Canada releases guy who decapitated and ate someone on a greyhound

>"Obviously, that's a difficult thing for both the family and the witnesses to understand in some ways because we can only imagine how terrible their suffering has been and how they're still haunted by these events. But in order to do justice, we both control the risk of reoffending and respect the rights of the accused to be reintegrated into society. So it looks as if, in this case, things have worked well. The accused has recovered or is in the process of recovering, he's being closely controlled and eventually he should be able to be reintegrated into society."

I realize this is old news but I was telling someone this story and googled it. Canada fucking let him go after only a few years. It's some chinese immigrant. It's too bad that fire couldn't have just went coast to coast and finished the job.

Usually the Chinese would eat the greyhound and not the guy on it.

I hate you so much for ruining my thread with this amazing joke.


also, it's fucking canada what do you guys expect

Gook here. This guy knows what hes talking about.

Mental illness is not an accpetable excuse for murder. Especially murder of the kind that is so fucking gruesome that it traumatizes the people who witnessed it.

If it were up to me he'd have stayed in a mental institution for the rest of his life.

You really have someone in some position of authority calling someone who cut off a guy's head on a bus "THE ACCUSED"? He's not accused, he did it.


Based S. Korea, I would never consider you a gook. To me, you are a zipperhead.

i remember he only decapitated some carnie boy so who cares
shouldve let him out sooner

I remember this guy, the cheese had clearly slid off the guys cracker. He caused a ruckus by requesting that people kill him IIRC. He was a textbook example of somebody that it was correct to rule not criminally responsible.

If ones goal is to make sure he doesn't kill another person, leaving him in prison longer until he "learned his lesson" would have no point. He killed a guy because he was fucking batty, not because he didn't realize how bad the consequences would be.

So the parole board has three options. Release him soon when the prison system has fucked him up the least mentally but he has still had enuogh time to go through a ton of therapy and start on a ton of drugs. Keep him in there for ten more years and then release him which will make him more stable and less murderous somehow. Or sentence him for life, which we don't do really.

It's a startling decision to let somebody that did such a gruesome crime out so early, but it's the right one. If he slips again, throw him in the funny farm and throw away the key.

Isn't that the guy who chopped off the other dude's eyes, ears, mouth and nose and made a face and took a photo?

Maybe if Tim wasn't a carnie Li would still be inside

He was mentally ill.

Now he's a bit better. What's the problem?

The witness in the article has it dead to rights:

>"If he's ready to assume his responsibility, then I think the board should consider that. Now he's ready to go to the justice system and be institutionalized [in] prison," he said.

>"If he understands what he's done now, maybe he didn't at the time, then I believe that he is ready to face our justice system knowing what he did and taking responsibility for it. And for what he did, he should serve at least two consecutive life sentences in prison where he's going to die in there"


What is really interesting about all this is that no one, not one fucking person on the bus did anything to stop it. Like I don't get it

posting in hourly whine about canada thread

But the point is that it wasn't really something that "he" did. It was his mental illness.

Wasn't he sentenced to crazy retard prison and not real criminal prison?

>not keeping the violently mentally Ill locked up in nut houses

Have you ever met one of these people? They're a danger to themselves and others. Let him go off his meds for a couple of days and someone else will get hurt

That's really not fair to hold someone who physically can't make good decisions accountable for their actions.

>it was just a prank, bro!

Mental illness doesn't exist. Prove your claim that a person's actions are somehow not their own because some quack slaps on a label

That's like saying "don't put out the fire, it can't control it's nature".

I'm aware of what you think it means, I simply don't agree with it at all.

If I was related to the person that was slaughtered, I would murder the judge and any other staff responsible for freeing him and making such a ridiculous ruling. It's really not going to be my fault as I will be overcome with mental illness due to my grief, and I will not be committing to these actions as a human person.

>because some quack slaps on a label
That's a disturbingly gross oversimplification of the process required to determine a working mental state.
>Mental illnesses do not exist.
Yeah, quit faking your dementia, grandpa.

>Mental illness doesn't exist
yeah they're all just pretending to be retarded lmao

Holy crap I remember hearing about this attack years ago on the news. And they just let him go free!?

>If he slips again
>"Now Mister, don't you eat this OTHER guy too!"

Neurological illnesses aren't the same as psychiatric diagnoses
What medical test can determine a mental disorder?

No, it isn't like that at all, because you can still imprison those who are sound of mind, even though that's not always the best course of action.
Your logic

Am I wrong for thinking non racial Eugenics isn't so bad or at least shouldn't be so controversial? People with serious physical and mental diseases, very low IQ's, and any other hereditary malady should be sterilized and forbidden from procreating.

I include schizophrenia in here, next to psychopathy, since its pretty much the first or second scariest mental disorder a person can have.

I think Fire has learned his lesson. Let's let it do whatever it wants again. I hope it remembers not to get near all that dry pine again.

its not like they really cured him tho....

sucks for the next people he kills

>According to witnesses, McLean was sleeping with his headphones on when the man sitting next to him suddenly produced a large knife and began stabbing McLean in the neck and chest
>The bus driver pulled to the side of the road so that he and all the other passengers could exit the vehicle
>The attacker then decapitated McLean and displayed his severed head to other passengers standing outside
>The driver and two other men had attempted to rescue McLean but were chased away by Li, who slashed at them from behind the locked bus doors
>Li then went back to McLean's body and began severing other parts and consuming some of his victim's flesh
dude just release him

I actually thought that was what this story was about. Wew, it just got 10x worse.

i fcuking went to canada on a bank shore

iirc the chinaman literally thought he was jesus christ and the guy was an alien.

as soon as the chinese guy went on the right meds and came back to reality he wanted to commit suicide/die everyday for how bad he felt for doing what he did.

basically his life is ruined, the victim's life is ruined and the family of the victim have to suffer,

I really hope we put more resources into the difficult problem of violence from paranoid schizophrenia, as rare as it is.

>Parts of the victim's body, placed in plastic bags, were retrieved from the bus, while his ear, nose and tongue were found in Li's pockets. The victim's eyes and a part of his heart were never recovered and are presumed to have been eaten by Li
man what the fuck, I can't believe the RCMP didn't just shoot him when they saw him

Progressive are pure evil masquerading as moral authority and competence.

The only time they step out of the shadows is when they need to defend a demon that decapitated and ate the flesh of an innocent man. They will also come out of the woodwork to demand "justice" for violent armed robbers who were justifiably killed. The values they are most "proud" of are proliferating homosexuality among children, and protecting the Islamofascist scourge.

Progressives should all be shot. There is no greater evil in society at this moment.

Should have just put a bullet in the chink's head and tossed his body in a ditch.

Or option 4, euthanasia

If you imprison the guy, he wins


This fucking happened when I was in college. This happened what? 6-7 years ago? What the fuck. This is fucking bullshit. Bring back capital punishment. That gook should be fucking dead.

Wow and a guy like that just gets released. I would never trust him.

I've been thinking about this lately. It has always creeped me out.

That's not very Canadian of you to say. Why not be like the other leaves and say "He did his time, he's rehabilitated, let him go"? Don't try to uncuck yourself, just follow the plan and make excuses.

>guy forgets to take his meds one day
>kills and eats another person

yeah, it's much safer just to let him go

>If he slips again, throw him in the funny farm and throw away the key.

Or... you could do that NOW considering he murdered and ate someone.

>if he slips again...

See this is the problem with Canada and other socialist lefty countries. You guys think you are being fair but you arent being fair to the family who's lives have been conpletely destroyed forever. Youre being MORE than fair to the fucking MURDERER. You notice the caps?

Listen dickhead. If someone rapes a kid, murders someone or comitts a terrorist act they have made their decision to not be a part of society. There is no 'well if he does it again...' bullshit. No its over for him. Hes done. If hes a 'wackjob' then clearly he is a wackjob of the highest order and should have been thrown off a cliff at birth like the Spartans used to do. You fucking retards are the reason Karla Holmolka is out right now.

>Psycho Kirrer forgets to take meds
>Kills someone else
>"He didn't take his meds, so once again, he just wasn't in control of his actions and can't be considered accountable."

wew laddy there goes the thread.

Our whole idea of the penal system is so fucked. We're all wrapped up in punishment and whether people "deserve" it. It should be to protect society. So if this guy is a danger to society then he should be locked up.

I'm gonna go out on a limb and say that someone who ate someone's face might be statistically more inclined to eat another person's face in the future. Feel bad for the dude but do you really want him out there with people who don't know who he is? You can' trust someone that's this insane on their own.

>live in Winnipeg
>this guy is out there, somewhere

I fucking hate Canada.

>Usually the Chinese would eat the greyhound and not the guy on it.

Haha... I think Americans have the wrong impression of Canadians. See, there are Canadians, immigrants and then there are Canadians that do what their liberal progressive media tells them to do.

>twirling in a field of flowers.
>"diversity is our strength" "not allll are like that" "i believe in equal rights but will defend islam"

>Haha... I think Americans have the wrong impression of Canadians.

Daily reminder that it was the older Trudeau who abolished the death penalty up here

>when you imprison the criminals, they win

Cam argue dem digits

Don't worry, greyhound bus beheading/cannibalism isn't a thing.

Reminder that anyone around you can snap like this at any time

>the brain is the only part of the human body that magically never fails

just kill yourself, retard

Fucking witnessed and not wasted. Good point.

That's why I never had a girlfriend

Way too dangerous

If you imprison criminals, they win

Fuck that he's faulty he needs to go

>Bear kills human
>Bear is trained by Jane Goodall for two years
>"Okay, the bear is domesticated now, now we can release it in the middle of the city"


You need to start a cult so that we may all worship you

How fucking stupid are you

>lol didn't read
Don't you have russkies to knife?

>We understand that he killed and ate someone, and that is truly disturbing, but we had to give him credit for not shitting out the partially digested remains and re-eating them. The parole board feels this shows restraint in the prisoner.


>If you execute criminals, they win


What if he slips on you dipshit

This is fucking stupid. Why is Canada stupid?

But but, muh chemical imbalances ... surely they must be able to measure that imbalance ... right?

Oh, and the two years of training is paid for by the taxpayer. How much do you think a year of treatment in a mental facility costs? I'll estimate:

>$5 per day for food
>$200/hr of physician treatment, 4 hours per week
>$50/hr for nurses, 0.1nurses per patient, 40 hour weeks
>Drugs, $200 per month

So I'm gonna guess it costs $64,225 per patient per year. That could cover 2 of the average STEM students' tuition for a 4yr undergraduate program. Fuck, I hate the legal system in the West.

What objective measure is there for any mental disorder? There's not. They're voted into manuals by a show of hands, there's no science to it. It's labelling behaviors and claiming there's some vague "imbalance" causing these specific behaviors, when there's nothing to prove any of it. Psychiatry is a scam and not a valid field of medicine.

you know, if you snap and injure/kill the person next to you, thats one thing

this motherfucker went full brutal on the guy, there's no way he should ever leave the asylum

He was mentally insane and now cured. It's not like he knowingly committed a crime. He was in an unnatural state of mind that doesn't reflect his actual personality.

I doubt he'll do anything like that again. Our murder rates are tiny compared to the US anyways

If he commits murder again then it's because he defected on taking his state-mandated medication and will likely be institutionalized. You can't keep criminals in jail longer because you're afraid that they'llcommit another crime. That's a complete violation of due process, because now you're holding him accountable for actions he didn't even commit.

It's usually second hand information obtained from the patient along with the intense amount of study it takes to be a psychiatrist in the first place.
How do we know that people with dementia aren't faking memory loss?

See above. Even though it may not be the best foresight retrospectively, you still can't hold someone guilty on suspicion that they will commit a crime.
Otherwise, why limit sentences at all?

Those digits don't lie I say study him to solve the problem or end him he's defective

I hope he knocks at your door at 2 a.m.

Fucking Canadians I swear, there is something wrong with you. You're evil. You only come out of hiding to defend evil, and other perversions. Then you crawl back into your hole and no one ever hears from you until the next infernal atrocity.


I don't feel comfortable about this either, but our healthcare professionals are world-class; go through years of training in the subject, and a case this big would definitely be very closely considered.

If he is still dangerous, he would be still in the prison. The families and witnesses will still have to live with a horrible act, but there is nothing that anyone can do to change that.

>Our murder rates are tiny compared to the US anyways
yeah because the population is tiny dipshit

Recidivism is entirely a factor in sentencing on behalf of the public. What makes this guy insane in a not-really-responsible way and Ted Bundy insane in a very-much-responsible way? Because he never called a woman an alien before he beat her to death and fucked her?


Oh hey my sister was supposed to be on that bus I believe. I was really hungover though and was supposed to drop her off but slept in like 6 hours past the drop off time lol

Canada's nigger rates are also tiny compared to the US


I bet I could integrate him into a grave.

Right, so we should absolutely be releasing human-killing bears that have been trained not to kill humans into cities.