Incest story thread?
Been a while since I've seen a good incest story thread.
Screencaps welcome but OC is even better
Incest story thread?
Been a while since I've seen a good incest story thread.
Screencaps welcome but OC is even better
> been a farmer all my life
> have intimate moments with cute girl
> meets my uncle
> uncle tells me cute girl is my sister
> my dad is darth vader
Used to watch my dad shower
shoutout to flo and nuan for being my gay incest homies
so anyway i was fucking my sister when my dog walked in. i got so hard and big that i actually tore my sisters urethra
anyway that was my story please like and subscribe
wonder how Pete is doing after all these years
Is Pete the "Tasha's" brother?
I'm pretty sure he is, don't think he posted anything after that new years update where he proposed, but he did say he'd be back if anything important happened
Is there any more to this one?
last I recall he said he usually would frequent Kerbal Space Program threads on Sup Forums or /vg/
As a teen, I had a thing for my college aged cousin. Nothing much happened, but she did kiss me on the neck once after walking with me arm and arm and letting my elbow graze her boob.
More of this?
Don't have any more of this one, sorry
Incest threads are shit now
I want to fuck my mom
Anyone got any tips?
Google tashas brother. There's tons of archives, I just read it all a few months ago.
Stick your weiner In her ham wallet
Great advice
My brother got me into bestiality at very young age. I haven't fucked him yet, so far he's just content to watch me bend over and take huge knots from the family dog. Nobody else in our family knows
more pls
What the actual fuck
m or f?
Does anybody have the greentext of user and his firefighter sister ? I remember that they were fucking once in the fire dept. Building during a party. She also got intentionnally pregnant. They end up moving togheter.
That shit was fire, but i can't find it anymore.
Come join us in the feral threads some time, there are lots of us who enjoy our dogs.
Nice resolution, idiot. I love reading blurry text.
it's perfectly readable, you're just blind
Found the phonefag who doesn't know how to turn desktop site on for page viewing.
TL;DR im on desktop mode on my phone and can read it perfectly.
Clearly you don't deserve a "smart" phone idiot
google drive, enjoy
Thank you incel tech support. That worked.
How do I access this on google drive?
>2 Years ago, summer
>Be me
>Be 17
>Sister Sarah 19 is home from uni
>She's actually my half sister, but I've known her all my life and she's not much older than me
>Parents out of town for some second honeymoon or some shit
>Sis out with some mates
>I'm at home playing Xbox
>Set up in the living room with the big TV and a few beers
>Like midnight sis gets home
>She's pretty drunk
>We end up sitting on the sofa chatting and drinking for ages
>"Screw this, I'm getting changed"
>She heads off upstairs
>Reappears a few minutes later
>She lies down with her back over my legs and her head on the arm of the sofa
>Don't really think much of it, she does this all the time
>She's wearing short pyjama bottoms and a t shirt
>Keep on chatting and drinking
>Sarah's clearly not wearing a bra
>Her nipples are showing through her shirt
>And they start to get hard
>Really obvious
>Try not to stare
>She notices
>"What it's cold, stop staring, ya pervert" she jokes
>She always did this when she still lived at home
>Pushes her chest out a bit and pulls her t shirt tight
>This makes her boobs really obvious
>I'm awkward as fuck with all this
>She notices and just laughs
>"Ya like them, user?"
>She's never done that, though
>I instantly turn bright red
>"Umm y-yeah, I guess" I reply
>My dick decides that this would be the perfect time to wake up
>"You guess, want a better look then?"
>She makes as if to pull off her top
>But just stops and laughs again
>This teasing goes on for a few more minutes
>After a couple minutes, she shimmys up so she is sitting between me and the arm of the sofa and I'm under her legs
>She makes a point of grinding her ass against me as she slides up
>I'm getting hard at this point
>Pretty sure she could feel it
>She's just sitting there looking at me mischievously
>I look into her eyes thinking I can stare her down
>She just lifts her arm up and around my neck and pulls our faces together and into a kiss
>I'm a little shocked at first
>But it's nice
>We are both into it instantly, I can't remember either of us hesitating
>At first I have no idea what to do with my hands
>I end up with one behind her head and the other on her shoulder
>She moves her shoulders and lifts her arm a little so my hand slides down so it's on her side
>Then she turns her torso into my hand and I feel her breast slide into my palm
>Her still erect nipple brushes against my hand, which is still barely resting on her
>My mind is screaming at me to stop, she's my sister for Christ sake
>But I'm a horny teenager so my brain should know better than to try to reason with my dick
>I move my hand on her boob round to that I'm cupping it properly now
>I give it a gentle squeeze
>Sarah lets out a soft moan as I do so
>We keep kissing as I fondle her breast for a little more
>Sarah breaks off the kiss, but keeps her face close to me
>She's breathing quite heavily and I can feel it against my face
>"Fuck" She whispers, "We shouldn't do this" and quickly extricates herself from me
>Goes back to her side of the sofa
>We just sit there in silence for a bit
>It's awkward as fuck now
>After a few more minutes of silence
>"user?" She asks pretty tentatively
>"Yeah?" I reply equally carefully
>"You won't tell anyone about that, will you?"
>"No..." I try and think of something else to say but nothing comes to mind
>"Thanks" she sounds relieved
>More silence
go dog go
>I need to say something
>"About that..." I begin but fail to find any more words
>"Yeah..." She begins but trails off too
>"I dunno why I did that, it just seemed like the thing to do at the time, I'm sorry" she continues and looks like she's about to burst into tears
>I try to console her
>"I didn't really try to stop you though"
>"I guess, Um... did you like it?" she asks, that seemed to have cheered her up a bit
>Well that's a question and a half
>"I mean, yeah, kind of... I guess"
>My mind is scrambling to thing of what else to say and not insult her by accident
>"It's just, you're my sister, I mean it's a little weird OK?"
>"If I did it again would you stop me though?" there's something in her look now
>"Probably not, no" I admit
>"Do you want me to do it again?"
>My brain stops working at this point
>I go for the most noncommittal answer I can
>"I wouldn't say no..."
>She scoots over to me, puts her hand on my chin and turns my face to hers
>Kisses me gently
>Only lasts a few seconds
>We just look into each other's eyes for a bit
>I move towards her and our lips meet again
>More like the first time now
>We just sit there making out for a good bit
>Sarah takes my hand and lifts it up towards her chest
>I take the hint
>I cup her boob again and give it a light squeeze
>Her nipples are still erect
>Eventually I end up gently pinching her nipple between my thumb and forefinger and rolling it back and forth
>She moans a little at that
>Breakes off the kiss
>"That feels... really good..." she's practically panting now "This is a bit awkward though, wanna go upstairs?" I could hear the smile in her voice now
>I agree and she jumps up and almost drags me upstairs and towards her room
stupid post length limit
>We reach her room
>She’s still in front of me
>She stops facing away from me reaching behind her and pulled me towards her
>She grinds her ass against me
>I reach up and cup her boobs
>I move my hands down to the bottom of her shirt and then up and under
>She reaches down too, lifting her t-shirt up and off
>She turns around and I get the first good look at her boobs
>They aren’t particularly big, a nice handful, pretty perky and quite large nipples
>She moves close to me, removing my t-shirt
>We move together pressing our bodies together
>Sarah hooks her fingers into the waistband of my sweatpants and pulls them down
>I’m wearing tight boxer shorts
>My boner is really obvious
>She reaches down and gently runs her hand over my dick
>It was only a light touch but I felt like I would cum right there
>Eventually move over to her bed
>End up with me sitting up and Sarah sitting between my legs lying back against me
>We start making out again
>I keep playing with her tits, as I pinched her nipples she kept moaning softly
>Sarah grabs one of my hands and pulls it down towards her crotch
>I slide my hand down and under her shorts
>The shorts themselves were loose but the waistband was quite tight
>I used my other hand to push them down and off
>I run my hand down towards her pussy over her underpants
>The crotch of her underpants is noticeably wet
>As I rub her the fabric Sarah moans lightly
>I pull my hand up and push it down under the waistband
>Her pubes rub against my hand as I reach down to her pussy
>She’s fucking soaked
>I run a finger down her slit and over her clit
>“Right there... Don’t stop” she moans
>I do as I’m told, keep running her clit
>After a little while, Sarah reaches down and removes her panties
>Taking my hand, she moved it little showing me what she wanted me to do
>She was moaning louder and breathing heavier now
>“God that’s good... Don’t stop, user” she gasped
>She’s thrusting her hips into my hand in time with my rubbing
>Moaning louder
>Thrusting faster
>And faster
>Sarah let’s out one final moan
>Clamps her legs together
>Almost shaking
>I retrieve my hand from her crotch
>After a few minutes she catches her breath again
>She rolls off of me so she’s lying on her front with one hand propping up her head
>With her other hand she gently strokes my cock through the boxer fabric
>“I suppose I should return the favour” she says as she starts pulling them down one handed
>I pretty quickly give her a hand and pull them off, tossing them away
>We’re both naked now
>Sarah has taken hold of my cock
>Slowly she starts jerking me off
>With such a gentle grip and how slowly she’s going I don’t cum right away, even though I felt like I would
>She’s alternating between looking at my dick and my face
>After a little bit she move up a little so that she can kiss me again
>“I wish I could fuck you right now” she said with a kiss
>I almost came right then and there
>She moves so that she’s on her knees
>Her legs are slightly apart, her pubes are quite short and darker than the rest of her hair
>Her lips are glistening with wetness and there’s a clear tendril running from her inner thigh to her pussy
>She picks up my hand and moves it between her legs
>“I’m still really sensitive so be gentle” she says
>I carefully stroke my fingers across her lips and feel her twitch a little
>She signals that I can keep going
>She keeps slowly jerking me, but is gripping a little tighter now so it feels much better
>As I’m rubbing her pussy I venture a finger between her lips and up inside
>I push my finger past the threshold, Sarah moans softly again
>I go a little deeper but she tells me not to go too much farther
>She keeps jerking my cock as all this happens
>With my sister moaning, playing with my dick and my hand in her cunt I can’t hold it any longer
>I cum pretty forcefully, over Sarah’s hand and my chest
>It sort of takes her by surprise and she almost falls over
>She jumps up to clean off her hand and passes me a tissue to clean myself up
>Switching off the lights, Sarah gets into bed, under the covers this time and signals me to join her
>“That was fun” she says with a giggle, “we should do it again”
>All I can say back is “yeah”
>We chat for a bit more but eventually fall asleep
>I wake up a little before Sarah
>Pretty disorientated at first
>Quickly remember where I am
>Then what happened the night before
>I'm facing the door, I feel like I should make a run for it
>I don't move though, don't want to move and wake my sister
>Just lie there for what feels like an hour
>Probably only about 5 minutes
>Feel Sarah move on the other side of the bed
>Fuck she's awake
>She rolls over and places her hand on my shoulder
>"Hey" she says pretty groggily
>I tense up
>Don't know what to do
>She kisses the back of my neck
>Pulls herself over so she's practically spooning me
>I can feel her warm body pressed against my back
>Start to feel a little more relaxed
>She's not screaming at me which is what I expected
>"M-Morning" I finally say
>"I enjoyed last night" She begins, now pretty much in my ear, "I'd like to do it again"
>Sarah is running her hand down my flank now stopping at my cock
>Its starting to get hard
>She gives it a light fondle
>Instant diamonds
>She keeps talking
>"Not right now though, mum and dad aren't back for a few days. We can have more fun tonight"
>One final kiss, almost a nibble on my ear
>She breaks off the hug and jumps out of bed
>She instantly transforms back into my teasing sister
>Except that she’s now completely naked
>Says she's going for a shower and doesn't want to leave her pervy brother in her room
>I point out she didn't seem to mind last night
>End up going about our days pretty normally
>Sarah leaves the house for most of the day
>I just play Xbox and kick about the house
>That evening
>Sarah reappears around 5pm laden down with bags
>We end up getting Chinese for dinner, neither of us wanted to cook
>Have a few more drinks and watch some shit on TV
>Cuddling on the couch
>I eventually ask if there's anything else we'd like to do
>She looks up at me grinning
>"Go upstairs maybe? I want to teach you something"
>We go back upstairs to her room
>Clothes pretty quickly come off
>Sarah’s completely naked and I’m just in my underwear
>End up on the bed with me on top of her
>Her legs apart, and me pushing my bulge into her groin
>Can feel her warmth through the fabric of my boxers
>She starts pushing my head down her body
>I stop at her boobs and suck on her nipple
>She lets out a soft moan
>“Keep going down, I want you to lick me”
>She keeps pushing me towards her crotch
>I get there and get my first good look at her pussy
>Quite a small slit, not much in the way of labia, glistening and very pink
>I have no idea what I'm doing
>Stick out my tongue and lick it from bottom to top
>Sarah guides my head around until I find her clit and tells me what to do
>After a bit, I venture a finger inside her pussy
>She likes that
>I keep going
>She’s thrusting into my face now in time with my licks and moaning quite loudly
>My jaw is getting sore now
>Force myself to keep going as she gets louder and louder
>Eventually she cums
>Clamping her legs shut while I'm still between them
>Nearly suffocates me
>I extricate myself from her pussy
>My face is covered in her juices
>Go to kiss her
>She practically wraps herself around me this time
>“You’re not bad at that”
>We just lie there hugging for a bit
>Eventually Sarah’s hand starts moving down to my crotch
>My underwear pretty quickly comes off and she’s jerking me again
>She only does it for a bit
>Jumps up and grabs something from her dresser drawer and throws it to me
>Instinctively catch it, it’s a condom
>“Want to...” she asks
>I just nod
>I fumble with the packet
>She just takes it from me rips it open and slides it over my cock, barely breaking eye contact
>I damn near cum right there
>Without saying a word she pulls me into another kiss, straddles me and slowly starts lowering herself onto my cock
>I’m just at the threshold, she breaks the kiss
>I tentatively thrust a up a bit as she pushes down
>There’s a little bit of resistance, then I slide into her an inch
>She exhaes sharply, then pushes the full way down
>She’s so warm inside, I almost lose it again
>My face is clearly pretty amusing
>She giggles a bit
>I can feel her giggle through my cock
>“Like that?”
>Slowly she starts moving up and down
>Gently, and only slightly at first
>Then faster and harder
>I’m still sitting up and she somehow gets her legs around in front of her and wrapped around my waist
>She’s doing pretty much all the work at this point
>I’m just along for the ride
>Feels fucking amazing though
>Sarah’s pretty loud
>I slip out of her a few times
>The fumbling about to get back inside her meant that I lasted a little longer
>Still didn’t last that long
>I try and thrust with her
>Doesn’t really work
>She’s still fucking me quite hard
>Eventually can’t hold on any longer
>I cum harder than I ever have before
>Sarah doesn’t stop fucking right away
>Keeps going, still feels amazing
>Eventually slows down and stops
>Both pretty out of breath
>Collapse into a sweaty heap
>I take the condom off
>We cuddle up naked again and fall asleep
>I wake up spooning Sarah
>Her ass is pressing against my cock
>I’ve got morning wood
>Start grinding against her
>She’s obviously awake
>She grinds back against me
>I reach round her and cup her breast
>Kissing her neck
>Squeeze her boob and pinch her nipple
>Sarah turns around so that we and properly kiss
>She guides my hand away from her boobs and towards her pussy
>She’s not that wet, but she tells me to keep going
>I move my head down to her chest and start sucking on her nipple
>She gently fondles my cock
>After a while she’s pretty wet
>I go to move my head further down
>Want to lick her again
>She stops me
>“Not now, go get a condom and fuck me”
>No argument from me
>I manage to get it on without help this time
>Sarah lies back and opens her legs
>Slowly guides me inside her
>Tells me to go slowly
>Take my time
>A lot more sensual
>Feel all her little wriggles
>Hear all her moans
>So hot
>Feels so good
>She reaches down and starts playing with herself as I fuck her
>I last longer than last time
>Still don’t last that long
>When I do cum she asks how it felt
>Fucking amazing
>“Was I your first?” she asks
>“Hmm, that’s hot...” she trails off
>End up chatting for ages wrapped up like that
>Agree never to talk about this
>And that we want to do this again
>Eventually get out of bed at like 1pm
>Parents arrive back home like 3 hours later
>Nothing else really happened that summer
>Next time we fucked was christmas
That's all I've typed up so far, I can type up a bit more if you all want
Gee, this doesn't read at all like copypasta from a published story.
Its hard to say because
A) you need to be attractive so i assume you are
B) She has to be kinky enough for it
In general fucking your Mom is not early as hard as it would first appear to be. She is still a woman, women like to get fucked and have sex 90% of the hurddle is IN YOUR HEAD getting over the title of "Mom"
And before you do this realize that you are basically going to destroy that aspect of her to you, she wont be Mom anymore, shell be a woman that you fuck, likely in a scandoulous way where she cheats on your father.
Are you philosophically ready to destroy your mother's existence in an esoteric way? Because she will never really be your Mom anymore, not in the normal sense
But once you are okay with that aspect you are already mostly there. She isnt mom, she is a sexy older woman that you are trying to fuck, so you flirt with her and get sexually aggresive with her in a way that you would if you are trying to smash.
I know that seems "too easy" but really what else is there to do? Thats how you seduce women. Keep in mind
>Women only love their children unconditionally
>You are likely a younger more attractive version of a man she already fucked and bread with ( your Dad)
>Her middle aged sex life is likely very unsatisfying to her, the sex drive in middle aged men is much lower than middle aged women.
So all the ingredients are there to push her over the edge but YOU need to be willing to go and take it, to kill the concept of your Mother and take her as a woman.
Problem's yours, not his. Pic relevant
>Guy meets a cute girl at a masquerade ball (mask party)
>notices unique ring on her finger
>they have wild sex in a backroom
>the next day at home, guy is having breakfast with his sister when he notices that she is wearing that ring
>guy was me aged 17 (sister was 15)
OK But I'm typing this as I post them so it'll be slower
>First time Sarah is home for more than a couple days
>We had been texting quite a bit since we slept together in summer
>Normally pretty mundane shit, but quite a bit of flirting too
>First day she's home
>She's in the kitchen
>Parents in another room
>Sarah's wearing black leggings and a sweater
>Her ass looks great in them
>I come up behind her
>Place a hand on her ass
>She jumps a little bit
>Then smiles and replies
>Give her ass a squeeze
>She turns to me
>That look
>Her ass another squeeze
>"Not now" she mouths
>Move in for a kiss
>Our lips meet and there's a little flutter of tongue
>Hear a noise in the other room
>Break it off and try to act casual as dad walks in
>Later that day
>Get text form Sarah "Don't lock your door tonight and stay up"
>That night
>Obey her instructions
>I'm in bed on my laptop
>It's getting later
>Around 1am
>Hear the floorboards creak lightly
>My door opens and Sarah comes in
>Locks it behind her
>My room was the furtherest from parents
>But still not all that far away
>I put away my laptop and Sarah comes over to my bed
>She's wearing pyjama shorts and a t shirt
>I go to say something but she sushes me
>Silently she climbs into bed beside me
>I wrap my arm around her neck and pull her face towards mine
>As we're kissing I move my other hand down to her chest and cup her boob
>After a bit I move it down and under her shirt
>She grabs my ass and starts thrusting her our crotches together
>I'm hard as a rock at this point and it's getting uncomfortable
>I pull away and try to rearrange myself
Fucked my Mom at a Frat football watch event during Parents weekend. Dont feel like green-texting the whole thing but it goes like this:
Every year we do a big Family Weekend event at the house and put the game on a projector and have a big "virtual" tailgate. This has gone on for like a decade at least by now, my parents come my sophmore year. There is on occasion the divorced Mom or Dad who ends up fucking a Brother or some random Sorostitute that we have at the house. Some rumors of married parents cheating with somebody. I desperately want to be one of those stories. So the game its just past half time and people are getting kind of drunk. My mom overhears me say some nasty shit to a pledge about fucking one of these milfs and confronts me about it. Basically says there is no talent and shes the hottest one there. I am shocked and say yeah well too bad you arent available to me as a joke. She then acts offended and says "not with that attitude" winks and walks away. A few minutes later I am coming back from the bathroom and run into her in a side hall area and pull her aside to ask if she was serious about what she said.
She gives me another smart ass response and asks if its true we keep the good liqour in our rooms. It is true, in a confused horny haze I take my mom to my Big Bros rooom in the house (I didint live there) pour some shots for us and she lays back on the bed suggestively. At this point its quite obvious whats going on so I do a shot and say "fuck it" and go ham on her.
We rip eachothers clothes off (not literally) make out, finger, handy. And a quick kneeling blowjob for a few seconds but I am rock hard. She lays on the bed and we fuck doggy style, shes moaning but the party is loud as fuck so nobody can hear or anything, I fuck her like a rabit and we nearly push off the side of the bed so we readjust to doggy style.
I am absolutely POUNDING my mom then BOOM door busts open COnt.
I remember you. You said it wasn't ever gonna happen again, but had she ever given any indication before you went to college that she was into this?
>Sarah whispers to me "I've wanted to do that for months"
>I have to agree
>She says we shouldn't have sex with parents in the house
>Again I have to agree
>Keep making out
>Clothes come off until we're both in our underwear
>Sarah takes my hand and moves it towards her crotch
>Says something like "We can still do this"
>I slide my hand under the waistline of her underpants
>She's pretty wet
>She reaches inside my boxers and takes my cock in her hand
>I'm rubbing her clit in different ways to see what she likes
>Underwear pretty quickly comes off too
>We keep going like this until Sarah starts getting close to orgasam
>As she gets closer, she just kisses me harder
>Practically shoving her tongue down my throat
>I was getting close to cumming too
>She was still jerking me off
>I was basically fucking her hand at this point
>I eventually cum
>Not long after Sarah starts cumming too
>Tenses up and tries to be quiet
>Pretty much just whimpers
>We just both lie there for a minute or so, completly out of breath
>We catch our breath and get cleaned up
>Cuddle up for a bit
>Realise we can't actually fall asleep
>Sarah get dressed again and leaves
>Next few days nothing much happens
>Pleanty of sly looks
>A few kisses and gropes when no one's looking.
>Too much family about to do anything more
>A few days after Christmas
>Parents out for the evening
>Sarah and I are sitting on the sofa
>As soon as we hear the car pull out of the drive
>We both turn to look at each other
>That look
>"Want to go upstairs?" I ask
>"Why'd we do that, user?" she asks feigning innocence
>"I don't know, we could go and play Xbox" I reply jokingly
>"Hmm, that doesn't should like it involves you licking me out"
>"We could do that instead, I guess"
>We both fall silent
Door busts open and its my BIG Bro, some other dude probably a prospective pledge and some chick.
They of course are shocked and amused to see me fucking some random chick (mom is pretty fit and we are facing away in a dark room they basically just see my ass and her legs).
>Holy shit user GET IT
BIg bro laughing runs up and slaps my ass. I can tell Mom is totally terrified she has like completely seized up, I am still going and I am laughing, and shocked and terrified all at the same time. Big Bro grabs a bottle and some cups from his booze stash, the other dude yells "Fuck that slut bro" Before shutting the door.
Mom pulls a way and says "What the fuck you didnt lock the door?" I say "Haha mom the door doesnt even have a lock" She says "They could have caught us!!!" I say "dont worry they couldnt see you at all" I then pull er back and stick my dick back in her she tries to say something of protest but it falls into some random moan and then I get right back to fucking her.
I last maybe a few more minutes, cum on her. We clean up and go our separate ways.
Get back downstairs, Its the end of the 3rd quarter so this whole event took about 20-25 minutes at most. Dads watching the game none-the-wiser
As far as I know my big bro never knew who I was fucking that day, but he also never really asked so I think he maybe knew but kept cool about it? IDK I am not going to push it.
Pic related is her. It was a while ago now about 5 years and despite a few wayword comments when we are alone we've never really done anything again or talked about it and really I am fine with it, It was a heat of the moment situation.
Dont get me wrong I am happy I got too but I dont need anymore.
>Just staring into each others eyes
>Still sitting at opposite ends of the sofa
>We virtually threw ourselves at each other
>After a few seconds of this we pry ourselves from each other and head upstairs to my room
>And we're straight back to kissing
>Both fumbling to remove each other's clothes
>Eventually we end up naked
>This is the first time I've seen Sarah naked since summer
>She's trimmed her pubes
>Before she pretty much had a full bush, just trimmed short
>Now its just a little bit on her mons and the rest shaved
>Fucking hot
>Start kissing down her body
>Stop with my mouth over her nipple
>Its hard
>I grip it with my lips
>Give it a flick with my tongue
>She breathes in sharply, obviously likes it
>Keep licking her nipple
>With my free hand I reach down towards her pussy
>Slip a finger past her lips
>She's wet but not soaked
>I rub her clit lightly
>Moaning slightly now
>She pushes my head away from her breast
>Tells me to lick her
>I move down and go to town on her
>She pretty quickly gets into it
>Thrusting in time with my every lick
>Getting quite loud
>She cums pretty quickly
>"You're pretty good at that" she said as she pulls me down beside her
>After some more kissing we rearrange ourselves
>Sarah's lying on the bed with me between her legs
>Her pussy is soaked and glistening now
>And very pink
>I ask if she has a condom with her
>"Don't need one, I'm on the pill"
>With that look again
>She reaches down and takes my dick in her hand
>Guides it towards herself
>Slowly push into her pussy
>A little ressistance at first but I soon slip past into her
>She feels so warm on my cock
>Feels amazing
>This is the first time I've ever not used a condom
>Go slowly at first
Go find the source, then
>She's thrusting her hips up every time I thrust down
>Wraps her legs around me
>Pretty damn loud now
>I can't keep this up for long
>Realise I probably shouldn't cum in her if she didn't want me to
>Ask her
>She enthuastically agrees
>She's holding onto me quite tight now too
>I can feel her nails digging into my back
>Sarah's basically doing all the work now
>I'm still thrusting but she's wrapped round me and thrusting against me, I can't really do that much
>This feels amazing
>But not for long
>I cum hard
>She somehow summons more strength and squeezes me even harder
>I eventually collapse down beside her
>I can't think of anything to say so we don't just lie there in silence
>Say the first thing that comes to my head
>"You're on the pill?"
>"Yeah, I am allowed to have a sexlife, user" she replies
>"Speaking of sexlife, that was probably the best sex I've ever had" she continues
>Best compliment I've ever had
>We cuddle a bit longer and get cleaned up and dressed
>Go back downstairs before parents get back
>Can't stop thinking about how I've just creampied my sister
>Nothing much else happens over Christmas
>We grope each other a few times and kiss when no one is looking, but that's about it
That's it for Christmas time, there's the time I visited her at university and we fucked like rabbits but I can't be arsed to type it up now but I might later if the thread is still up
Thanks user, good story. Willing to share a pic of your sis?
user who has posted many times posted some screen caps of him and his mom sexting.
anyone have more like/of this? This is all I got.
why does nobody like incest today
Fake and gay. Incest doesn't really happen.
>Incest doesnt happen
>Thats why there are laws against it
>Thats why its one of the most popular pornographic fantasies
literally kys for being retarded
This is all I'm going to post of her, don't want her recognised
I'm going to try and get some up later but I've got other shit to do for now
I grew up in an enviroment where being overtly sexual to relatives was not seen as strange.
Me, my brothers and Cousns all grew up watching our uncles and fathers and Grandfathers aggressive hitting on, groping and even getting a little too frisky with the other women, our moms sisters, cousins etc.
None of them seemed to mind it was just seen as normal. If your aunt or sister or Daughter was looking hot, telling her and cupping some tit was just what went down.
Now I wont say "incest" was common because I dont think a lot happened beyond gropes and inappropriate comments, but Im sure there was some sex hear and there.
I never personally did anything more than groping
Not bad, had a pretty crappy christmas with a sick kid, but the rest of the family's ok.
Apart from dad, who died a couple of years ago, but we're all living in their house now. Tasha's getting married next year, Christine's had a daughter (C-section, it didn't look good for a while but it's all ok now) and the last we heard from Freckles she was somewhere in Australia.
Did anyone follow that femanon last night talking about the sex she had with her father? Thread 817154176
I hope someone screencap this story.
No, but it sounds interesting.
Here's the first bit, doing 2nd part now
part 2
You two still do stuff?
A lot of cultures don't see sleeping with/marrying cousins as wrong. Hell, in the west cousins marrying was pretty normal until quite recently
It's too much to screencap. At least the parts that were interesting to me. Maybe check out that thread number in the archive and see if its your cup of tea.
You realise someone just posted a screen cap of this thread? Idiot
When I was really young like maybe 10, I used to mess around with my younger sisters, we found internet porn and just copied what we saw, its not like anyone said not too.
One day my mom caught us and when we explained it was videos online she just berated us and told us that it was wrong etc etc. Really put the fear of god in us.
She never told my Dad as far as I know or anyone probably because she thought theyd go to jail for child abuse or some shit.
Ever do anything more? Still talk about it?
>Incest doesn't really happen
Refer to the british royal bloodline
Laughs in Hapsburg
I think they were too young to remember, I am even really hazy on the details.
I mean I was still into incest and shit growing up with porn but nothing after that.
>have three older sisters
>grew up surrounded by estrogen
>first masturbatory idols are my sisters
>they go between staying with me and mom or their dad for months/years
>be 15
>middle sister is staying with us
>she walks in on me fapping with her dirty panties
>cum in them and toss in dirty laundry
>she never said anything about it
>continue fapping with her panties whenever theres a fresh used pair in laundry
>continue to this day
>only thing shes ever said about it was "you should just get it over with and take me instead of jerking off with my underwear all the time"
>couldn't tell if she was serious or not
>am still perplexed
Any photos of the panties/sisters?
I had to help bathe my 11yo niece a few times, was pretty fun
OK, let me rephrase it: it's too much for me to screencap. Honestly I can't be bothered. I gave the thread number which should help. If you can't be bothered reviewing it on the archive, I don't know what to say.
>sister said "let's fuck"
>we did
Any pics of sister or nah?
Posted it here brah