Not even American and I'm fucking embarrased for them. What a disaster the fucking Republicans are. What a disaster Trump and his campaign have been. America you are literally the laughing stock of the world right now.
Not even American and I'm fucking embarrased for them. What a disaster the fucking Republicans are...
Other urls found in this thread:
nothing wrong with it.
Haters gonna h8. Ainters gonna aint.
Republicans are a disgrace to nationalists and conservatives world wide.
>can't fight bird
>gets made fun of by relevant countries on Sup Forums
>shitposts about america
poor australia.
How is Melbourne this time of year
you do realize this is fake, right?
dumbasses like OP really believe everything now
say it, Retard!
his parents didn't send him away to a military academy known for dealing with boys with behavioral issues for no reason
>Not even American
Dropped, stick to your own politics.
>America you are literally the laughing stock of the world right now.
Why do people say this like we should care?
I agree, but there's nothing wrong with it.
You should. It's pretty autistic to not care if the majority of people see you as undesirable.
>America is the laughing stock of the world right now
We all know how hard you bogans have worked for that title, and can see how upset you get at the thought there's competition for it
at least I can buy a gun faggot
Get fucked by a dropbear you stupid cunt, there's a reason your internet is shit just like prison food is, nobody gives a fuck.
At least we are a stock.
austrailia who? lmao
Typical amerifag response
OP is either a Liberal or a Leftist
Your potential first lady just caught plagiarizing her fucking speech from Michelle Obama. This is just getting embarrassing now,
Trump is purposely making nationalism/conservatism look silly so the leftist kikes win. Wake the fuck up dumb cunts
Germany is the "laughing stock" of the world. Who says that?
They're being outspent 15 to 1 and they're dead even.
Most countries other than the US suck. Why value their opinions?
So because millions of idiots buy call of duty, that means it's now good and we should play it too?
When the majority of people are beneath you their opinions are meaningless.
He's right. The RNC is a massive cringefest. Some of the most awful and embarrassingly bad political shit I've ever seen. Christ, i feel like it was even worse than the libertarian one
I'm a nationalist dumb cunt. Trump is a fucking pathetic joke and an obvious Clinton plant. Alt-right faggots who support this stupid mouth breating cunt are helping destroy Western civilization.
pyshop shill detected
What the fuck makes you think that presidental elections mean shit?
If an actor can become president it shows that you dont need actual education and knowledge to rule america.
jesus fucking christ
What don't you like about him?
>he says as his country is filled with niggers raping and looting everything.
even your women hate you and prefer blacks AHAHAHAHAAHA
>a fucking leaf thinks we care about his opinion
It's pretty hot here in Florida.
>15¢ has been deposited into your account.
STFU. You kangaroo fags gave up your guns becuase there was one little shooting and you all got scared.
What you call the the Port Arthur "massacre" we call Sunday afternoon.
>4 posts by this abo
>tfw still White even when dead
You and this bait thread is embarrassing.
Because they want to make you feel bad so they can manipulate you through emotions.
Is this real?
He is so fucking done. Whether you think it's funny or not the VAST majority of normies will consider this vile as fuck.
What the fuck is he doing?
That eagle is probably also Canadian.
We have way more bald eagles then you do.
Reminder to sage, report, and hide all Australian flag threads
What are we sliding tonight anyway?
Wtf I hate Trump now.
I'm a shill for realizing that Trump is obviously sabotaging his campaign? I'm a shill that Trump has always had a great relationship with the Clintons and could be helping her win this election? Any dumb cunt could have proof read her speech and would have realized that it was plagiarized, yet they didn't. Why? And this happened on the first day of the convention in front of the whole country and the whole world. This is was Trump's time to shine.
Something suspicious is going on here. No election campaign can be that fucking incompetent.
I would prefer a more European style nationalist movement like National Front, but Trump is perfectly fit for America's nationalism. He's the last hope we have to stop the demographics from changing to the point where the GOP will never win again. You don't have those problems there in Australia yet.
video games =/= opinions of countries that run the world
Yeah but only ours control the world you syrupy fuckin leaf.
Bet you're from Melbourne, loser
Because they're crybabies
If he is the hope than why the fuck is he sabotaging his campaign? No one can be that fucking incompetent. Even a chimp would not have made some of the mistakes that Trump has done in this election cycle.
At a certain point you have to get suspicious.
From Sydney. But that's not an argument, cunt.
This is American politics, of course shady shit is going down. The thing you fucks can't seem to understand is that the political game in the U.S. Actually matters and is more nuanced than whatever low key shitstain you hail from.
>countries that run the world
Right, which is why I don't give a shit what the rest of the world thinks about the USA. They can keep electing their cuck leaders who ruin their countries if they want.
Okay then genius tell me how Trump benefits from this latest fuck up?
Sydney? with the shitty opera house? lolz
by not peeing his pants every two seconds like Sydney Shills.
Australia should be reserved for convicts again. Imagine if we sent niggers there to be relocated it would be so much better
4/10 shitpost. Must try harder
America will never be the laughing stock of the would while Australia exists.
Stay strong ameribros, lots of people worldwide like Trump. I've met a fair few Aussies that do.
You're confusing the idea that there's a difference between Trump and Hillary. This shit is just a show. You really think the people are in control of the force that overwhelmingly dominates the globe?
That's the nuance, the choice is illusion. Pack your bags, fuck a roo, and stay on you're island. Because one thing is for sure, no matter what the world is going to be a lot worse for anyone but U.S.
We werent before?
Australia will never be great again, look at the aussie austists that can't even read social cues. sad!
only our libshits care about what foreign nationals think, and even they hardly give a shit
the vast majority of Americans can't be bothered
Trump is a neocon cuck with a little bit of shallow Nationalismâ„¢ to rile up ameritards and get them to vote for who they think is the 'good guy'.
We've been the laughingstock for a while, oh, and we could wipe your country off the face of the earth within seconds, lol.
I wouldn't wish the nigger problem on anyone, even Australians. They should go back to Africa though.
Not going to lie, I do still feel that twinge of embarrassment when they go full stereotypical GAWD ARMY KILLIN AMEN
I fucking wish, I just reflexively have to lower the volume/mute it whenever they go like that. I wasn't really raised religiously at all so I guess that's something I could understand with people from other countries looking in and getting the weird cult vibes.
Oy vey the shills are out in full force tonight
This is now a Nationalism thread.
Stay steadfast lads. This type of attempted shaming is exactly what we need to temper ourselves. Thanks Australia.
well you know im pretty sure mexican people are pretty ok with donald trump
actually you can even see the Mariachis playing the TRUMP-et
You Can't Stump the Trump
Do I smell shit in your post, user?
>America you are literally the laughing stock of the world right now.
right now, as in... since the advent of the Internet and we all got a first-hand look at how abjectly retarded and nation was hiding behind the junk food and hollyschlock...?
bet you're from near the Redfern CentreLink, abbo
OK I'll tell you the secret about Trump right now so it makes more sense.
They don't want a good president, they want to see someone make a mockery of the whole system and burn it to the ground. If he literally had downs syndrome and a swastika tattoo on his forehead, they'd like him more.
Democrats haven't realized this yet, which is why they're still criticizing him like he's a normal candidate.
>everyone who disagrees with me is a shill
Well that's the thing about being something that matters, people care.
>Australia shitposting as usual.
It's not usual though, the Aussies have God-tier shit posting. This is pathetic.
>America you are literally the laughing stock of the world right now.
Yeah I'm pretty sure we're not.
Fucking NSW
Can't you fuckers make your own country?
Do you want to outsource jobs, open borders, and embrace globalism because it makes the world a utopia at the expense of your countrymen? Haha what a cuck
To the actually free peoe of the USA, we must be understanding cucks to our euro brothers in bondage. It wasn't their choice to lay down their cultural pride, they did not want to be seen as tolerant to a terrorist ideal. They had to do these things so we, as Americans, could see the future.
I respect our fallen EU brothers in their martyrdom.
Fuck the rest if the world
USA #1
And fuckin sage
>those tiny hands
they're still cucks though
and none of that really applies to Australians
but no one really cares about Australians
Thank you Unknown you are my greatest ally
>outsource jobs, open borders, and embrace globalism
These are three terms that lets people know you've never read a book on economics in your life.