>12 hours without any happening
12 hours without any happening
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give me your wife, marteen, let her taste my arabic dick
>Implying an Arab can get a European woman without raping them
I'm dying from boredom over here tell me about it!
hours without any happening
You just wait, my little brussel sprout. It could happen any second now.
>we will never get another happening
its comming guys
wtf? is it maarten you mean?
Fun fact: yesterday an immigrant rapefugee has been beaten into the hospital in Roeselare.
He was harrasing women and wounded a woman, then some West-Flemish cafe-goers rekt his nigger ass into the ground.
These regions are the last white regions of Flanders, this is where we are still resisting.
It's coming.....It's coming......It's coming
What happened yesterday?
of course there is a happening
Axe rampage in your very own country, Hans. Are you even paying attention?
Finally....took 12 hours to happen
We need much more heppenings...and most of all we need much bigger happenings
the gop convention got overhyped. If you talk about hapenings too much they won't happen
one refugee killed some people in Germany
kek confirms soon.
Came back from holidays yesterday and had a hard travel. Slept long and now at work. I didnt.
We've already had so many happenings in the past week tho
Didn't he? Sandniggers are really incompetent then
It will come.
Not a happening. Looks like murder suicide.
we currently have a couple of small time happenings in europe but nothing larger really :|
Islamists are fucking lazy
It's rather disturbing that Sup Forums users look forwards to happenings.
It's never enough. That just raised our tolerance. You can never really catch the happening dragon.
lol how else will people and politicians notice their errors?
After the coup, all the "happenings" are boring.
>clinton FBI conference
>dindu chimpouts
>dallas shootings
>Nice attack
>turkroach rebellion
>baton rouge shootings
>axe man
Its a great irony, yes. But people are short sighted and have a herd mentality that leaves them collectively retarded. Its sad, but it often takes tragedies for people to understand and fight back.
Dallas and Nice were bigger happenings imo.
Turkey was entertaining, but its 3rd world tier setting drags it down a bit.
I'm convinced that liberal sorts are deep cover capitalists. They're not actually worried about the impact of right wing rhetoric or a racewar. They just want it to escalate to such a level that they can take advantage of the chaotic situation and steal your shit while you're off on some crusade.
Or maybe I'm just giving them too much credit and they're actually just dumb and cowardly.
If it were an honest coup maybe. But it was a false flag and im kind of bored of them tobehonest
>>axe man
What? Khorne mad cultists?
>tfw you know this feel
ironic isn't it...
Check the news. An Afghani rapefugee chopped some people on the train in Bavaria.
Havent you heard?
Calm before the storm user
oi wei, but we must remember - even if "He had shouted Allahu akbar" ("God is great"), a witness said." - #notallmuslims
Amazing how boring it becomes..
okay UK
>NATO country, on the doorstep of Europe
>Over 200 dead
>Tanks rolling through the streets
>Jets flying low
>Shelling of the parliament
>Helicopter air strikes
>Lasted a day
>Huge political consequences
>6 / 85 deaths
>some nigs shooting policemen/guy drives a lorry into the people
>lasted couple of hours / minutes
>both terrorist attacks and nigs shootings fairly common
Sup Forums thins the latter is more interesting.
habdings are on the way lad
In 10 minutes that driver killed more than 1/3 of the total death count that coup did in like 5 hours
It's time we had some happening of our own. Like mass lynchings of mudshits, fascists coups, attempted murder on libtard politicians, ethnic cleansings, stuff like that.
Vicariously I live while the whole world keks.
Why don't Muslim organize bigger terror using convential weapons and vehicles? Simultanious attack by 50 muzzies with Automatic Killers 47 and assault trucks in different places of London or Paris would cause a lot more chaos and deaths than a shitty bomb and it doesn't seem to be that hard to organize.
with the logistics and organization of that it would be pretty hard to stay under the radar of police forces
Yep, boring. Firstly, the driver had the intention to kill as many people as possible, that was not true for the coup - trust me, if they wanted a massacre, the death toll could've been gigantic.
Secondly, it lasted a couple of minutes. So you heard what happened when in was finished and that was it. Wow. Very much unlike the coup where you could follow the situation evolve and be kept entertained for hours.
I'm more interested in why they ignore the kindergartens? 2 people in the building - and the whole world will shudder in horror.
We need at least a major happening a day.
I'm so bored now seriously.
There are no-go areas in almost all big European cities. How hard is it to get some rusty AKs form Eastern Europe using the refugee trafficking infrastructure and find 50 jihadists in a Muslim neighbourhood?
You will have your happening. Guaranteed. In a few days, when our ships appear in your skies. The illuminati have been defeated.
KEK said to me that Italy will be next.
I swear, it's like in Pacific Rim how the Kaiju started having double events.
Kek is a lying nigger
nothing will happen here, trust me
>The illuminati have been defeated.
Aliens work with the illuminati you fucking retard
Why not?
Our secret services are too good?
>Very much unlike the coup where you could follow the situation evolve and be kept entertained for hours.
Yep, plus with the coup, you were talking about the fucking Army. There's a lot of mystery there. You could almost imagine anything happening when a state actor is going off the rails. There's a lot more room for people to meme about crazy shit. No matter how lucky they get, there's an upper limit to what some idiotic jihadis can do.
Mafia wipes them out, if you didn't know, the Mafia has been extremely efficient at killing refugees and other kinds of muslims, they also have conections so they know if anything illegal gets transported like an AK
There was a triple homicide in Linconshire a few minutes ago. Obviously Kek is hungry for more digits.
?What the fuck are you talking about.
Mafia loves the refugees so they can use them as slaves dude.
wtf you talk about really.
12 hours without fapping
BASED Sup Forums
Did you just come here from Sup Forums or something?
They fucking hate refugees and that's a fact, a terrorist attack would hurt their business and they don't want that
Are you a nigger?
Just some days ago i read about a marocchino who got killed while defending an important boss' son.
You dont know what youre talking about luigi.
Rural villages too away from police/anti terror police, could wipe out a village then leave
Yesterday I thought Germany could be next
Now I don't want happening. But I think by year end Germany will see anti-sand uprising
Did you call me luigi?
Are you romanian or somethin?
Sup Forums have you ever hit rock bottom and went out to suck dick for some tiny happenings?
I just did and feel awful.
>this is where we are still resisting
posted from my parking lot
friendly reminder nva, the only non retarted right party has its roots in Antwerp
Based Roeselare
Haha that pic. Have a lot of liberal friends that believe that and vote for Bernie Sanders. They all did terribly in school and if you ask them basic political questions they have no idea. They have awesome flat earth theories though and are really smart.
Je parie un saucisson que c'est encore un mud
What was the last one?
The wait is over.