Only countries that have never lost a single war may post here
>where my burger bros at
Only countries that have never lost a single war may post here
>where my burger bros at
Other urls found in this thread:
>War of 1812
>Somali civil war
bong leave
>implying we lost
What is vietnam?, also, the WWII was won by the rapist russians of stalin, you just cowardly attacked nippon.
seriously Pedro? Russians spent more time killing themselves and running aimlessly into fire , than actually killing nazis
Go to bed Paco.
Undefeated checking in.
Get lost, burgers.
Republic of Ireland qualifies. Country didnt exist until we won our war of independence with the UK.
delete this we quit those before we lost i think anyway
untested either :^) im kidding, leaf i love you
>It's another ignorant euros say America lost vietnam episode
do burgers believe they won in afghanistan?
pretty sure you lost all of the mentioned.
Russian Federation isn't Soviet Union.
So we never lost a single war.
You lost the civil war and you still suffer.
How did America lose a civil war in another country?
IF I close my eyes, cover my ears and scream loudly does Britain get to win every war too?
>Canadian master race
You're right about Vietnam (we haven't exactly won the middle east east), but you're a fool if you think Russia would have been able to defeat the nazis without us. They were getting fucking slaughtered.
>MFW always changed sides at the last moment in world wars
im pretty sure burgers lost in Vietnam
Because being to autistic fucks you are you helped the Somalians and lost.
That was a war that is still couldn't have been concisely won, no matter who you are. It is like fucking fighting hydra lol
>we won our war of independence with the UK
Learn about Eastern Front and stop embarrassing yourself. You like it or not - Russians won WWII
>posting in this thread.
>I think
>implying burgers think
Remember in Futurama when Zap Brannigan won a battle by sending wave after wave of his own men at the robot enemies until the enemy reached their preset kill limit? That was basically Vietnam's strategy so I don't count that as a loss for us
>war on drugs
>war on terror
lol the british can burn down a building , nice act of cowardice :^)
>Russia would have been able to defeat the nazis without us
M8, you guys just saved everything west from Berlin from us. And we could take all the Europe if it wasn't you.
>Americans itt
Lol I am laffin
you just want the emu meme
it's not very funny anymore
You are the most hated country on this board, shut the fuck up maple shit
Single handeldy won wwii
rare and sexy flag
Only Jews may post in this thread
Because other than them we all lost WW2
>conveniently forgets the emu war
>Red Cloud's War
>Russian Civil War
>Korean War
>Bay of Pigs Invasion
>Vietnam War
New Zealand has never lost a war.
Not our fault your President and his men all ran away
This isn't even a joke, we have a better military record than the US
>losing to a bunch of rice farmers
what was the 1st Chechen War
Thank you based foroyar
Also, we lost the Civil War.
when is this meme going to stop
If we lost Vietnam show me surrender documents I'll be waiting.
this is true :( and the only one this is true desu
Your only defence is petty insults.
I don't have to say anything else.
Valid. Welcome to the club.
Why do burgers and leafs hate each other?
We never went to war with Vietnam, it was a conflict in vietnam, war was not declared on vietnam
Vietnam still is though
>Burning down the White House
>Implying that means we lost War of 1812
most americans couldn't find canada on a map or thnk it's a state
the hate is just here
i love my brothers to the north, it honestly seems they have the most hatred
>Vietnam you fucking cumstain
>War of 1812
That's why Britain literally got none of the demands they wanted and we got the few we wanted - British stopped kidnapping American sailors, American trade with France did not come to an end, and there was no Indian buffer state created in the northwest to halt American expansion. The treaty was status quo only as far as British demands were concerned, and the British caved to the American demands. Therefore, it was status quo in name only. But, glory for the British is a cheap commodity, they will claim anything is a win.
>Somali civil war
America was not a real belligerent in that war, m8. It was a United Nations peacekeeping mission, and it had all the constraints that the UN forces on its people to keep them from winning engagements. Pick a war that America was actually a belligerent in.
The US did not lose Vietnam. The peace agreement was signed, we withdrew, and the North violated the peace agreements after that. It would be like saying the US lost WW1 because Germany conquered France later in WW2. The conquest of South Vietnam happened after the war was over.
Reporting in
We don't trust them.
How would you feel if they were your obnoxious neighbor?
Just be glad they emancipated themselves from you centuries ago.
Czech Republic has never been to a war. Checkm9
welcome to the club
Hey hue, our war where I got blown the fuck out by you and fucking argies is probably the most underrated in modern history.
The only war we lost was in the 8th century when we were forcefully christianized. We were atheists (pogani) before that.
Holy shit my country is so based, it was based nearly 1000 years before the land of the fat even existed.
If we would have listened to patton we could have nuked you and Been the only winner of WW2
We don't really, we just like to think we do because our relationship is so boringly peaceful
We should have listened to patton
Canada is homebase for leftist cucks and most cancerous nation on the planet, their leader literally goes to gay pride rallies and bases major legislation on gender equality and says CURRENT YEAR during speeches. I don't hate them all, but the majority of them seem to act accordingly. It's the most cancerous nation on the planet. Luckily they have zero power whatsoever and the cancer cannot spread.
The operation was called unthinkable for a reason
we are like siblings , we have sibling arguments and shit
Vietnam was a tie.
Though, we killed well over a million commie gooks.
They nabbed just over 58,000 of our brave boys, through cowardly means like booby traps and mines.
Lol you are down to just one of your home Islands. You used to have two.
Red cloud?
what's that picture?
we took a look at the prospect of going to war with iraq in the wake of 9/11 and we were like "nope, that sounds completely fucking retarded"
and here we are :)
>most cancerous nation on the planet
Look how quickly we all forget about Sven
sexually identifies as an attack helicopter reporting in
>war of 1812
I guess a moral victory isn't a victory eh
Sup commonwealth
they got BTFO by the natibes
We didn't lose Nam, we broke even.
Momm! America is pissing on my bed again!
burger bros, kek
>Canada almost backs the USA in war
>knows Vietnam is essentially unwinnable, doesn't join
Clearly Canada is concerned about its undefeated record
kojima's new game
reporting in
the 2nd republic of Austria was formed after ww2 and has never participated in a war so we're undefeated too
we have lost wars, none of you bitches have invaded 9/10 countries though.
and we would do it again
Irak too
Kek, so napalm bombs are instruments of the mighty brave 'Murica, but booby traps and mines are "cowardly".
modern turkey never lost xd
I always just assumed it was because Canada didn't give a fuck about the Asia-Pacific region.
You sounded a hasty retreat while failing to achieve your objective; to stop South Vietnam from falling to communists. You lost.
Reporting in.
Completely flawless winstreak.
>w-we didn't lost we just windraw and let the enemy take all the land we occupied
Burgers are pathetic