Melania's speech vs Michelle

Wtf is this pol ?
Is Trump btfo ?
Is this the end ?

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trump did it to prove immigrants steal.


it's a ploy to make the media look like shit. they wont be able to stop talking about this and it will make melania look more sympathetic

It's clearly plagarism and whoever did it should apologize and then we can all

No it isn't. This is a common persuasion technique worked out by Trump to push the mainstream media to feed an imprint while it thinks it is attacking him.

The effects of the imprint are;
>Trump has an immigrant wife with a foreign accent representing him, the party, and the campaign
>Melania speaking for Trump espouses the same values as Michelle Obama
>The accent and warm reception will imprint a denial in those that automatically assume xenophobic tendencies to Trump or the Republican party
>The image of a strong immigrant woman being Trumps wife also creates a positive, especially since comparing the current active first lady to Melania will associate her with the idea of being the first lady already

This literally won't hurt him in anyway, it won't bring more people against him than those who are already there and it subliminally connects Democrat values to Trump and the Presidential 'attitude' of the first family to him in those that would focus on this story.

It's pretty brilliant, helps those who didn't know or care hear the RNC started its first day, announced their attention to the event and speakers, compared Melania to a well known first lady and connected those values to his camp while showing her accent off as a sense of showing anti xenophobic support as others cheered on a successful immigrant heading the Republican convention. All this to supposedly attack three vague lines that won't convince anyone not to vote for him.

>asked to speak at rnc
>research speeches
>"hey i like these 2 sentences from michelle's speech"
>include them in your 6 min speech


>1 post by this ID

The end was two months ago when Trump became the presumptive nominee. This is just icing on the cake for hilldog.

>trump is so persuasive that he has to use subliminal messages to win


>it will make melania look more sympathetic
How exactly ?
It just makes her look dumb at this point.

First post best post

Many people might hear he has an immigrant wife, but never heard her speak.

The media has largely stayed away from her, in their attempts to keep him down. Hard to spin a man with a foreign wish as xenophobic.




He uses both direct messages and subliminal messages.

His campaign is literal Psyops, he came from being the most attacked and hated candidate to being accepted by the average American as President. Even the rare Hillary supporters I know majorly say they aren't affronted by his candidacy anymore, but their main argument is literally Hillary has been in government for so long and we need one women President.

The thing with Trump is when running against the MSM you have to at least learn to use the weapons of your enemy is a manner positive to you. He moves the news cycles with non news that seems like good attack material but ultimately dissolves or seems irrelevant to even Trump's biggest detractors, causing them to either agree the media is biased against him, that they're 'forced' to cover him for ratings in which case they lose trust in it's ability to attack or discredit him or even associate the news as pro Trump detracting from its ability to correlate massive messages with mainstream views to deride his campaign points.

It is a genius strategy, and one that hasn't been used before in US political campaigns unlike Obama's strategy to claim criticism links to racism to normalize positive views of him across the board against Clinton and then McCain in 08. This stuff is planned, the office for most powerful position in the world is at stake, the world's greatest think tanks and strategists are the ones playing this game.

>speaks 5 languages
>seems genuinely concerned about the future of a country she obviously adores
>from humble origins
>is gorgeous compared to Mrs. Obongo

>immigrant wife with hard time speaking is attacked by the media
>"so you saying a woman couldn't write her own speech?"
>"you saying an immigrant couldn't write her own speech?"
>attacks on her will subliminally be seen by the left associated with identity politics as attacks on women and immigrants
>they start associating Trump and the Republican party and RNC with those identities
>they start to associate Melania and Trump with what was said by Michelle Obama and either bring negativity they have of Trump to Obama (which damages Hillary) or bring positives they have of Obama to Trump (which again damages Hillary)
>this predates the rest of the events to be reported of the RNC

It's all about attacking the minds of those that give a shit enough to care about it on the news. Trump supporters and on the fencers won't care, either because it's irrelevant that it's plagiarized or that the three lines are vaguely similar. Those that will care will subliminally associate Trump with things the media has largely ignored (his immigrant wife's voice for one) with Trump to attack him but by doing so they will only notice the similar tones of the last president that swept into office and his close relationship with a strong immigrant female who speaked for him and the party first day of the convention.

This will bring him closer in general election mode to sway away attacks and bring the election to an establishment vs anti establishment message Hillary will automatically lose. Her only hope is to get an anti establishment VP, but the only one that could work is Warren and that doubles down the woman card and will make her lose a lot of blue collar Democrat support.

Trumps taking every step in the psyop attack, Hillary's toast.

>RULE 10: "If you push a negative hard enough, it will push through and become a positive." Violence from the other side can win the public to your side because the public sympathizes with the underdog. (Unions used this tactic. Peaceful [albeit loud] demonstrations during the heyday of unions in the early to mid-20th Century incurred management's wrath, often in the form of violence that eventually brought public sympathy to their side.)

the media will push it thru for trump

lol cherry picking much?

they are getting really desperate

speech was great

stay butthurt faggots

>1 post by this ID
also check the fucking catalog you goddamn stupid nigger

>2 sentences

Nigga, she stole full paragraphs. The denial is fucking strong with the alt-right.

Trump ultimately wins by this. It won't damage him in anyway that affects his going forward.

Melania is much prettier than Michelle.

I knew Caitlyn Jenner was a Trump supporter, but why was she at the convention reading a Michelle Obama speech in a weird retard accent?

wtf is this pol ?
is Obama btfo ?
is this the end ?

How in the ever loving fuck was Michelle one of the country's "Greatest First Ladies"?

>I knew Caitlyn Jenner was a Trump supporter
So that's why she stopped being a "hero" to LGBTfags.

Her speech was sabotaged by a Hillary plant. She was Rick Rolled as well. Here's an excerpt from her speech.

"He will never give up. And most importantly, he will never let you down."

She's been trolled, and we've been memed.


just maybe
>the speechwriter sabotaged her speech because he's a democrat

That's it? 8 sentences?

What game is this?

The media is getting played.

Melania wasn't scheduled as the main event, but she will be the thing the news whores are talking about all day tomorrow morning. Even now I saw Amanda Carpenter #cruzmissile tweeting a literal side by side photo of Melania and Michelle. If people weren't watching the RNC convention after today, they are more likely to tune in tomorrow, and the rest of the week. Our moronic news likes to blow non-issues out of proportion.

The speech had a Rick Roll.

Tomorrow you are going to see all the morning shows putting pictures of Melania and Michelle side by side. Not only will average Joe see how much more attractive Melania is, but they will get to see her compared with the sitting First Lady, and gain even more association with the office.

Trump has channeled meme magic, and he is a master of Kek. This obvious shit isn't any different from him releasing the ancient John Miller tapes. He wants to control the story, and he doesn't entirely care if it's positive or not. He's even quoted as saying near that exact statement. On top of it all, he gets to claim to be the victim of the news media. again.

That denial tho. Nigga, she's retarded and so is drumph.

wtf i thought melania can't speak english just a meme
i hate meme now

>you will see melania and michelle next to eachother

oh fuck he really is playing 4d chess

Please keep talking about him, make yourselves look desperate, keeping feeding the Trump fire.

Now his wife is going gain fame because of this, you are helping! Keep talking about him, he can do no wrong, this motherfucker could yell "niggers need to go back!" at the convention and it would still get him elected.

You need to help Hillary you mentally ill lib cucks not King Trump.

Yeah, couldn't help notice how much prettier she is than Michelle.

Well played.

How far will the delusions of grandeur take the alt-right? The world may never know.

it's going to be hilarious to watch the leftie press savage a woman immigrant non-native speaker over comments she made when she isn't running for any office of any kind.

Who let you off Reddit, faggot?

you're dumb

So how's Bernie doing bud?


It's happening already.

I almost puked in disgust.
Fuck America.

this is proof that kek is disappointed in us. we need to pray harder to kek so that the meme magic doesn't turn against us.

Deep within the sub conscience of liberals they are already accepting Melania as the first lady.
meme magic is indeed at work here

That sounds like copy-pasta to me. Great values to pass on to Americans.

I'm saving this so I can look at it again in a year and laugh at how some Trump supporters delude themselves into believing this is anything but him being retarded.

Also does anyone remember this?

Have you noticed it was ONE sentence?
I bet Trump made this bait.


The plagiarism is the bait, the rick roll is the trap.


Pretty sure Occam's Razor would suggest that it's just a couple fuckin' basic lines that everyone is told if their parents aren't dog shit.

Oh right, liberal parents. My apologies.

This is obviously Trump playing chess. The best part about Trump's persuasion skills is that no matter how obvious he makes his gambits, anti-Trump people will still deny it's persuasion because their hatred is rooted in thinking Trump is dumb, and they will never allow themselves to admit that he's intelligent. This makes it doubly easy for Trump to get away with these sorts of moves.

He really is a genius.

user, I've been saving them all day. The alt-right is imploding and they don't even know it.

Real explanation here:

Are we supposed to believe that Moo-chelle is some kind of beautiful, inspirational wordsmith??

>fucking hebes....

He's been doing this for literally decades.

It's second nature to him at this point.

He's an artisan persuader.
A patrician of getting what he wants.

He's actually already won.
Fire up your pinto nu-male. You gotta get to canada fast.

If they run away, Trump wins.

>Increasingly nervous liberal

Very nice. Good to see another user enjoying this shit show.

What the fuck is this alt right crap these little poofters keep mentioning? Wasn't that some Jew infiltration thing tried by Shapiro? Left wing cocksuckers have to label everything like their little y fronts, fuck off.

>heh he think he can be a serious candidate for the republican nomination
>heh he thinks he'll have staying power past the first debates
>heh he thinks he'll have enough delegates to clinch the nomination
>heh he thinks he'll win the independent vote
>heh he thinks he'll have higher polling numbers than Hillary
>heh he thinks he'll win a second term

He's broken every single expectation of a presidential campaign. Higher numbers than any other candidate to run in the primaries. Spent the least amount for the most effect. Has some of the highest names of the inside machinations of the political process on his side. Either he's the luckiest man to ever run despite every expectation against him and every competitive faction swamping him with attacks or he has played out a game unlike what we've seen from a campaign by tapping into a level of political guerilla campaigning unprecedented in US politics.

Considering the level of success in every area needed and large names associated with his campaign the second scenario is far more likely.

Holy shit look at those trips.

How far have these 'delusions of grandeur' taken us so far?

Donald J. Trump is the Republican nominee for this year's presidential elections and the United Kingdom is leaving the European Union.

Satan confirmed, Trump is gonna win.

>Trump projected to lose primaries, wins the biggest
>Nothing has been able to stop his growth
>"It's OK, the alt-right is imploding." Everything will be fine. Surely, this is the one that will stump the Trump."





Its just Sup Forums's attempt at PR. Why anybody here actually identifies as such is beyond me.


Hah, wouldn't that be something?

Here's the white, hot, female version of Michelle.

I go by Cheeseburger Nationalist.

>The alt-right is imploding
The right hasn't been this popular for decades. Your delusion is strong senpai.

It is funny. But seriously, what did you expect from a prostitute?

And you think it was the alt-right's design?




Delete. This. Post.


Well, I certainly did what I did by design.

Why are you so deliciously butt-flustered friend?

That's some peppa!

No, this is more of a last hurrah, not a resurgence. Get it right user.

>Nervousness has reached critical mass.

Kek, keep correcting that record bud.

Who give a shit about the wife of the president? Why Americans are so obsess about some irrelevant figure for the state? It is like watching some reality show.

>implying Trump is going to defeat the establishment's chosen one
>implying the right doesn't ALWAYS over-project their popularity and get smashed in presidential elections
>"It-it's gonna be alright user, surely Trump is play 5-D chess, r-right user"

It's more chess than Bernie can play.



The Alt Right has been birthed by two things.

The failure of a strong society moving away from the nation state structure that built it and allowed it past prosperity.
And the inability of the right to move in a manner that directly confronts the problems at hand, mainly being the corporatist structure being built and the dying cultural and societal unity needed to bring a people together to act in a cohesive manner.

Trump is the genius that has been able to bring the entirety of the phenomenon of a new emerging right wing that has retroactively been built to revolt against the mainstream left and the right that has grown to agree with their set platforms that has grown them ownership of the grounds of national conversations. His opposition to political correctness and money interests was enough to say to the people he was a weapon they could use. His destroying of Jeb and the Bush legacy was the first sign that he was able to be welded with precision. His ability to defeat every other candidate overwhelmingly was the end game that showed this right was the new right, that is was even beyond the normal left and right spectrum and more a movement to restabilize the nation state as the primary state of humanity.
Then his utter optimization of anti establishment stances that shaped the rest of the race and election have moved further than US shores, have fueled a wave of new ideas and new politicians that are now moving the spectrum to the real conflict of the world; nationalism vs internationalism.

This is a design f a conflict being taken place that you don't see with your small vision of events. Everything's related because nothing is isolated. Make no mistake, the alt right even being a thing is a cause of something that will become much bigger and more bombastic in the future. You don't build a failing generation and army of people with no nation and not have them respond quietly when they have nothing left to lose.

>first thing Americans will see in the morning is Melanias beautiful face directly compared to the first nigress

Multi-gravitational 4D reverse backgammon, people

I don't know if that's a copy pasta but it's well worded.

oh look lefties now hating immigrants ;^)

>Michelle bought the same fucking speech
But it's ok. She is black and she did this first.


That's some serious keikakku.

How can everyone else even compete.

woman can't come up with anything original so she steals from a man and then takes all the credit

women btfo pol was right again

Guys do you think Trump is screaming at his wife for this fuckup.

Compare the two campaigns.

Hillary has on her side
>the over projection of fear of a Trump presidency based on over-exaggerations
>the decisive use of identity politics (which is increasingly becoming a burden to use as it drives more voters away than towards) to win communities
>the promise of state benefits (by mostly saying they will be taken away)
>muh historic vagina
And that's it.

Trump has
>the ability for people to make a decisive historic change against all expectations
>a means of directly striking down identity politics in the mainstream political sector
>direct economic change against large moneyed interests
>a rage vote that's bound to direct a wave of reform in how politics is run as a whole
>a vote for anti war practices as well as military up build
>an ability to put the opposing politician with a criminal career history in jail by voting Trump in
>direct reform in immigration, jobs, and American affairs that will stay after the terms of the candidate and cannot be easily replaced

Trump holds all the cards. The right has over projected because they choose political hacks in a liquid liberal environment and has those people play on their ground. Trump has made the ground for the election and his numbers have been consistently UNDERESTIMATED in every projection.

He has taken away the Democrats advantages by refusing to have them control a larger narrative that moves a population into acting. The fact his unlikeability polls are dissipating while Hillary's are rising is proof on that, more people are being sucked into the narrative or being turned off of the opposing teams narrative. As long as that continues he wins, and in a land slide considering his plan of attacking swing states is already showing effectiveness unlike seen in a race like this before.