
me is kat
you kat fren?

Attached: PUSSY.jpg (580x435, 82K)

it would be nice if kat would become a friend of mine, but i think not, anf thats ok, :(


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henlo fren

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cats have no style, who would want to be their friend

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no tamks

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Me liiek pussy

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Ahhhm, you nudnik. Tip or cheer and I'll think about it. I already married a kat.

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Fog betta fren.

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He's dead, y'know.

moar ducks

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U wan fight u shit?

everyone knows that ducks are the best fren

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ill fight u faggot, quack quack heart attack u fuck

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Here u go fellow duck friend

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Cats have no swag

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dude...what's goin' on in this thread???

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Frogs will never be known as champion frogs, cats won't either. Fuck outta here with your inferior animals.

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goose fren

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dafuk u think, its a duck revolution

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geese are acceptable. you will be spared

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This boy has a bowler hat

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bugged replying mechanics
*snort* this website runs only at 30 fps

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Whats going on in here

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Who wants pizza?

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u wot m8?

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i apologize with my entire being, im so happy to see a duck eating pizza, thank you so much.

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I love the pussy

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Attached: Rescue-dogs-adopt-ducklings.jpg (615x409, 30K)

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amazing house

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Cops raided it the other day. They suspected it to be a quack house

That's it! We have had nof with u duck fucks. FOGS ARE MORE BESTEST THEN DUCKS. DIS MEAN WAR.

Attached: Fogmad.jpg (215x234, 9K)

i love u

Get outta here frog fuck, u dont even have cute babies, your babies look like black semen

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