Let's make it at least marginally entertaining edition

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Other urls found in this thread:


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Waste of quints

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sweet zeus

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Attached: 11-55-47-1577148351823.jpg (720x1018, 78K)

not even. Democrats are hilarious wastes of space. quints of objective truth


Attached: 13-39-44-1577074393480.jpg (819x633, 183K)

Don't search for "shittyboard"

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This is now a thread of digits that repeat

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I lost to this one

Attached: IMG_20190915_182737_494.jpg (370x470, 69K)

Kek'd and checked.

mother of god

check em

Attached: Untitled.png (608x635, 471K)

maybe God will give me repeating digits

Attached: 15763874237644.jpg (736x704, 120K)

check something maybe

Attached: Old-man-wisdom.jpg (1304x1604, 520K)

Did my YLYL devolve into a get thread?

Attached: 1564021505992.jpg (480x480, 63K)

I guessed books and six right

Attached: 1577232931692.png (824x978, 844K)

kill yourself politicsfag

Attached: 80c.png (369x342, 89K)

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>a bad joke
Politics aside...
And if we have to involve politics, user is just reinforcing the stereotype that the right can't meme.

Attached: einstein Copy - CopyCopy - CopyCopy - CopyCopy - CopyCopy - CopyCopy - CopyCopy - CopyCopy - CopyCop (1050x525, 56K)


Butthurt leftie detected. Quints don't lie.


Attached: uhoh.jpg (625x399, 36K)

Sup Forums is a red state now

Attached: 1444303229490.png (655x653, 443K)

Love how it's in order

>user is just reinforcing the stereotype that the right can't meme.
Never said that. My point was that that specific post had zero jokes in it, and was unfunny.

Personally I think the right memes way better than the left.

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holy shit

Attached: 003.png (261x238, 89K)

Check em

Attached: 1577323499049m~2.jpg (752x942, 81K)

Go back to your tranny thread.

Attached: 58680956_393720364814161_1864100851111428096_n.png (960x858, 354K)


Attached: 64679076_623289121497850_946309624636637184_n.jpg (560x572, 37K)

None of you are funny.
Go back to your retarded template meme subreddits. Fucking faggots.

Even the Devil agrees that this was the funniest post in the thread

Attached: buddysatan.jpg (225x225, 13K)


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Triggered autist detected

this thread has too much get

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Check this out! What a Tuesday to be alive! Quints, trips & dubs all around boys! FUCK NIGGERS

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She has more self confidence in her left unwashed toe than everyone here today combined.

hahaha . cringe

>when white people don't understand how the market works so the blame the jews who know math.

Attached: flea.gif (240x180, 770K)

The quints speak of undeniable truth.
The Democratic Nation Party of America is indeed foolish!
Death to the donkey!

Attached: 1575069593991.jpg (500x449, 33K)

you sound like a fag and your shit's retarded

Good ole' maryland renn fest

And don't forget to thank me later


this fbi bot been spamming on a lot of threads, let's report this fag

Go back to your fash power fantasy thread

Dude, I don't even have to look into the inner working of the website to know you're a fucking FBI agent.
>your shit's retarded
The fuck are you even referring to you autist?

you must be new then, a retard AND a newfag

Attached: 1545329562338.png (439x439, 319K)

Ha! Fucking epic! Screenshot'd and submitted to archive!

Attached: Screenshot_2019-12-28 b - YLYL Let's make it at least marginally entertainin - Random - 4chan.p (870x366, 86K)



mentioning the archive doesn't make you not a newfag, if this is what you were trying to do with this moronic response.

refrain from posting, you add nothing to this board.


You two should get a room.

Dear god

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