anarcho communism thread
retarded nazis and fascists not allowed
anarcho communism thread
retarded nazis and fascists not allowed
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>You will immediately cease and not continue to access the site if you are under the age of 18.
>no coercive state
>everyone will just share without coercion :)))
Kek. What are you, thirteen?
Hahah I love Ed
how does your brain combine the two? You think people will live in a communist society without a strong centrel government to force them to ?
>everyone just magically works together to form communism
Top kek
>neighbor nation decides to invade...
>no military to defend anything
I cant even into how retarded this "ideology" is
You have to be 18 to post here
>anarcho communism thread
I don't think so
It's an ideology that rests entirely on spooks. People at this point should know better than to take it seriously.
>Anarcho Communism
>Anarcho-Commie thread
Any anarchist come to me I knock their head off
Don't know SHIT if you anarchy
>Any anarchist come to me I knock their head off
That would be a violation of the NAP
Shut your mouth you fucked up teetth looking retard
I can tell you are Quebecois by your shitty English.
dirty Quebecois detected
You have to be at least 18 to post here m8
>calling anyone else retarded
Socialist here
You fucks are retarded and give leftism as a whole a bad name.
I don't get ancom. I like anarcho primitivism. Go back to tribes and shit.
How the fuck is this even supposed to work? There has to be a ruling class in communism. How are you going to spread the wealth and work without someone designating it?
Your ideology is like the autistic brother of anarcho-capitalism
>Socialist here
>1 post by this ID
>1 post by this ID
>1 post by this ID
>1 post by this ID
>1 post by this ID
>1 post by this ID
>1 post by this ID
Anarchism and Capitalism are compatible however, with somewhat questionable results.
Ancap is the autistic ideology.
Ancom is the downright retarded one
Looks like OP's abandoned the thread
Really shows you the solidity of his ideology
Voluntarism ho.
Did someone say Fascists?