patreon.
None of the guys like Sup Forums, so probably not.
>no one cares anymore
>constant threads on Sup Forums complaining about it
These autistic nerds play around too much.
It's not even funny.
You stop being funny when you post in Sup Forums
Reaction videos are cancer. The only thing Collider is good for is the schmoedown.
Y'all niggas gettin too salt over this shit lmao it's just a video on the internet why you so upset?
Wish I could get youtube to pay me to make fun of people when I run out of ideas for content.
>there are people on Sup Forums who actually watch collider
How does it feel being a complete retard?
keep telling that to yourself you autistic shut in.
Mike literally named the Jew in this episode.
I don't mind 12 more minutes of RLM. I thought it was funny. The most unfunny video they've done is the Darth Vader Facts
This. Fuck these losers.
Mike, you click on the little number to reply to a post otherwise nobody knows what you're responding to.
Did this offend you?
Nerd Coffin was gold
They're making fun of people who deserve it though, so it's fine.
>best daily movie news show on youtube
>best movie trivia show on youtube
>John Schnepp
They can be cringy as fuck sometimes but I'd watch collider any day over screen junkies or fuck awful shit like the popcorn talk network.
Fuck, that redhead though...
>we snl catchphrase tier now
No but look how excited the idea of that makes you.
They're not really your friends, dude.
But why are you following news for childrens movies at all?
>They're not really your friends, dude.
I know, I'm just laughing at the idea that the people they're making fun of actually exist and are posting on this board.
ironic pandering is still pandering
>why do you follow news that often covers the largest releases in a multi billion dollar entertainment industry
No fucking clue user.
Haha yeah dude ecks dee
lol at harrison ford funeral
Best part is at 1:55
Fuck those repulsive funko shits
This isn't genuine right? I mean who acts like this when watching a trailer for a movie?
does anyone else find jokes being run into the ground comfy? i sure do.
There's no upvote feature here, cupcake. Everyone here appreciates you trying this hard though
The largest releases are generally bad movies designed to pander to children and the lowest common denominator though, so yeah, why?
>picture of snyder in the DC nerd coffin
Only funny bit in the entire video.
BTFO DC makes me laugh every time
i hate fucking star wars and this whole fucking shit
No, it isn't.
>have the exact some content as someone else
>but we don't really mean it
>star wars/capeshit fan accusing anyone else of being reddit
Good job avoiding addressing anything I said though
the only thing i don't get about RLM is how they loved TFA.
now i didn't mind TFA, but for me it was like watching a fast and furious movie. i think they feel the same about it now.
Youtube reaction videos are the reality TV shows of this generation.
I bet this video just tickled you by slamming all those dumb fake nerds. RLM really "gets" you, don't they?
These RLM videos make so much sense in context now. Jesus christ, how do these retards get so many views with just a reaction video?
How is the same?
what the hell has DC got to do with anything?
reminder that rey changed her haircut on the fucking toy a year before the movie came out and there a ton of 200+ post topics about it on Sup Forums
RLM is making fun of Sup Forums autists
Nice strawman, you're such a cool guy. It's openly mocking star wars so I don't see why it triggers you so much.
What the hell is the point of this?
>look at us being cynical and pretending to hate everything!
okay.. what's the point of watching this? we get it.. i'd rather see their actual thoughts.
>RLM is making fun of Sup Forums autists
cue 30 minute video debunking ring theory
But they're not pretending to hate everything, just nerd culture, which is cancer for manchildren.
Yeah, we got it the first eight times
Reminder that Sup Forums hate these parodies because of how spot on they really are.
it will stop being funny when people stop getting buttblasted by it.
Judging by your original post, you didn't.
Still a tryhard
>the prequels are actually terrible
>Adam Sandler movies are actually terrible
>Collider videos are actually terrible
wow, these guys are geniuses
But these are all things Sup Forums is still too retarded
to realise.
>ywn cuddle with Jay
And too butthurt to admit.
>are you interested in the new star wars movie?
Yikes. No wonder Jessi left.
snyder eternally btfo
This. He always looks so cute in these videos for some reason.
the internet was a mistake
I mean, if you're genuinely as excited as some of the people on youtube are for a space fantasy movie aimed at kids, and you unironically collect toys and other merchandise from said movie, yeah you're probably retarded.
>liked Jurassic World
>liked TFA
>like most of the MCU
However many layers of irony they are operating under, they're still part of the problem.
It is, however, ok to ironically collect toys like RLM.
Yes yes user. Everyone that watches a movie you don't like is dumber than you.
>Everyone that watches a movie you don't like is dumber than you.
Literally not what I said. Read my post again.
RLM don't sell toys though
Woah triggered
Was that really the best response you could come up with? You're making a pretty good case for the argument that you're dumber than most, user.
>Dude I get into arguments with every single person on here
My first three months was fun too