/box/ - Groves vs Eubank Jr

The Battle for Middle Earth

Previous >Friday February 16 - ESPN US
Raymundo Beltran vs Paulus Moses

>Saturday February 17 - WBSS ITV Box Office UK Fox Sports Australia You Tube US
George Groves vs Chris Eubank Jr
Ryan Walsh vs Isaac Lowe
Tommy Langford vs Jack Arnfield

>Saturday February 17 - Showtime US
Danny Garcia vs Brandon Rios
David Benavidez vs Ronald Gavril

>Saturday February 17 - FOX US
Devon Alexander vs Victor Ortiz
Caleb Plant vs Rogelio Medina

>Saturday February 24 -WBSS ITV UK
Callum Smith vs Juergen Braehmer

>Saturday February 24 - BT Sport UK
Anthony Yarde vs Tony Averlant

>Saturday February 24 - HBO US
Sor Rungvisai vs Juan Francisco Estrada
Donnie Nietes vs Juan Carlos Reveco
Carlos Cuadras vs McWilliams Arroy

>Thursday March 1 - NTV Japan
Luis Nery vs Shinsuke Yamanaka
Ryosuke Iwasa vs Ernesto Saulong

>Saturday March 3 - Sky Sports UK
Kell Brook vs Siarhei Rabchanka
Gamal Yafai vs Gavin McDonnell
Lenroy Thomas vs David Allen

>Saturday March 3 - Channel 5 UK
Josh Taylor vs Humberto Soto

>Saturday March 3 - Showtime US Sky Sports UK
Deontay Wilder vs Luis Ortiz
Andre Dirrell vs Jose Uzcategui
Jermall Charlo vs Hugo Centeno Jr

>Saturday March 3 - HBO US
Sergey Kovalev vs Igor Mikhalkin
Dmitry Bivol vs Sullivan Barrera

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As I am going on my journey oh I might be lost ~

Acestream when?

>I want to step out of my father's shadow
>brings him to every fight and press conference

Well wtf is it then?

who here /BOMBSQUAD/

links nigga?

He hasn't sat on the table with Eubank at either of his last press conferences lad

>2 hours till main event
>1 fight left







1.1 hours left till ringwalks




k i n o

top kek

groves looks beat
but i think thats just his personality

>no mikey garcia

>bottom right

unironically KYS

>hes right it does come down to levels

I was hyped thinking that walsh dude is groves until I realized it starts at 10pm uk time

>tfw remember the days when /box/ threads were dead except for few brits and the British guy in Spain

We've come a long way desu

cyka bljat streams

must be new here

because hes mentally weak. he needs a sports psychiatrist

Naz is an absolute unit

How many times do we have to tell you to take off Wilder and Spence you dumb nigger?

how tall are these guys?

by cunt you mean greatest british boxer of all time

low cut nob

upper level manlet

Wait why is that one guy boxing in sneakers

shoulda gone to specsavers la

groves lost his mettle after he injured his opponent... cant blame him, that's a shitty thing to have happen.

Im glad he became champion but i dont see him making it past the 8th, Eubank doesnt have great power but he can force a TKO just through sheer willingness to throw.

Is the lowe the guy that's mates with fury?



Fuck me kek i apologise deeply too many shots to the head



>Start fight night thread
>30 minutes pass
>Ask if anyone is watching
>2 people respond
>Fights End
>Thread dies
Never even considered the idea that /box/ would be a regular thing

yeh bessie mates with tys

which is the highest quality english one?


Post your

>My feet hurts
>I wish I was on my home eating cake
>Maybe they have some cake here
>I think Im going to get me some cake

>we wuz slaves n shit


prob the one on vipbox.tv tho it's still pretty potato

>almost 6ft

According to the Dictionary of Manlet Sciences (user, 2018), anything above 5'11 is no longer manlet tier. The premium height span for maximum wetness of the pussy is 5'11 to 6'3. Anything below is manlet tier and anything above is lanklet tier.

cut off is 6'1

reach? i dont know

>Tyson's body double chuckling in the mirror's reflection

>brings him
pretty sure that lisping faggot just shows up

How does this change the fact that you're a fucking pleb with shit taste?


Bit less like an egg there

who would you put in their place?

kek i posted that one

>pleb with shit taste

is robbie from arsenalfantv commentating on this?

Would a 5'8 skinny manlet get beaten by a 6'0 THICC amazon goddess in a boxing match?

Spence is reddit and Wilder's biggest "test" is against a 50 year old

Anyone else.

No the Big Mac

5'11 boi.
Don't question my education i have a PhD in Manlet Sciences (not a manlet myself)

>no loma


she's a big girl

Amazing did you make that?


The manlet cutoff is 5'9 and below

t. 6'3 master race

Does pussy scale with height? If so I'd be fucked. I'll stick to my 4ft girls.

This is true, but 5'11 is the purgatory. Not quite based but not manlet. King of the manlets is the title I like to use.

a fucking potato acestream? wtf?

Will the YouTube stream be available for the main event?

evian is so overpriced






>tfw just under 6'4 and 14 stone

Would unironically take the head off of any of you midgets

>Woman beating a man
A skinny 5'6 would wreck a fat giraffe bitch

What channel is this on in the us of a?

Have you heard about the big strong man?
He lives in a caravan
Did you see the Vlad Kitschko fight?
My god was that a shit fight
You can take all the heavyweights ya got
We got a lad that can beat the whole lot
He used to steal the copper under Clitheroe
Now he's gonna fight a big negro

For he's my brother
Our Tys
What's he got?
What's he got?
Got a row 40 hedgehogs in his gut
Killed 40 pakis in the west
He feels no pain
Bigger the man harder the punch don't push just shove plentya room for you and me
He's got an arse
Like a keg a lager keg
and a nose that could snort a swiss alp
Takes all the army and the navy to put the wind up
Our Tys

Adriane Lemos

why is /box/ usually shit

canelo will be fine, he only needs his horse

Walsh is such a basic, scrappy, orthodox, pillow fisted britbum

It's not, YT only

my boy

two british men arent always fighting so the lads never come here in their full force. but not today.


Is it live? PPV?

Spics already have their excuse secured in case he loses.


the prince ate the king... not seen him for a while. Still my favorite boxer of all time, the dude that turned me from casual to serious fan

the fucking madman making sure there's no rematch this time

I thought super 6 was on a us channel but it was on a cable package that fuck all people have


NEED a fat Gf desu

PPV in UK and Turkmany, free in the USA on YT because they have no TV deal. That was the weakness of WBSS, the TV deals