What should the age of consent actually be? How was it decided to be 18 in most of the west? (keep the thread appropriate please)
What should the age of consent actually be? How was it decided to be 18 in most of the west...
If her age is on the clock, she's ready for the cock
15 for consensual sex between two parties. 13 and above with written permission of parents or guardians.
Under 13 off limits.
Wow so funny!
Such original!
My sides are in an orbit!
>Fucking kill yourself that shit is as old as your mom's dirty snatch hole
Stop spamming Sophie Turner pics on Sup Forums. She is hot but wtf does this airheaded cunt have to do with anything? Are you that Sansafag guy? GTFO
do it faggot
Push it back to 21, now more than ever young people are incapable of making their own decisions. Drinking age should be fucking age
nice try hohol
Its 16 most places.
rollin for india
It shouldn't exist. The State should not control sex and relationships. A girl should be married young to a man her father chooses for her.
All sex outside marriage should be considered rape.
>Under 13 off limits
i really like this picture. mind if i save it?
See, that's how it's supposed to be.
1. Do a representative sampling of the population.
2. Ask what age each person felt he could consent to sex.
3. Set AOC to cover the majority of those polled.
This is a much better method than asking people what the AOC should be. For instance, I would have said 18, because I am from an area where it is 18, but I would answer 14 to when I could have consented. The whole point of the AOC is to set a point when everyone has sexual autonomy. This accomplishes that without bias.
To think they used to do to Catch a Predator with decoys in their mid teens yet that is legal in most of the world. kek
Also, sick fucks like this don't get to say anything other than the age they could have consented.
There should be no age of consent. Also, I would like to sell heroine to 5 year-olds
Guys, please be careful using Sophie Turner as a meme. Her power is not yet strong enough to handle the force of our memes. Don't let what happened to Tay Tay to happen to Sophie!
Be Responsible, Meme In Moderation
I would say 16. It feels a little young, but women aren't capable of making good decisions at 100, so two extra years isn't going to make much of a difference in the field of decision-making, and most of the time, they've sexually matured by 16, sometimes younger (though that's the youngest I'm willing to go).
this is insanely dumb both as thought experiment and as policy
age of consent disproportionately protects females and screws males, and everyone would answer either "0.0001 years" or "999999 years" to try to pull the average
Do you have anything to actually say against what I said or do you just got insults like usual?
>women aren't capable of making good decisions at 100
Exactly, that's why she needs a man to make important decisions for her.
This is now a Sophie Turner thread
>Not knowing about positive and negative infinities.
No, this is a Ryry thread.
Exactly what it is now. 18 with specific exceptions.
Don't use my argument to justify your pedophilia. I made it very clear that 16 is the youngest I would be comfortable with. Would you be okay with a grown man fucking your 8 year old daughter?
For want of a better way of phrasing it, there should just be one age for 'moral responsibility' or whatever you want to call it. For instance, if you're old enough to be held morally responsible for murder, then you're old enough for sex. It's pretty preposterous that someone can be held responsible for murder but are considered to be delicate little unknowing snowflakes when it comes to something like sex. Britbong here, and age of consent in Bongistan is 16, but it probably could go lower. 14 maybe? I'd happily see a 14 year old murderer hang if the circumstances warranted it, so seems about right.
It's all a pretty degenerate discussion anyway. Waiting until marriage is the morally superior course of action.
>Would you be okay with a grown man fucking your 8 year old daughter?
Would you be okay with a 60 year old man fucking your 16 year old daughter?
No, people would answer honestly. Basically only pedophiles and older feminists who were smart enough to figure out what was going on would skew the averages.
You are also wrong about the age of consent protecting females. It traps them and gives them power most don't want. Females arguably develop faster than males. You seem to have a warped idea of sex. Young women fuck older guys because they want to, not because they are tricked into it.
It's 15 here and i think it's perfectly reasonable as girls hit puberty and get a year or two to learn about things and their body before starting their sexual life, though regularly girls lose their virginity at around 17-20 here(of course there are exceptions like 13 year olds or old as fuck virgins)
I wouldnt change it
>Would you be okay with a grown man fucking your 8 year old daughter?
If he was the man I arranged for her to marry and they were married, yeah.
Goddamn that was my answer.
Guess I have to use "Sex before eight or else it's too late" instead.
muh dik
No, but I wouldn't be any more okay with my 18 year old fucking a 60 year old.
Try visiting Saudi Arabia, I believe you're more in line with their way of thinking.
Historically, Europeans have married in their mid 20's.
This makes sense because people have had a chance to develop physically enough to:
a. actually make a living for themselves, proving their ability to generate wealth to prospective spouses
b. not die in childbirth
Yrah, Ryry used to be a little hottie.
Wow, that insult was really effective. Fuck, you win.
Yeah, such young girls shouldn't wear bikinis. It's trashy and unsexy.
saved for research purposes, thanks bby x
It's your body. Given a certain amount of information you should be able to do with it what you want. In a utopian world, there should be no laws regulating sex.
But utopias don't exist. The implications (intentional or not) of discouraging adults from preying on the young is a good policy.
I'm pretty sure it's 16 in most of the West, ifnot young. 15 in France, 14 in Germany etc.
>How was it decided to be 18
Do your homework on the Puritans user
You will at last truly see and understand why America is the way it is
A 15 yr old apparently isn't mature enough to know when she in love with someone but a 5 year old is mature if enough to decide what gender they will be for the rest of their life.
You're BTFOing people who aren't even in the thread; admirable, but stupid
nuke 'em good
This. America is literally the only country I know of in the West where the legal age is 18 and that only applies to about half the States doesn't it? It's younger in Canada than it is in Britain and I'll be astounded if Mexico even has a consent age.
16-18 seems fine
if you're under 20 you can bang 16 and 17 year olds
if you're over 20 you can bang 18+
>those random ass numbers
should be 20
Shouldn't exist at all
O shit.
Praise kek.
JK Rollings
When is a woman biologically capable of bearing children without it being an above average risk to her health?
Ago of consent does seem somewhat arbitrary because most 18 year olds aren't a whole lot brighter than 14 year olds when it comes to sexual responsibility. I am in my early thirties and already have an aversion to women in their early twenties because they seem so immature to me.
bring back child brides!
By the time she's old enough for it to be an issue at all, her dad should be plenty old to provide consent.
King of England here, I hereby attack....
Cancerous fag
Love how mods happily delete and ban AoC posters and shit but love spam.
>18 in most of the west
America is the only western country that has 18, everywhere else it's lower.
>ywn get hard while she passionately embraces you
why live?
>tfw you know this world is ruled by pedophiles and always has been
Weird how everyone forgets that sex is primarily for reproduction.
If you're seriously considering age of consent outside of your limited paradigm of finding females naive enough to let you put your little virgin willy inside of them, age of child bearing might be a good place to start.
Hitler rose it to 18 while he was Fuhrer, and then the degenerates brought it back down to disgusting levels when he was gone.
Yeah, that's true. But why is it this way? I kind of think it's just another one of the fucked up thinks they make each other do just to hold dirt over one another. Initiation type of thing.
Government has no business telling anyone when they can and cannot mate.
A woman should need her father's permission to get married and lose her virginity to her husband.
>18 in most of the west
It's not even 18 in most of the USA, faggot.
That's beautiful.
We are the master race.
Pedophiles are typically highly intelligent.
Convince me that sex at young age is bad, assuming the people involved know how pregnancy and STDs work.
Smells like a thinly veiled Dan Schneider thread to me.