Throughout history what is the main reason civilizations have fallen?
Throughout history what is the main reason civilizations have fallen?
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incompetency of leadership
they can only destroy your civilization if you let them
A multitude of complex interrelated problems occurring at the same time.
The story of its ruin is simple and obvious; and, instead of inquiring why the Roman empire was destroyed, we should rather be surprised that it had subsisted so long. The victorious legions, who, in distant wars, acquired the vices of strangers and mercenaries, first oppressed the freedom of the republic, and afterwards violated the majesty of the purple. The emperors, anxious for their personal safety and the public peace, were reduced to the base expedient of corrupting the discipline which rendered them alike formidable to their sovereign and to the enemy; the vigour of the military government was relaxed, and finally dissolved, by the partial institutions of Constantine; and the Roman world was overwhelmed by a deluge of Barbarians.
—Edward Gibbon. The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire
[thing I don't like]
Degenerates. But it might as well be mutually exclusive to every civilization
This is some next level merchant
often combined with increasing heterogeneity.
real shocker right? who would have guessed?
the direct slavery model of human ownership has its limits and was usurped by the feudal model among other things
Thousands upon thousands of economic, social and historical factors.
An answer that doesn't take hours upon hours to read is bullshit.
100% this.
Well the main reason, how most empires and such fell, was military conquest.
Just, the more significant empires like Rome and such is usually due to internal corruption and general greed and selfishness of the ruling class, poor leadership, etc...
Seriously though, it's always collectivism.
They we're being assholes 20 generations ago or less
Other civilizations have risen. What were witnessing now is the fall of the west and the rise of islam. The commies, as always, are waiting at the back for their turn, unaware they missed it.
Of course these are factors and some might call them symptoms.
My view would be a loss of influence. When a civilization no longer has a strong culture, it starts to succumb to outside cultures.
The west is starting to fall because it's culture has stagnated and is being replaced by foreign cultures. When members of a civilization adopt the culture of outside civilizations, it begins a disease of weakness.
You will find that the places in the West that are resisting extreme leftism the most are the places with the strongest native culture.
Marxism is a more widespread ideology now than it was in the cold war. It has been rebranded, and uses different labels and terms.
I don't know where that picture is from, but it reminds me of this one.
Medieval banter was based as fuck.
Too much democracy, degeneracy and cucks.
What goes up must come down.
Nothing is forever and everything dies.
That's it really.
Subversion, I'd think. They let themselves be lost.
The State.
>Low tax / high trade economy / high trust society
>state becomes rich
>politicians start welfare / wars / multiculturalism / imperialism
>high tax / low trade economy / no trust
>empire becomes unsustainable
>barbarians brought near by political initiatives (hiring barbarians, bringing in refugees, immigrants, etc...) stop receiving their cash and rebel
>civilization falls
It's not so hard.
Females and Jews.
Erosion. That's usually where the downfall starts.
So much this.
plebs always up-talk the Imperium. Gaius Mucius Scaevola could count the number of "good" emperors on his fingers.
Thousands of reasons. At its core it's always been the inability of conservative or regressive leadership to cope with a multitude of progressing economic, social, and political issues.
I.e. Time marches on, the government remains stagnant and does not evolve. Darwinism comes to effect on a political scale and they are removed.
>fuck your mother
Why is this so funny?
when societies consume more energy than they create. basically what is happening in every western country right now.
>Throughout history what is the main reason civilizations have fallen?
Women's rights.
Degeneracy. And I don't just mean fags sucking each other's assholes, I mean degeneracy at the highest levels. Industries, the Goverment. Just look at how Hillary gets a free-fucking-pass from the FBI themselves. It's rotten and corrupt to the core because it's been around so long, everyone is in everyone else's pockets. That's why Trump is a breath of fresh air.
But in the end it's always this corruption and degenerate selfishness that leads to the collapse of nations. They start off with a purpose and later renege into nothing but self satisfied interests.
Division within the political government. Division always leads to the fall.
Also, complacency and tolerance is the sound of a dying civilization.
The greed and entitlement of the rich.
And this which are basically the same issue.
Does anyone remember what the book is called? It's based on the 170? year time-line of an empire, if I'm correct.
Here's an article describing the stages of empires.
Basically, we're in the age of decadance, on the verge of collapse due to low morales, low religious values, education has taken over society..etc
>Division always leads to the fall.
No, vice versa. Unity (between men and women) leads to the fall. Women have to be oppressed and excluded, not given equal rights.
I love how even though this is literally nothing but an image of a right triangle, we all know what it means.
These two guys basically describe cuntification and female logic.
If they destroy your civilization, you win
>t. Dogfucking Canada man
I have to scroll half way down to even see the word Jew. Come on Sup Forums what's wrong with you?
>Women aren't actually literally oppressed in LITERAL patriarchal cultures like those under shariah
Okay, Achmed.
traitors followed by multiculturalism
FSA Username: Yawnlelz
FSA Password: Emileland4
Civilisations fall when they become stagnant and adopt a sense of slave morality.
I hold the view that the spread of Christianity marked the beginning of the fall of the Roman Empire.
The Jews and Romans had conflict for 70 years, where Jews had uprisings, which Romans promptly crushed.
> Diaspora
> Jews spread throughout Rome
> Newly formed Jewish sect (Christianity) spreads throughout empire
Now, the Old Testament is based on the Canaanite god, Yahweh, the patron war god of Israel. They managed to conquer their neighbours, putting the god that created the universe, El, and combining him with Yahweh. This is just like how the people of Egypt who worshipped Amun were victorious in battle and merged him with Ra.
The Gospels talk of a deity with a completely different personality. This god is compassionate, caring, loving, forgiving. Everyone is equal in the eyes of god, now, leading to a sense of egalitarianism.
> Christianity becomes very popular and is basically a terrorist organisation to Romans
> Romans attempt to purge the empire of Christians by killing them off
> Too many Christians
> Constantine I legalises Christianity
> Theodosius I makes Christianity sole religion
> Tries to stop Germanic tribes from taking over by using diplomacy because Christianity made them weak
> DIdn't properly finish off the Germanic tribes
> Roman Empire sacked after Theodosius' death.
We need to continue being strong. The Mongols took over virtually all of asia, but fell when they became stagnant, overly diplomatic, and had too much diversity.
Diversity, being stagnant, and weakness are what cause the fall of empires.
This is basically right
Jews weren't a primary cause of the Roman Empire's collapse
The lack of valuable enemy during a long time.
Civilisations fall when they become stagnant and adopt a sense of slave morality.
I hold the view that the spread of Christianity marked the beginning of the fall of the Roman Empire.
The Jews and Romans had conflict for 70 years, where Jews had uprisings, which Romans promptly crushed.
> Diaspora
> Jews spread throughout Rome
> Newly formed Jewish sect (Christianity) spreads throughout empire
Now, the Old Testament is based on the Canaanite god, Yahweh, the patron war god of Israel. They managed to conquer their neighbours, putting the god that created the universe, El, and combining him with Yahweh. This is just like how the people of Egypt who worshipped Amun were victorious in battle and merged him with Ra.
The Gospels talk of a deity with a completely different personality. This god is compassionate, caring, loving, forgiving. Everyone is equal in the eyes of god, now, leading to a sense of egalitarianism.
> Christianity becomes very popular and is basically a terrorist organisation to Romans
> Romans attempt to purge the empire of Christians by killing them off
> Too many Christians
> Constantine I legalises Christianity
> Theodosius I makes Christianity sole religion
> Tries to stop Germanic tribes from taking over by using diplomacy because Christianity made them weak
> DIdn't properly finish off the Germanic tribes
> Roman Empire sacked after Theodosius' death.
We need to continue being strong. The Mongols took over virtually all of asia, but fell when they became stagnant, overly diplomatic, and had too much diversity.
Diversity, being stagnant, and weakness are what cause the fall of empires.
Immigration. Ancient Egypt. Rome. France/Germany/Sweden.
Love me some Blackadder
Islam doesn't rise. It spreads.
lead pipes
Slaves too
Family hires a nanny
Mom and dad work till 8 pm
Nanny can´t teach their country values + tv + internet + school
"I was educated by a Mexican women" don´t dare to....
You missed the abstract merchant then.
This is what brought down Rome. Famine, immigration, rebellions, bankruptcy, massive corruption, incompetent leadership plus Germanic and Hunnic invasions. All in a matter of decades.
>Throughout history what is the main reason civilizations have fallen?
Often times there is some kind of natural catastrophic event that kills off civilizations. For example if we look at Sumeria and Egypt, there is geological, climatic, and archaeological evidence that something really bad happened in the Middle East around 2300 BC, causing widespread damage.
So from this we can see that plague, famine, and/or drought played a role in moving large numbers of people from one region to another. Often toward the civilized world because those were the ones that had the food and everything else.
The invading hordes had nothing to lose and those living in civilized areas were essentially "soft" from living a comfortable life.
Another thing that brings about destruction of civilization is a contraction of international trade, virtually no monumental construction, and a decline in art and education.
In England, once part of the Roman Empire, the production of luxury goods ceased with the fall of Rome, not for lack of talent, but for lack of demand. Trade was conducted over reduced distances, requiring each region to achieve greater self-sufficiency. In consequence, the number and variety of crafts and trades located in each town had to increase substantially. Wealth also decreased. In Medieval England, only 5% to 6% of the population had net worth over 40 pounds sterling (480 ounces silver) - little more than the retirement pay of a Roman legionnaire a thousand years earlier.
We are now witnessing something never seen in history. A destruction of civilization from within. Those inviting these hordes into Europe and North America know that bringing in barbarians is going to destroy the civilization, destroy the culture, destroy everything that made living in Europe and North America good.
So we are the lucky ones that get to see this happening before our every eyes.
People take the system for granted. They try to milk it instead of upholding it.
People start to see each other as enemies rather than the foreigners. Class warfare is a good example for this.
I don't tho
explain please
Newfag. It's a kike.
thank me later
Humanity is just a piece of shit. You know, just like birds have to fly and fish have to swim so does humanity have to murder, rape, steal, lie, cheat, and every other evil.
The only way to stop it is to wipe out all of humanity and then the earth just to make sure no aliens ever find traces of humanity so they don't get influence by humanity.
Marxists tend to get real angry at this.
Many people have already pointed out that obsessive comforts can lead to the weakening of a nations moral compass and a stagnation of their culture which brings forth all kinds of abominations such as women's rights, multiculturalism, and other degeneracies.
The problem is that virtually all noblemen and leaders have experienced such comforts for all of recorded history, and yet their civilizations can still become powerful, immune to degeneracy and rich in culture.
The problem is that the wealth (and ergo the power) culturally rich nations trickles down to the lower classes, who by definition cannot handle the responsibility of wealth, else they would not be of the lower class. This wealth empowers their stupidity and creates as wide such a variety of degeneracy as you can imagine. Women in particular are easy targets for this, as they were not designed to hold then responsibility and the social power that luxury has offered them.
Modernity is in worse shape than Rome ever was. It's just that this time, there is no hyperborian barbarian to take up the mantle of civilization, this time the West is only surrounded by a bunch of stupid brown people, that are themselves literally the antithesis of culture. The fall of the West will be an ugly long one. Don't expect the cuckoldry to ever cease.
Looking forward to the day when people only tell about PC topics using simple shapes.
"What happened to user?"
"He's back in FEMA camp 273 again. Criminal publication of a rhombus."
"wtf I hate geometry now"
He's back again.
Internal Weakness.
Well, hundreds of years later we're still using it.
Like cancer, or the plague, corrupting everything it touches
Too many reasons to count, as you will find in this thread. Contrary to most anons, there is no one word answer. The closest you can get is to simply say degeneracy, but even this is a general term.
The root cause of a dying civilization is degeneracy.
The root cause of degeneracy is materialism.
The root cause of materialism is greed.
Greed is the true cardinal sin.
Even pride is a type of greed, it is greed over social conditions and status. It is pure selfishness.
Decadence as a result of prosperity, abandoning of civic duty in the name of comfort.
>—Edward Gibbon. The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire
Half way through it and this book is denser than lead, but his point is that Rome fell due to the perversion of its value.
When values are lost, everything is lost
>Even pride is a type of greed, it is greed over social conditions and status. It is pure selfishness.
But this encourages strength due to others wanting to take your status, it is a dynamic force that maintains nobility in the hierarchy it is in accord with nature, unlike materialism.
Pride when you can back it up with a sword for your enemies is justified. Grandiose wealth when you can be generous with your comrades as you're confident in your ability to reclaim wealth again due to your superior skill at war is justified.
Can you even into Germanic law.
Decadence of cultural values, religion and their shared cultural identity.
this. People are products of their society. An easy life breads weak people. Great civilizations collapse from being a victim of their own success.
and the point of religion is the slow down this process
And women.
>and the point of religion is the slow down this process
doubled edged sword, Sharia would slow down the collapse drastically but it would also kill scientific innovation.
>Edward Gibbon
>An XVIII british religious man blaming lost values (Abandonment of traditionalism) for every problem.
Uh, Who would have thought?
Pretty good book though.
Maybe shariah but not religion in general
Almost all of the most influential scientific innovators subscribed to their peoples popular religion e.g. Newton was Christian
Einstein was Jewish
Ptolemy was pagan