What's with all the hate?

What's with all the hate?

wub lub dub dub, fuck god!

Wub wub muh nihilism muh nothing matters
Normie-tier core show

This show is nihilism for normies.

>see threads
>read hate
>asks why people hate it


Wubalababadabdab huhuhuhuhuh xD

Rick and Morty is a show genetically engineerd to appeal to imdbspawn Sup Forumsedditors with no sense of sophisication who laud meme dialog, which supports upvote groupthink mentality, and meme acting with a good movie pandering reddit tier meta sci fi "entertainment" sensibilities and a meme animated show aesthetic.

t-t-t-there's no God, Morty!

Y-y-y-you just gotta come visit me on... burp... reddit/r/atheism Morty!

So, Ricky and Morty....


Rick is embodiment of Sup Forums's "randomness and freedom".

They hate it because almost everybody likes it. And that means they are not special anymore.

And it shows there is nothing truly hardcore about their adolescent contrarianism.

>engineerd to appeal

No way!


or nobody is a contrarian and you are reddit


Fact A: Rick behaves as he wants on sole purpose to please himself or to provoke reactions from others

Fact B: 4chaners behave as they want in sole purpose to please themselves or provoke reactions from others

Fact C: 4chaners calls Rick and Morty "definetely-not-Sup Forums"


I watched a couple of episodes. I don't hate it, but it's not really funny at all, the animation is typical flash garbage (but most animation these days is so whatever), and protagonists really annoy the shit out of me for some reason.

>they don't deserve muh nihilism

holy shit I remember this pasta. you're missing the career ruining line at the end tho.

nihilism is for normies period.

what does schwifty mean?

greek for god is not real



Why does Sup Forums hate fun?

no it's actually in romanian but it means the same thing

proof that only shitskins and redditors like this show

who the fuck cares ?


It's just a fucking cartoon series. Why do you faggots always get your tits in a tangle over nothing?
>reddit reddit reddit reddit!
You insufferable children.

>What's with all the hate
it's a good show but rebbit and normalfags ruin everything they get their claws into.

I'm Romanian and that's not true

Again, same image is used to shitpost about this show. Watch in exactly 1 hour another thread with the same image will show up asking

>Why do you guys hate this show!
>Wubba lubba dub dubb
>Szechuan sauce!

fucking stupid

In his mind is probably operating the same ideas as in the average baneposter's head.

At least you know how does it look.

How they are ruining it? Nobody is forcing you to be impacted by their behavior and ideas.

It gets a bad rap because it attracts the "LE SCIENCE IS KEWL :) " Bill Nye fags

But there are actually subtle things in the show that make me appreciate it

They probably said something political, dont' know. Sup Forums's latest thing is getting mad at things retroactively after something political is said.


Why are you paying attention to reddit and normalfags?
Where do you see those people praising R&M?
Do you browse reddit yourself or something?
I wouldn't even know that it was popular on reddit of not for faggots like you saying it over and over.
kill yourself.

Because Justin Roiland came to Sup Forums to talk shit about Rick and Morty for the lulz, but the 4chin contrarians lapped it up and actually convinced themselves it's a shit show to distance themselves from leddit normies.

Literally EVERYONE behave sas they want in sole purpose to please themselves or provoke reactions from others

Give me an example of an action you or anyone else has performed that was not to please yourself/themself or provoke reaction from another.

People generally tend to care whether they come across as good people.
Rick and Sup Forums do not.

>Planer Earth II
Fuck how did I miss this. Grabbing now. The first one was amazing and comfy

too bad this type of thread is still being made like clockwork nonstop

upvote reddit style

Its too gross. Everything is going well, good jokes are made, and blamo poop/slime/nastiness. I know im not the audience they want but if they quit going for cheap jokes and getting used up voices (david cross) then maybe you guys making a million threads to drum up interest wouldnt have to be.

I've never seen this board get triggered so hard by a show before. I think it's great by the way.

i know this is pasta, but Sup Forums is the master of groupthink
i don't think i've seen such a festering clump of unaware hivemind retards in my life, piling onto christianity, traditionalism, and white supremacy because they get to be contrarian snowflakes with a convenient scapegoat for all their failures
if i could gas them i would

rick and morty threads are kino (prove me wrong (you can't)))

>Game of Shit that high