"We're all going to die" -Sup Forums
"We're all going to die" -Sup Forums
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We are all going to die
We ARE all going to die some day
Pol is right again
2016 pops a hiscore.
We're fucked.
"i'm a stupid fucking faggot"
- OP
Is Commander Breivik counted as a terrorist?
What's a terrorist attack?
I see we only had roughly 50 terrorist related deaths in 2001....
This. "Terrorist Attack" needs to be defined.
>50 deaths in 2001
You're right, what WERE we thinking?
What part of "Western Europe" don't you understand?
Well then who gives a shit?
actually there's been less deaths as of yet than 2015
Paris alone almost overtakes 2015 retard
well shit I think dying would be more pleasing end
"lol just live with these random murders that are preventable and should never happen in a civilized society"
t. leftist
Paris was in 2015.
yes we are all going to die.
>"We're all going to die" -Sup Forums
When has anyone said this?
Sup Forums doesn't understand that we're in the most peaceful time in the history of the planet.
They keep listening to politicians who keep saying shit like "All these politicians are lying to you, trust me, I'm a politician!", and "We're all gonna die if you don't vote for me!"
They get anger baited into the polls like all the sheeple and vote for faggots like Trump and Hillary.
Any sober discussion gets shouted down with "cuck", and the right wing becomes a useless echo chamber like the left.
wow no way that's insane! it's almost like the year is only half way through!
>"lol just live with these random murders that are preventable and should never happen in a civilized society" [sic]
>t. Gun-nut
>western europe
I wonder HWHY anyone would restrict a chart to such a very specific region. Really makes you think.
most of that was the IRA
how about some stats about the amount of terrorist attacks in the middle east? :>
pol has a love for humanity - not just europe
Western Europe during the Cold War had plenty of native Terrorist Groups.
The Fact that Terrorists from a damn Continent over come even Close to the Death toll of those Groups is the real Point.
This thread is now on topic.
A majority of the gun violence comes from black on black gun crime. This issue can be helped too but it requires blacks to start taking responsibility for themselves, which I'm not sure can happen any time soon.
If we become a multicultural shithole there will not be peace much longer.
>falls for the memes
Good one Mongolian shill.
>year is only half over
Most of that was the Troubles you stupid inbred mongoloid.
>ambushing some British soldiers occupying your country is equivalent to shooting up a music venue because you want to destroy western civilisation.
well meme'd!
I have some bad news
irrelevant you tard, the chart is refuting the paranoia that western europeans have about terrorist attacks in their own countries
>import some rapefugees in 2014
>number of terror attacks jumped from near zero to that of IRA and Direct Action times
If anything it proves that shiskins are bad for you.
>2016 isn't even over
>rapefugee wave isn't over either
The chart shows that Ireland and Britain know what it is to live with terrorism.
That's literally all it shows.
how is that irrelevant?
if you import people by the masses from the middle east - where there are exponentially increasing numbers of terrorist attacks.. then you're eventually going to get terrorist attacks in your home
political islamism, wahabism, jihadism
whatever you want to call it - is a global cancer and is convincing more and more muslims to join the ranks than never before seen.
the ability to think long term is a skill reserved for the civilized man- maybe you should try it?
"western European", see We have 5-6% muslims right now, we could even handle the shift to 9% that is predicted to happen in two or three generations.
Whats worse is the influx of 1,2 million of shit tier Arabs or Africans. They have to go back as soon as possible, they are going to cause trouble down the road if we don't deport them.
The thing that worries me the most about the stability of Europe is Africa's population is set to explode by another 1 billion or so.
So many of them are going to go north and I only see it getting worse.
Except that graph proves our fucking point.
Bring in 2-3million uneducated sandniggers and suddenly the peace of three previous years is over.
>The thing that worries me the most about the stability of Europe is Africa's population is set to explode by another 1 billion or so.
Yes and if we have millions of these people in our country, do you think they will stay peaceful once we do what we must and build walls, and defend the borders?
How about all the assaults, murders and rapes committed by the muslims?
>"Not enough people died yet, why are you panicking? :^)"
Just yourself on fire, stupid faggot, maybe that will purge some of the retardation from your brain during your last moments.
>blaming guns
Lol retard
Of course, Africans are known to be civil and peaceful people
What the fuck is this bullshit?
Which autist compiles these charts?
What was going on in e.g. 1980?
All I can think of as "terrorists" were the IRA and the marxist german RAF. I know about Lockerbee, I know some shit happened involving a dictatorship in Romania, and Spain had a dictator for a while too, as did Yugoslavia's Tito, but didnt most of the Yugoslav violence happen in the 90s?
Seriously. Someone tell me more about all the "omfg terror attack habbedings" in Europe in 72, 75, 81 and 88.
Dis gun b gud!
>how is that irrelevant?
specifically "pol's love for humanity, not just europe" is irrelevant. concern for what's going on in other countries is fine, but solving their problems is a totally different issue. as for your argument about importing violence, I'm not really qualified either way to discuss it, but in fact you're arguing against a position that wasn't even mentioned in the op. the op didn't argue for or against importing refugees, just that the present situation is being blown out of proportion if you compare it historically.
These might be overall true numbers, but most foreigners are gathering in the big cities, where they are suddenly 10%, 20%, or 30%, like in Hamburg/Berlin, which lower the quality of life drastically
Yes, these numbers are absolutely harmless.
Don't focus on terrorism, there is many many other reasons why Islam and mass immigration from 3rd world shitholes is not ok.
Africans are still arriving via Italy. Just like before. No one is talking about it. 40.000 In May & June. 80% Male. Nigeria, Eritrea, Gambia. We're done.
oh fug
> where there are exponentially increasing numbers of terrorist attacks
Got another one today right here
First English post I found reporting it
What the fuck does a relative chart (top right) prove? It adds up to 100% by definition (not counting homicides other than shootings and stabbings) so the "stabbing" bit of the chart will rise even if the actual number of stabbings falls so long as the number of shootings falls more.
The difference is that gun ownership is needed to prevent even worse things from happening to your society, while Middle eastern immigration isn't needed at all.
Its impossible to predict the history in the next hundred years, better have a society that is able to defend itself than disarmed sheeple that can just be genocided by an arbitrary militia.
Is this counting deaths in the troubles as terrorist attacks?
Did knife crime go up or down after your country banned guns?
Many of this shit is overblown and a blatant lie. That is what I got from wiki.
>1972 - 1975
Munich Olympia, a lot of IRA shit.
Neo-Fascists bombed the Bologna central station.
Lybians bomb a jet over Scotland.
But the numbers are a lot less than in the chart.
No idea and I'm not British. Regardless of what the reality of the situation is that chart is completely unrelated to what it's trying to show.
If in one year there are 100 shootings and 100 stabbings, then in the next year by some magic the shootings fall to 20 and the stabbings fall to 30, the chart will show a sharp rise in the proportion of stabbings.
I am strongly against gun control, but I am nearly as strongly against displays of statistical illiteracy which can only hurt our cause.
>lol, we can just outlaw guns like we did with drugs! problem solved, no more gun deaths!!!!
I think you are misinterpreting the point of the chart.
>hurt our cause
And what would that be?