Why did liberals ruin the Witcher?

Why did liberals ruin the Witcher?

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>Using "liberals" unironically

Pure cringe, mate. Pure cringe.

>Being a fagport, unironoically

Pure cringe mate, pure cringe

Oh heavens! You certainly got me on that one! How will I ever recover from that lambasting!?!?

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I'm sure your nigger boyfriend will help you get through it

its a shame breathing requires no thought process, because you'd already be dead.

Haven't seen it at all, is it bad?

And on the 6th day, he posted it again, and it was bad. Still bad. But his penis was still only one inch long, it hadn't grown at all, so he knew, he would have to post the thread again later that day. Maybe his baby penis would grow then.
>different this time maybe different

have u read the books? the witcher is literally some simp ass bitch in them

Oh God! Again, my character is truly slain by such a witty and original slander!

Truly, sirrah, your intellectual firepower rivals even the highest geniuses and your wit is masterfully... nay! superhumanly!... displayed!

I concede, m'lord!! Oh, how I heartily concede!!

because Netflix is a company that's a disgusting cesspool infested with liberal faggots, niggers, feminists and SJW's.

The series was ok, good even for a videogame series
The only thing in the cast that really pissed me off where the peasant niggers, those break immersion, and the triss cast because she isnt sexy at all and triss being a sexy readhead is story relevant
Black mages and courtniggers are fine tho, fringilla is a good cast

>And on the 6th day, he posted it again
>Those questions
>I don't like questions
>Questions scare me
>Get me to a safe space
>I am frightened

And where in the book is there fried chicken and Michael Jordan?

Dem faking libtsurds ksksksososoksmyms svwšjshsjshwoajs

In all honesty it wasn't as bad as I expected, but it wasn't excellent in any way, hell no, like 6,5/10 at best
Slaves soul is gone
Niggers and niggers dryads don't make any sense some episodes are boring to tears, but not as bad as I expected

Because most people who watch bullshit eat it up anyway. Even my dumb ass friend who hasnt even played or read the witcher.
>it's pretty good bro
I literally have 0 interest in the witcher, or else I would have played the fucking games at the very least. And that would lead to be hating the changes in the fucking Netflix show.

But it does make sense because black people were living in Europe at that time. They also had fried chicken and Tom Brady.

Why is everything about dicks with you people?

Im fine with niggers being in it,they dont break that much immersion because in medieval times, there was contact with the middle east and africa as well, even in times of the roman empire. But since the source material doesnt state there are black people, you can wonder why the need of casting them? Why not asians as well? Why always black people but not asians for example?

I meant Slavic soul, fuck autocorrect

They did it because they want to pander to some specific audiences by being "inclusive". Retards here think it's because of some "SJW" propaganda purposes or whatever, but it's just marketing ploy. Just like when a movie is meant to be big in China it suddenly gets some Asians in there and a few scenes in China.

Thomas doesn't like paying taxes.
He doesn't like it when the government takes control of things either.
He believes in freedom for all, but not equity, because that would require socialism.
He wants to be able to build his own company or house without the government interfering.
Thomas also believes in progress.

What would you call Thomas if not a liberal?

Americans have mental dissonance with liberals
American liberal is social democratic
American libertarian is liberal
>because social is the evil forbidden s word

I hate the fact they casted cavill as geralt. he doesnt look like him at all. shouldve casted a pole!

How did they? I never played the games or read the books. Seemed okay and not very PC to me.

And yet niggers don't even like the fucking Witcher. That is not why they did this. Also funny how they don't do the same to the black panther and add in Asians. Now why is that?

>How did they?
>I need to know
> I like acting like a fucking moron
>As I eat fried chicken

>how do we get the nigger audience to watch the fucking Witcher?


They're not going to watch unless you add in fried chicken and Michael Jordan

I'm gonna go ahead and assume that the books had no black guys and now there are a few black guys and that's no good.

Right, so fried chicken and Tom Brady will be in season 2, because for whatever reason we need black people to watch the show

Isn't Tom Brady white?

Same thread every day. Young multiracial audiences are the most profitable demographic. Nobody making content cares about pandering to you. Season 2 is already approved. Your "ruined" show is quite popular.

And what difference does it make, you fucking racist?

>Young multiracial audiences are the most profitable demographic.
Any evidence of that you stupid fuck? Because last I checked those are the people who commit crimes and steal shit. All while you suck their dicks.


Yeah, loads of it. Theres a reason colorblind casting is a pop trend now. Its not a political agenda, its money.

I'm a liberal and I hate what they did to the show. I knew it was going suck royally when they casted dip shit Henry Cavill as Geralt. And some ugly man faced bitch as Yen. And isn't Ciri black? Jesus Christ, why did any b/tard give this even 1 chance. You should know better than to trust the Jews who run Netflix. Fags.

Asians wouldn't watch a nogger movie anyways
Also the diversity shit is not to pander to niggers, they want nigger movies, its for normies and even more for professional movie critics

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there are always faggots who complain no matter what

I'm white and mexican. I've been told I'm not good enough to be either so for me and most mutts we dont give a shit about representation. For me I can see b.s of "muh representation" and its fucking gay but I can also see the "muh heritage" retards complaining about shit they are too old (war on christmas)

Ciri isnt black. Yennefer's actress is half Indian apparently, resulting in about shade darker skin tone than as white as it comes. Fringilla and here dad appear to be foreigners, maybe Zerikaninan. Occasionally there's brown skin elves, usually extras or passing side characters. None of it is terribly important.

I would never tell you that. You are mixed with two geographically connected races. Thats like a german guy banging a French girl at this point. It obviously happens all the time, like it would in the witcher where magic portals exist, and catastrophic imperialistic wars, and piracy, and probably slave trading, and all other chaos that mixes up a gene pool.

True, we should have a war on faggots like you

socialism: the government needs to interfere in the economy so that everyone can be equal in ever single second of the day
liberalism: the government should absolutely not interfere in economy, because we can only be free like that. People are free to do as they like to a certain limit. They can abort, have homosexual marriage, free borders etc.
Social democracy is socialism but with less government interference. The ultimate socialist would be the communist, because there the world has been turned into a depressing totalitarian dictatorship with anyone lacking an actual identity.
Most liberals have little to no problem working together with democratic socialists.
What you are actually talking about without realising it is that many liberals are bluepilled into believing equality is garbage and only equity is justice.
Libertarian can be both lerftist and rightist.

Also, I guess leftists call themselves liberals because technically they want 'freedom' or 'equality' while socialism makes Americans scared because of the Soviet Union and shit?

>socialism: the government needs to interfere in the economy so that everyone can be equal in ever single second of the day
>liberalism: the government should absolutely not interfere in economy, because we can only be free like that. People are free to do as they like to a certain limit. They can abort, have homosexual marriage, free borders etc.
>Social democracy is socialism but with less government interference.
Tell that to burgers not me
>communist, because there the world has been turned into a depressing totalitarian dictatorship
>what is anarchocommunism
>Also, I guess leftists call themselves liberals because technically they want 'freedom' or 'equality' while socialism makes Americans scared because of the Soviet Union and shit?
Yes, burgers never really got over Reagan propaganda

Niggers are only in it because the series would face a huge backlash if they didnt include any. Moviecritics and other leftwing media will explode how the series only has white people. But left wingers dont and will never give a shit about asians, only the blacks and muslims. Also asians wont complain about it, only people with identity crisis do.

Oh great, another dumbass foreigner who thinks anyone cares about his opinion

So upsetti

Why can't you just go back onto reddit? You don't belong here. You stick out like a sore thumb. Pic related

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Don't spoil it for me guise I'm only on the second episode..

Careful, you might make that dumb faggot cry again

I could care less about the race of the characters. I was more disappointed by the cheesy CW feel. It was like they got network tv to make a movie and told them to add some tits and blood to it. 4/10

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>I could care less about the race of the characters
So if they all started playing basketball and eating fried chicken, you'd be okay with that?

Aside from shoving in multiculturalism for the sake of multiculturalism. The entire writing staff are all American, it's filmed in Hungary which doesn't resemble Poland and similar lands like Russia and Ukraine and their aim is to find a new audience because that's how money works so after watching the first season I'm not waiting for the second one.

The only thing that might be good about this is we'll get a new game and hopefully by a good dev team - it's a long shot but I'll stay hopeful.

> I could care less

Burger talk literally implying the opposite of their intended phrase. I could NOT care less. Idiot

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If that's how "money works" how do you explain the fucking video games? Are you saying it's black people that buy and play it?

>He got him with the 3rd grade repeat punchline meme
Oof, got him good user.

it's pretty enjoyable unless you're a faggit

You're a complete retard.. Re-read what I wrote and this time carefully, maybe try sounding it out.

I said they're aiming for a new audience because that's how money works.

>shouldve casted a pole!
Only Polish men I‘ve seen acting are in those “I offered a girl 500€ to fuck and then she did” pornos

Right, they're aiming for a new audience you fucking dumbass. So in season 2 they will add in fried chicken, burger king and Tom Brady.

Are you saying the current video games are shit? Because Witcher 1, 2 and 3 have all been well received both critically and by consumers.

To summarize this entire thread: some white guy wrote a book series in the 90s with white people, and this Netflix series didn't keep the cast entirely white, and this actually angers some neckbeards because they need any excuse they can find to be outraged, just like all the other snowflakes in today's society.

You really cared about Fringilla that much? The other two are close enough with makeup and lighting. Everyone's is acting like the whole cast is African. If it was id agree with you, but it actually not a major alteration. I don't require actors to genetically be from places their char are from. I dont care if they look exactly like they were described. Close enough is good enough. Its just a fucking tv show.

To summarize Season 2: Fried chicken, basketball and Michael Jordan will be added to the show. Because we need black people to watch for whatever reason, despite the fact they don't even like those kind of shows.

Are you people completely retarded? Where did I say the current games were shit? I said that because the show is now popular it will likely spawn a new game but that new game maybe just as bad as the show because of the show, see what I'm saying?

Jesus man, I've never seen someone white knight a fictional story before.

liberals ruin everything, why would the witcher be any different?

What was the fucking point of replacing her with a nigger? And this has been done repeatedly, where the red head is taken out and replaced by a black person. We're just suppose to believe that is coincidence? So why was Mary Jane replaced by a fuckjing nigger?

Right, so the new game will have Tom Brady and Michael Jordan facing off 1 on 1, with fried chicken as the trophy. And retards like you will say it's good, because you have to be PC.

And fuck, why I am even getting involved in this bullshit, I only come to Sup Forums for porn now I guess it's my fault for thinking there were still decent people here.

I think you might be retarded.

Imagine how small their penis must be, in order for someone to actually get angry that decades-old fictional stories/characters are being portrayed by non-white people, in a way that changes absolutely nothing and doesn't matter.

This sort of reaction is what happens when you have no job, no education, no life, and a penis too small to please a woman. We are seeing NEET neckbeard rage in action in this thread.

My God you are beyond help, I'm saying the opposite you fucking monkey.

who ruined the witcher?

How is he retarded? He's 100% correct.

The monkey here is you, retard. Since you think it makes sense to have fried chicken and basketball in the fucking show, because you HAVE to have blacks watch it. When we all know they'd rather watch fucking football and pictures of fried chicken instead.

Triss isn't black. She literally has the same chin shape as the game chart and modern editing makes her look almost as white as Geralt. You're making mountains out of nothing. You wanted to like the show, and now you're required to hate it to avoid being a hypocrite. That's nobodies fault but your own. Its just a fucking tv show.

>>in a way that changes absolutely nothing and doesn't matter.

So if it means nothing and doesn't matter why does it have to be done in the first place? You can't simultaneously argue for the importance of diversity and then dismiss complaints of diversity "insertions" as character's race as utterly unimportant. If it's so utterly unimportant than why the motivation to tick off the people who consider it important?

Is she a ginger? Okay then, shut the fuck up you fucking idiot. It's fucking ridiculous how you take red heads in other people's stories and replace them with disgusting looking non-whites. Like anybody wants to see that dumb shit. You may as well add fried chicken and Micahel Jordan while you're at it. It's already fucked anyway.

This is what retards like him don't understand. They scream up and down it doesn't matter but they turn around and shoe horn their pets into every movie and show. Being a liberal doesn't allow you to think logically.

I'm not arguing the importance of diversity at all, you're trying to claim I am. I'm saying it literally doesn't matter either way. They could have made the cast all white, or all black, or all Asian, and it wouldn't have changed anything about the show. Its faults and issues weren't reliant on the skin colour of the cast.

Anyone who considers the skin colour of the cast important is a small-dicked fuckwit with too much time on their hands and too much incel rage. Your opinion doesn't matter at all; the fact that you're ranting about the colour of the characters' skin instead of pointing out the actual flaws the show had in its first season proves you have no intellect and no taste.

Netflix catering to someone like you would just be them throwing their money away, so of course they're not going to do it.

It's actually quite popular so yeah, apparently a lot of people are as nit picky as you about every little detail. Apparently nobody really cares about your opinion.

Actually my opinion is the majority opinion. But liberals like you are fucking faggots so Netflix had to hire a team of shills and paid critics to say this retarded fucking show is good.

triss isn't sexy, okay you gayfaggot

No user, you don't get it. I'm a liberal so ALL non-whites are "sexy", even though I would never fuck one myself. Also fried chicken and basketball are my favorite past times.

okay faggot, i have to liberal to consider this sexy

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So you find jews sexy? Do you also jack off to pictures of fried chicken?

Well your overwhelming majority apparently cant afford a Netflix account.

What's soooooooo wrong with Withcer that you're little faggot, snowflake ass is soooooo offended about that you have to post about it on Sup Forums?

small pic doesn't make you any less gay

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Why are you succccchhhhhh a fucking faaaggggoootttttt? Your bitch ass get lost on the way to kikebook?

It was great so shut the fuck up

It was shit so shut the fuck up, nigger lover

snowflake just got triggered by my comment. now i understand why witcher triggered him. snowflakes will always be snowflakes.