Just scroll through this shit:
The Black Ghostbusters Bitch is losing her fucking mind ahahaha
Dis getting gud
Fucken kek
>impersonating other people
>spewing Sup Forums memes like an assburger faggot
Looks like some poltard kiddie wanted to vent his rage after the movie was a success, and he used infantile memes to channel his hate as per usual. sad & pathetic
inb4 Leslie Jones starts tweeting about the holocaust being a lie and the jews doing 9/11
holy fucking shit I didn't think I could laugh this much at a tweet
>someone hacked-
every single time
Shes lost it guys
You guys are all having fun but Huffington Post, Buzzfeed, Guardian, Daily KOS, are all writing 10 articles a minute about this.
If you keep this up Obama will literally come out and address it and tie it to the whole "Blacks have it rough" argument.
>someone posted a futa purple smart
God damn, this is gud
>Shit liek dis
Someone Tweet this at her --
oh this is so funny.
isn't it ridiculous that a situation this stupid warrants so many news articles? dumbass celebrity responses to dumbass comments made by dumbasses. all around stupid and not newsworthy.
Wouldn't that be AWESOME?!
Honestly this won't end well. Whoever is doing this should stop.
What is the purpose of harassing her like this? What would your mom or grandma think if they knew you wrote these kinds of things?
You people doing this are actual degenerates. Instead of doing something productive like read a fucking book or learn another language, you post shitty gorilla memes on twitter. Get a life.
>the movie was a success
but it wasn't
This is fucking pathetic. I love you guys and agree with you on most issues but this is plain unnecessary. I don't like her humor either btw
this thing is a living meme and honestly probably partially retarded
fuck, this is what we evolved millions of years, through high civilization and science... this is our cultural idol?
holy fucking shit
a truly talentless moron
Dear god, i'm crying, I'd personally buy the user that did this a beer once a week for a year.
fuck off lulzkilling plebbitard moralfag
It's not like we're doing it all day, it's just a pass time. Besides, it's usually like 5-6 people doing it while everyone else (me included) are just watching it while either doing something else or monitoring other threads.
holy shit, there's some dweeby jew typing that shit up right now
cry more bitch nigga
How does Twitter work? Did someone find her password or something?
She actually thinks she's been hacked? Like that her own account actually said that? What the fuck
It would've been over 11 hours ago if she simply didn't feed the trolls. After a certain point she became partly responsible. Also kys you immense faggot.
im collecting.
This is the best thread ever.
yeah because the leftist faggots have been desperately waiting for a narrative attempt to find a way to censor Twitter and their own comment sections
they're literally gasping for it at this point, and it doesn't help that people do shit like ganging up on people and turning it more from free speech to harassment... in my opinion
I love it when blacks think that what they are doing is what anyone else would do.
Praise Kek!
look at the comments under it. someone tweeted a pepe with a gun and a "i'm coming for you next" hahaha don't get arrested people.
This is why this won't end well. God help us.
That's a good amount of money, it's like 1/3rd of the cost for the entire movie
make more photoshopped tweets
It seems like you got lost in your way to cuck central... Let me help you
It's actually insane how Jews literally control all the official media but actually don't participate in almost anything that happens in actual lived society
been following this the entire time. now i can say this is actually getting good
Not including the ridiculous amount of money spent on advertising.
It'll be on Netflix in a month.
Gersh Kuntzsman is typing furiously right now.
>whats the purpose of harassing her like this?
It's funny to watch her get upset and mishandle the situation.
>Twitter gets even more hate speech rules
A damn shame
Hey Milo, stop stealing my OC you faggot
It's hilarious how you think this event is what will get them into action. Even if it was 1 or 3 tweets they'd still write this shit. Even if there were no tweets they'd still imply that people were racist and sexist to her because of they don't like her movie. Stupid motherfucker.
This truly is hysterical.
everyone should mass spam DELETE YOUR ACCOUNT
this is just getting sad.
>a hacked twitter account
Oh wow it's nothing
>the movie was a success
>but it wasn't
That's a good amount of money, it's like 1/3rd of the cost for the entire movie
So much that
Ghostbusters needs to make 300 mil $ worldwide just to break even
What your picture doesn't say is the HUUUGE amount of money put into marketing so while the production budget is ~ 144 mil $ , to break even
Agreed. It seems to be a moderate success. Even if I hate progressive values.
what is it saying?
It's late at night and her PR person isn't available so there's no filter on her now. Screenshot shit now because by morning her assistant and PR manager will have deleted it all.
ignore the last part
Id honor that if you had proof user, but youd also have to consider i could only do it within north america due to alcohol shipping laws.
Did you even look at the budget?
and that doesn't include advertising, which is usually over 50 million for blockbusters
didnt she get mad at sjw's criticizing her for not being the scientist or something? toplel
Most movies need to make well over double the budget for the film to break even. Cartel economics don't work in the real world.
>after the movie was a success
$150M production budget
$100M advertising campaign
$46M it's opening weekend, hundreds of venues reporting empty or near-empty theaters
I've managed a theater for twelve years. Opening weekend, as a rule-of-thumb, usually constitutes about a quarter to a third of a movie's overall box office take. That's not always the case, as some movies demonstrated staying power (Frozen comes to mind, we had that shit on screen for six goddamn months), but this is the generally norm.
As Ghostbusters is generally receiving lukewarm reactions from audiences, my guess is that it will fall off pretty quickly. I figure $100M over the next month, maybe double that in the foreign take.
That puts it $50M in the green, not a bomb but not remotely what would be considered a "success" in Hollywood. Big budget movies, especially ones built on an existing franchise, are expected to pull at least double their investment to be considered successful.
You do realize that means that Sony lost 2/3 of the money they put into that train wreck, right?
>implying the DNC isn't behind this
how is it not obvious to you that all those sites you mentioned are behind this just so they will have something to write about?
its not like they can keep wasting their time writing positive reviews of Ghostbusters (2016) you know
I'll admit I didn't. I guess I'm wrong sorry.
>I figure $100M over the next month, maybe double that in the foreign take.
Can't play in China. They're fucked.
Why you guys gotta fuck with her? She was literally the only redeeming thing in the new ghostbusters.
>“OK, I have been called Apes, sent pics of their asses, even got a pic with semen on my face. I’m tryin to figure out what human means. I’m out,” she wrote
>"...even got a pic with semen on my face."
Kek classic Sup Forums
>She was literally the only redeeming thing in the new ghostbusters.
How do you live with spreading cancer? But good info, thanks. Movies and TV makes me sick.
Wait really? That's fucking hilarious. How'd they get themselves fucked out of China?
>Internet Hate Machine /po/ Strikes Once Again
Can't wait.
Sony was quoted at 500 Mill to break even. 144 was just their production costs, and doesn't count promotions and advertising, as well as the money they've sunk into merchandising
>hurr durr I watch RLM
Because she's chimping out right now.
I just saw it tho, and it was funny for what it was, a remake. No supermemorable moments that were not homages to the original but there was well written amusing banter delivered well.
No big personalities, like the original showcased, but a good team effort and pverall entertaining movie. Much like girl's basketball
China won't let you play a movie if it includes spirits, rebirth, time travel or a whole bunch of other shit.
He's right though. McCarthy did the usual lol so fat so funny shtick, wiig looked bored out of her mind, wacky lesbian was wacky lesbian, and jones was actually decent. Not nearly as awful as the trailers make her out to be
The premise of having ghosts in the movie caused it to be banned. The Chinese government is against superstitions.
Ghosts are too spooky for China.
Merch which is already on liquidation, I hear.
fuck off. if enough butthurt occurs there will be cries to limit twitter, which will kill twitter, which will be the best thing to happen to western civilization in our lifetime.
fuck all you racist and misgoynist nazis
not all Sup Forumssters
What's funny, is if they had used a male cast, it likely would have brought 2-4x what it did.
They don't realize that Ghostbusters is a bro movie, and the people who would list it among their favorite movies are overwhelmingly men.
Women will go just because their man expresses interest.
The reverse isn't nearly as true.
Now playing.
>You just played urself Leslie.
>Movies make 100% of ticket sales
Even ignoring the fact that the director himself said the movie needed 500 million just to break even, by your logic the movie only made 1/6th of it's budget, not a third.
do you think when they're only able to use 1000 words they'll learn the err of their ways?
or do you think anti-hate speech laws will go into effect first?
i suspect the latter.
>feminist/blm shillfest of a movie flops opening weekend
>monday night sheboon star draws a ton of attention to herself by fighting with openly racist trump supporters
meh. i don't care. moving to woods. you guys keep getting played like fiddles.