Dubs post ass
Trips take a request
Quads take all requests
Dubs post ass
why the fuck not
cmon lucky trips
this aint gonna happen
what about some trips
one fucking post away
damn it
not ONE dub
one post away from dub again
and i oop.
continuing to roll
jesus that many posts for a single dub
i just want some trap hentai is is bullshit
Yes yes, every instance of masturbation organized by the jews. We've heard it a billion times.
Slow day
I guess I'll be the one to roll
Fine gimme a min
It's been a minute
kill youself
you're gonna need more than a minute
take a pic similar to op
gonna roll the number of times as the last digit of this post. rolling a zero means I stop no matter what. lot more fun this way.
roll 1
roll 2/5
roll 3/5
roll 4/5
kinda want to roll dubs now because this thread needs pics.
roll 5/5
it was fun, but now I leave. unless this post has numbers.
man, no one's delivering.
then I will roll again, I'm doing thre same rules. gonna roll the number of times as the last digit of this post. rolling a zero means I stop no matter what. these rules make it more fun and also mean I'm not going to be some loser who spams this thread with "roll" for twenty minutes. but now I am ignoring that to try and maybe revive the thread.
roll 1 again
roll 2/2
wow this was fun.
this thread is cursed
eventually i'll hit something
look, i'll take reasonable requests even without trips. for the sake of the thread
fuck it
do as the dubs command.
there, i've delivered
because of the subject or because nobody lands their rolls?
sorry about the acne btw. starting hormones sometimes soon so it might go away.
because of the lack of delivery
rolling. won't get dubs though
so cute, love it.
also, didn't know hormones can help with acne.
makes sense, if this keeps happening I might take one of those dubs.
it depends on the cause of acne, sometimes it's hygiene or diet and can be fixed with skincare and that sort of thing. other times it's purely hormonal and you need a anti-androgen to suppress it. testosterone makes you sweat more, which can lead to acne.
Why not
if you dont use those dubs then I will hunt you down and remove your peepee.
after I use the dubs for myself that is...
or I can roll dubs for myself.
but the threat still remains user
Kinda shit, haven't shaved in a while and stuff
still a nice butt.
i was so close to trips
to bad, just stay here and have conversations, they way you will post more and it will look more natural than "rollz" and nobody can tell if you are genuinly talking to people or trying to get trips so yo can be the thread's thirsty little cum whore.
I mean I would like trips but I'm not that good looking so
someone will appreciate your butt i'm sure.
do you think that matters to most of us?
hey, look at that.
Fine fine, trips now?
Jesus I wish I looked that good
not quite, but I hpe you get them soon!
Rollings for butting
really sucks they guy that got trips already didn't deliver. although... the first request was for them to become an hero
>every instance of masturbation organized by the jews.
True, last roll for me
Fuck it, 8888 here
i'm an extreme leftist, isreal is an imperialist state and zionism is a flawed and harmful ideology. however, zionism is a direct result of antisemitism in europe and america. claiming jewish conspiracy helps push jewish people towards zionism and benefits isreal.
wide spread?
Actually last post from me, gotta leave for work soon, still trips? Kind Lame
Ok, bye bye All!
took me a solid 5 minutes to understand what you wanted.
that hole needs a good filling
Pls quads
Roll let me show my ass
just gotta keep trying.
wish I had someone to fill it, still a virgin...
get a bf or fwb
aw nice, i've posted before though. does anyone want a certain type of pic?
Dubs, but open to requests