Every accidentally fuck someone underage?

Every accidentally fuck someone underage?

Me at 26. Met a girl in a club, she's so fucking cute, slim, perky and wearing a dress that barely covers hers tits and ass. Buy her drinks, she's drunk and saying filthy shit into my ear, telling me she's coming home with me and gonna fuck me good etc...
Go home with her and she's totally sub, anything I do to her she takes it so make her get nasty all night till she leaves to go home about 9 in the morning.
Later that day get a call from my bro telling me she's 15, turns out a few of my friends knew and didn't tell me.

Pic unrelated

Attached: FB_IMG_1467406368874.jpg (720x1273, 54K)

She looks 18+. There is no point in fucking a underage girl if she looks 18+, that's not hot AT ALL!

I had a coworker who looked underage even when she was in her early thirties. Another who was barely 19, looked like 30+ because of a heart condition. As long as she has the ass/tits/face or whatever floats your boat... who cares, just use protection (like a fake name)

Attached: face (6).jpg (800x600, 50K)

Well, your friends are fucking worthless if that happens. Also, avoid the club because that bouncer at the door isn't worth his shit. Highly likely you might get blackmailed later, since you took her to your home, so get ready for that lovely choice: money or jail.

That's not her in the pic. That's why it says pic unrelated

based friends, call her for more fun.

Oof, 15. you have to play it cool with her for 3 more years to avoid her/or her parents ruining your life.

It was years ago so I'm in the clear. Stopped going to the club after that.

Thankfully that didn't happen

Honestly it was a struggle not to hook up with her again, she was fucking amazing


well of course she was, bursting with hormones and the excitement of sneaking in a club, underage drinking, finding a probably decent looking guy and finally living some kinky fantasy, how could she not be?

do you know if she was just slutty or if she had a crush on you?

I don't know about slutty but I definitely wasn't her first. That night was the first she done a lot of things though.

What happened?

Yep. She told me she was 17 and got held back in school because she missed too many days the last year and was also the youngest in her original class. I was barely 18. That's on the cusp of legal here, but still sketchy. Figured, fuck it.

Her mom caught us fucking outside their house on a picnic table. Her mom started screaming and she told me to run, so I did. Picked up my clothes, ran, and drove home naked.

Next day at school, I got called into the principal's office. Turns out she was barely 14. Her mom called the school and told them she was thinking of pressing charges. I told the principal the whole story and showed him the messages where she had told me her age. He relayed all of that to the girl's mom, and she decided not to press charges. Barely made it out of that situation.

Jeez man, that must've been scary as fuck

I was shitting bricks for a long time during and after that. I'm actually pretty close to her family now ironically.

Happened a handful of years ago

>be 21
>get out of shitty relationship
>awful drama ensued
>go to friends in neighboring state to lay low
>drink and party almost every day
>see girl at a few of these hot af
>smokes and drinks with us
>shows me all of her tats
>eventually hook up with her
>my friend doesn't know her
>not many people he knew did either
>we link up several times during my stay there
>my buddy finds out no one knows her because shes was being homeschooled and 14
>don't hit her up after this and avoid any sort of contact


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poor girl.

Dodged a bullet there

My last meetup with her before I found made everything seem sketchy af, I hadn't been to her place before and she invited me and my friend over. Her mom was there as was her little brother who was maybe like 3. Her mom lit her a cig and they just started smoking in the same room as the kid and me and my friend were like.... What.

doesn't sound that surprising for someone who already has tats at that age

maybe you could have saved her from a really shitty life, who knows.

>be 20
>Meet girl on here believe it or not
>she lives 20 min away
>comes over to play some video games
>cute af filipino shows up
>end up fucking
>find out later she was 16 (legal here)
>keep fucking her for a year... was a good year

this was over 8 years ago now

Oh shit, my bad. Was bit quick with the reading

Well luckily if he doesn't do it again he should be fine legally. If he met her in a club that was checking ids at the door then he had zero reason to believe that she was underage

I was 25 at a music festival in WI. We were hanging with this group of girls from a school out there, they were all super hot, and aged 19-20. There was this raven headed girl with gorgeous creamy white skin, long legs, and those reddish pinkish colored full pouty lips. We were flirting/hanging out and drinking. I eventually ended up taking her into the camper we rented and, after a lot of foreplay, I fucked her. I remember her tits were the most pert I'd ever seen, and her pussy felt like velvet. Later, her friends saw her leave the camper and gave her a hard time about it, so she said I forced myself onto her, for the classic slut defense. Turns out she was only 17, a younger sister of one of the girls, and it blew up into rape accusations from her whole group. They eventually went off to get the cops involved, so my friends and I straight up fucked off from the music festival that night, returned the camper to the rental place the next morning, went to the airport and flew home. Never spoke of it again. I will never forget how incredibly hot this girls body was. Everything about her, form her eye sparkle to her scent was unbelievably sexy. Anyway, nothing ever came of it, and I still think of her every now and then when I'm fucking my wife...overall win.

is the aoc 18 in WI or were they just jealous bitches?

Dont know, but I didnt want to sit around and find out from a cop...I was from a state a long plane ride away, have no Facebook or social media...plus I already saw the act I wanted to see the night before, so leaving was a no brainer. Also, I fucked another Wisconsin girl the night before...gotta say, very friendly people, vicious cunty sisters aside...

Not sure?