Why do people think Trump will win any of the debates? Hillary has decades of experience in law, government, and had a hand in just about every current event.
Trump calls people names and shrugs.
Why do people think Trump will win any of the debates? Hillary has decades of experience in law, government, and had a hand in just about every current event.
Trump calls people names and shrugs.
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Silence. Interesting.
Watching him destroy Jeb! makes me think he will do the same to her. He knows how to argue. Might get him farther than law.
Plus, Clinton's got a lot of really obvious faults he can point out. She can't talk about security, trustworthiness, Saudi Arabia, Trade, Gay rights etc etc. without opening herself up for an attack.
Trump is an outstanding public speaker and showman. He'll mop the floor with her and make her look foolish.
You wouldn't hire a dancer to perform your surgery either
This is why Trump will win faggot
>Clinton has """experience"""
>has proved time and time again how incompetent, corrupt and evil she is
>Only people in politics are capable of making their case to the public at large in a way that influences their decision making.
Is this really your argument?
It's objectively wrong so far. Good job, idiot.
sick analogy
Trump did well in the primary debates until people began attacking his record and requesting specifics regarding Trump's proposals which Trump has still not distributed to the press.
Hillary has a poor record, but she is a good manipulator and a fair debater.
I think she will be able to bs her way through the debate and become the next president.
Pic is what I think the electoral college will be
Have you really never seen the way she handles criticism or a tough question? She hasnt done a press conference in x days for a reason
Hillary is an exposed liar, deleted 30,000 emails and of course supports liberal bullshit.
UNFORTUNATELY, she will win.
>The Feel when you realize she will win and destroy America
Hopefully he hammers her hard every time she starts lying (and she will be lying no doubt) and just plays person vs person instead of too much political rhetoric
Hillary will have her hands tied behind her back by her retarded supporters. She has to appeal to niggers (BLM) and progressive millennials (dude free shit lmao). She's stuck between a rock and a hard place. Either she says dumb shit to appeal to the radical left or she ignores them and loses her base of voters. I have no doubt she would be better than Don at debating normally but when she has to constantly talk up BLM/Muslims/Illegals and promise free garbage it makes it really easy for Trump to attack her.
I dont wanna hear about policy or any of that boring political stuff. I want Trump to spout memes until either she is destroyed or we all enter world war 3.
>decades of experience
>couldn't beat some no name nigger who had no experience
>Thinking Donald "Out of his league" Trump can take on Hillary's immense power level after she's escaped unscathed from every scandal she's had
Kek, this is gonna be hilarious
>Hillary has decades of experience
Yeah, in fucking criminal activities.
Clinton Strategy
Feeding us Jewish Bullshit
Because she's proven herself to be totally corrupt.
Trump can attack her on everything she may say and there's no way for her to brush it off.
Not to mention that her whole career has been a disaster and she really shouldn't even be allowed to hold any office anymore.
Also Trump is going to be working with a different campaign manager than he had for the primaries. This may mean he'll start getting more coherent.
He's smarter than you want to give him credit for and that will cost you.
Who do you think are going to be watching the debates? Only lawyers and career politicians?
To be fair. Both choices are pretty shit for America. At least Hilary Clinton will literally do nothing to change the status quo...which is ironically what the conservative position is supposed to be.
Your 2 choices for president this coming will be between a conservative and a reactionary.
Right, and exactly how many days in a row have we come on Pol and seen a TRUMP IS FINISHED, or a TRUMP BTFO, or a IT'S OVER, TRUMP'S DONE post?
I'll help you, at a rate of once every 6 hours, every day, for the last 10 months.
thats what was said at first too about the other 16 career politicians like jeb, kasich, etc. if trump can destroy them, imagine hillary.
>At least Hilary Clinton will literally do nothing to change the status quo
Retard, she's for open borders and amnesty to 11 million illegal immigrants, 99% of whom would vote D for the rest of their life.
Texas would turn blue, which would end any chance conservatives have to win the white house after that. That is "not" the status quo, it is the death of conservatism in America, and the rise of the liberal marxist fascist dream that's been in place for 50 years.
>He's smarter than you want to give him credit for and that will cost you.
Not to mention he's a businessman. I can see him help/support businesses(both old and new)
The "status quo" of mass undocumented immigration, refugees, and gibsmedat could be a temporary liberal aberration if we voted against it.
trump will thump her
Hillary is a hothead who has never had to deal with personal attacks. Trump will get under her armor eventually. It just takes time and the right words.
>>Hillary has decades of experience in law, government, and had a hand in just about every current event.
Money laundering with saudi arabia & unknown others
Asking google to manipulate its users by working with al-jazzerra to spread FSA islamists propaganda.
And sending weapons to those so called "democratic syrian rebels"
2002, and in 2008 she was against gay marriage.
Your kind of politician huh.
Hellary is a corrupt career politician and professional liar.
Trump is a successful businessman who's created countless thousands of jobs in the private sector.
Hellary speaks at length about partisan bullshit and her pandering is tiring.
Trump has sense and knows how to reach average people, bypassing the media (Democrap propaganda machine) and folks pay attention.
Hillary is shrill and abrasive when she's not being a boor.
Trump is charismatic and genuinely likeable.
I could go on but... you'll see.
Trump took on two top-tier debaters in Rudio and Cruz, who were both viciously gunning for him in the final primary debates, and emerged unscathed
Hillary is doomed
it's going to be a toss up.
business people don't exact;y 'debate' things during meetings, it is more like sharing ideas and building on ideas.
whereas hillary has years of practice, you pretty much never beat someone at something they do all day everyday, no matter how smart you are.
on the other hand hillary is terrible, and perhaps any smart person could beat her.
she probably has a team of about 50 people thinking of every possible personal attack and the most appealing way to SJW to respond to it. as much as 'delete your account' was trash, it resonated with their audience, i bet an entire writing team worked on that.
trump needs to step it up
In response to the image, you wouldn't hire a criminal to babysit your kids. #mentallyhill
A more accurate description would be Hillary being surgeon (with a fake degree), but none of her patients ever survive (because she steals their organs and sells them to wall street).
hillary has decades worth of flip floping on shit. she doesnt even remember what she said last year. is she a moderate or a liberal?!?!?!
Why does this loser still have a job?
He made me laugh only once and that was eight years ago.
>Hillary is a hothead who has never had to deal with personal attacks
I remembered watching a video of someone asking Hillary about the truth about fossil fuels and she literally flipped the fuck out. Seriously no one wants a President who has emotional issues where can just flip out over the minor of shit. She doesn't deserve to run for President especially for her criminal activities. Give up and turn yourself in already Hillary!
Hillary has a fucking terrible temper and she's basically never had any real debate in her campaign. Even Obummer went easy on her. Trump will probably have her screaming, swearing and calling the audience goyim before collapsing from a stroke.
You saps really think she gives a fuck about any of the liberal policies she needs to advocate for in order to win the democratic primary or general election? Are you seriously this fucking gullible?
The second she wins shes going to lower taxes on corporations and pass some kind of token bill in order to pretend like shes going to keep her promises. The only promises shes actually going to keep are the ones she made to her superpac donators.
Leaf, we voted for fucking Trudeau. If Hillary gets it America is done for. Which is fine because if Hillary gets it America deserves to be done for.
Really? He makes me laugh my ass off.
You also wouldn't give a murderous psychopath a gun. *cough*
>collapsing from a stroke.
I would love to see that happen.
>Clinton collapses from stroke
>Medic comes ouver to check
>Nothing, no pulse, breathing, etc.)
>She's dead Jim
Instant win for Donnie T if that happened.
well shit negros,
you dont need actual experience to be president since an actor can be one too.
>Hillary has decades of experience in law, government, and had a hand in just about every current event.
Trudeau is an actual liberal based on some of the promises hes kept. So far everything seems to be doing ok here and I'm not gonna pretend to be an edgy Sup Forums neo-nazi for some stormfront rep.
As far as the U.S goes, I doubt Hilary will do the same.
How can she have a stroke if she has no brain?
Trump won every single debate he was in. He's a great debater.
So you're counting on her to do the opposite of what she says she's going to do?
>Retard, she's for open borders and amnesty to 11 million illegal immigrants, 99% of whom would vote D for the rest of their life.
Says who?
No matter who wins, the illegals will still get in because the conservative right LOVES illegals.
They probably love them because they devalue paychecks for real citizens. Same reason why they send jobs overseas.
Plus why do you believe a businessman president would do otherwise?
Trump will build a fucking wall, you moron.
Why do you think prominent Republican politicians are sitting out the convention? They're pissed that Trump isn't a "true Republican."
>the only people that are qualified to fix a problem are the same people that created the problem
extremely weak logic there
Because Hillary has to lie to make any of her stances even remotely make sense.
no he won't. He absolutely won't build a wall.
And you will ISIS his fucking ass for not building a wall....either that or some stupid trailer park trash hick will do the same the minute Trump fails to fulfill his absurd promises for stupid people.
That would earn my vote.
Trump is a high energy reality tv star. Shillary will be slaughtered.
Yes he will, SHILLary.
>So you're counting on her to do the opposite of what she says she's going to do?
Did I say that? No I fucking didn't.
I mean she isn't going to keep her promises which means she won't do anything. With one notable exception being that I believe she does genuinely want gun control. Though I don't think she will have the power to pass any tangible reforms.
My prediction for this election is that its going to have the lowest voter turnout with Hilary narrowly winning. She will have less power than Obama did and she has a campaign which is promising change.
Honestly, I could see both giving each other fatal heart attacks if they both resort to a screaming match, leaving Jill, Gary or something from out of the shadows to getting the White House.
>2 choices
A career politician who can't function without a teleprompter vs a reality TV star with high energy. You really think Hillary is going to do shit against him in a debate? Sigh...
>literally throwing your vote in the trash
>2 posts by this ID
2 posts by this ID
Shills are getting smarter
Shh. Don't tell them.
A green party protest vote is the only way to enact real change in the Democratic party. Vote for whoever you believe in the most, liberals.
Should go down pretty much like this.
As stupid as it is, most of Sup Forums is going to vote for the libertarian candidate. Don't kid yourself.
"Dude weed and guns" man? C'mon.
Hillary Supporter here. They are delusional.
Sure, kid, sure thing.
I can't wait for it to really begin
Hillary is a failed politician. Everything she or her husband touched turned to shit
Can't wait.
While you're hear could you please explain OP to me. Is that bird an accountant? What needs surgery?
What does it mean?
Here's a (You) up front, one later if satisfied
i passionately hate hillary
but trump has zero political experience. i get why men with no children want the world to burn but i have kids, i would prefer hillary continue our slow decline into mediocrity as opposed to trump starting a war over nothing and getting my wifes son killed
>nd had a hand in just about every current event.
That's not a plus.
Because Shillary can't handle the bantz
>but trump has zero political experience
Implying building and running a global real estate empire isn't "political"
He has no education in government, which plays by real rules.
Also his dad built that empire. Trump just added the spire.
>Why do you think Trump will win
Memes. All of of Trump's opponents in the primary had loads of debate and political experience. He demolished them all with memes.
This, jeb was supposed to be the candidate now with Rubio being groomed in the aspects you said. Guess what? People have access to more information than ever and the political nonsense is clearly a joke to them now. They either turn to two extremes: le Bern or trump. And half the bernouts are angry about him basically raising 200 million for Hillary by supporting her.
Yeah, because real estate moguls NEVER deal with the government.
I work in RE development, dude, and all we do is work with the gov--city, state, federal--24/7.
Trump is so much more qualified to LEAD than Hillary it's a joke. She is not a LEADER, she is a corrupt bureaucrat who has done nothing but scam everyone she can to enrich herself.
I suggest you watch this movie (pic related) as soon as it comes out.
It should set you right.
Who can be sure that Trump will agree to any debates? Even if he did, he may try to stay on Fox for all of them.