>there are actually people on this board right now who believe in god
There are actually people on this board right now who believe in god
>One post by this kike
God is like Santa. It makes you be a good adult and in the end you find out it was a scam.
There is absolutely no proof whatsoever he doesn't exist either.
>B-But muh science!!1
Fuck off, the ideology that something just magically comes from nothing is just as if not more retarded.
There are people who believe a lot of things like Jews would set out to effectively promote white genocide through race mixing Sup Forums is retarded.
No you're right it all came from nothing. It's all RANDOM. Yeah makes perfect fucking sense.
>he believes the desert god is real
I will never understand why Brits continue to mock Christians while their once great nation continues turning into a caliphate.
If you do not believe in intelligent design or a creator you are mentally infantile, and have not done one second of scientific research beyond what you learned in public school.
That being said, religion is retarded. I believe in a God, but not religion.
You won't have morals that go beyond no killing and stealing if you aren't religious.
You're a good infidel.
I will behead you last.
Only the youth does this.
which god?
Are you people serious?
How do you know nigger?
they are, this is real life. it's kinda funny how pol is supposed to be pretty red pilled yet almost half believe in sky fairies
Good, good.
Ignore that Sharia controlled zone. Or that Sharia court. Or those 1400 raped girls. You're not a racist, are you Nigel?
>There is absolutely no proof whatsoever he doesn't exist either.
This can be applied to literally any idea
>there are actually people on this board right now who believe flying manhorses exist
sure is summer in here.
kill yourself, britfag.
muslims tend to mock christians if not kill them, you see
The real problem is Christians desu.
You got a good point, medkit-bro.
These days you got a better chance to be talking to a white with my flag than the UK flag. Sad!
I'm confused, what does any of this have to do with the topic at hand? Did OP trigger you that bad?
Not an argument.
>do you know the answer to x user?
>then god must exist :D
He didn't. Just asking questions :)
not an argument
atheists are idiots though so I guess it's not your fault.
>There are people on this board who believe that a cartoon frog is causing "happenings"
There is some sort of creator.
It could be some drunken frat boy at a college party in another dimension that lit a fart and created the universe.
He could be "God". Point being the universe was absolutely created in some way shape or form. The universe did not come into existence from nothing through no outside stimulus or catalyst. We do have a creator period. The second law of thermodynamics proves creation.
>there're people in this thread right now who unironically believe some faggot hundreds years ago sliced the moon while flying on a manhorse in space
The only thing I believe in is big fat tits.
Oh you don't believe God, what you believe then?
Then what caused the creator? If you say nothing then you're refuting your own argument.
Haven't watched this yet, but I expect he's still an atheist by the end of it. Will watch later
About what?
Ok, smart guy. Look at this bell curve. Go ahead, take a good gander. Over half of the population it at or below an IQ score of only 100.
Now let's completely remove religion from the lives of these people. Do you think these fucking animals are going to suddenly embrace moral objectivity and become civilized? Do you think they will suddenly take up the study of critical thinking and reject cognitive dissonance?
No. They're never going to be anything more than savage niggers. The least we can do is convince these retards that there is a sky fairy watching everything they so and hope this might deter them from at least some of their stupid shit that the rest of us have to deal with.
>Do you know the answer to x user?
>no, but it definitely can't be something my puny little human mind can't fully comprehend.
>there are people like you who take memes literally
Exactly. A Christian nation would already be raising arms against saracens. I don't give a fuck what people believe in. Religion is a powerful means of mobilizing the ignorant masses.
Sup Forums is "enlightened" by literally turning into dumb American conservatard rednecks. Now it's "cool" and "smart" to be Christian.
Christianity is the most BASED religion. I love Christianity, I wish there was more of it, etc.
However, belief in God is simply retarded and unscientific.
Another creator.
And therein we enter the paradox... "what came first, the chicken ir the egg?"
To answer this question you have to think outside your terrestrial brain. Time does not flow in a lateral manner. In fact, time may not exist at all. Time is a unit of measurement created by human beings. Time flows, bends, warps, and "exists" in a manner we simply cannot comprehend. Black holes and other massive gravity sources can bend, slow, speed, and break time itself.
The answer to your original question remains the same however, something created us, we did not come from nothing, knowledgeable or not. Everytime you sneeze you could be creating 7 decitrillion universes that end their life cycles and implode by the time they pass your first nose hair.
OP starts a thread :
>lolz i can't believe there are christians here
/pol responds :
>hurr hurr have you seen how bad muslims are hurr durr let's not talk about christianity right nao...
One of the few reasons I dread coming on here every day.
>le can't comprehend meme
Thanks senpai you summed up what I wanted to say. Much more eloquent than I would have put it too.
The most brilliant minds on earth still have only rudimentary theories on how space and time work. It is literally something we cannot comprehend at this point.
No problem desu
>I believe in a God, but not religion.
This. All religion is man made. It's stupid to have to believe in a higher deity in all of these certain ways that man wants you to instead of simply just believing in a higher deity.
Yes, so fucking what Hamed?
No there's not, they're just memeing.
this 2bh, finally a reasonable, coherent system
promote porn and titties
> memes work
> meme of a G*d does not work
oh hello there
existence is a meme too, try do define *scientificaly* existence
>There are people in this thread right now who post small cropped pictures of laughing whores.
So now that all you slowfags got the memo, nobody gives a fuck about the sky fairy. Christianity is objectively necessary to mobilize forces against saracens. Your personal beliefs and ideals are irrelevant.
>Not believing in KEK
KEK Curse you, may you experience worst tortures imaginable.
Yes there are, and they're called Americans. Well maybe except that Cuckolic Swede.
not an argument that not an argument
I believe in God because when I pray, and truly believe he is looking after me, my prayers get answered. I believe in God for many reasons. One of those reasons is Sup Forums. I thank God for Sup Forums all the time. I do not however believe in religion. It's like this guy said Religion is almost a mockery of God, while at the same time it brings people closer to him.
God and science go hand and hand. Science is just the discovery of God's blue prints. Evolution is not proof of there not being a God. Evolution is just the way he created us. Science goes hand in hand with God if you exclude the teachings of the bible.
There is a huge difference between believing in God and believing in a religion.
And a dubs again for kek, when will people realize?