BWC is the best choice.
BWC is the best choice
Fetlife @ submitnow710
can you really call it bwc if it's circumcised?
American tradition.
No Americans were circumcised before the late 1800s, it was introduced as a way to punish young boys for masturbating. It didn't really become common until around 100 years ago, and circumcision rates peaked in the late 80s, at around 80%. Now circumcision rates in the US are down to around 50% for boys born today.
>and circumcision rates peaked in the late 80s,
And guess what, the guy in the webm is probably from that time.
Bwc and cute black twinks is the best combination
More of this booty.
You have to lose some weight, maybe 3kg.
You don't know what sexy is
Regardless if we do or don't, you is super ew
Why your head so small? Looks retarded.
Shut up virgin, you can't comprehend like an adult
You even sound like a child (on the internet).
This guy thinks he has a BWC its really a DWC...deformed white cock
>cute black twinks
Doesn't exist, my man
Sure, black subs abound. But they're nasty af
This is a twink user ffs
Is you got a feminine face and an tight body your pretty twink to me
Phone posting is shit, look at your spelling