Can you guys actually make an argument against anarcho- capitalism? No memes.
Can you guys actually make an argument against anarcho- capitalism? No memes
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Define it
Getting rid of the state and freeing the free market.
Who will make sure no one is paying for a hierarchy to be enforce?
how is anarcho capitalism any different from just plain anarchism?
There will be a hierarchy, you are thinking of anarcho- syndicalism.
Anarchists don't want a hierarchy.
Is anarcho- not meaning no hierarchy?
What heirarchy? How is it different from minarchism then?
Private healthcare and education systems have been proven to be ineffective in the US, with horrible outcomes for the average citizen.
You wont burn banks or anything, for that matter
Who enforces contracts?
How are murders resolved?
How is land distributed?
Land will be distributed without the use of force? My toppest of keks to you my fedora friens.
>What is medicaid?
>What is the US educational loan scheme?
Fuck off Hans. Enjoy paying 40% taxes to feed Jamaals.
Why pay for public healthcare that goes to mudslimes
capitalism is hierarchical and exploitative.
Minarchism wants a state, we do not.
In this case it is referring to no state.
Not true at all.
Who enforces contracts?
You don't
How are murders resolved?
Private investigation
How is land distributed?
You pay a capitalist who owns land, or you could find an uninhabited land.
I will tell you. Eventually people will find it easier & more cost effective to make a state. The State is a product of the marketplace of our needs.
with no state, no private contracts and no one to enforce private property rights
you have somalia-like anarchy, with war lords running the show and exploiting one and all.
How is this a good thing again?
How is capitalism exploitative?
>How is this a good thing again?
It's not, anything that starts with anarcho- is literally meme tier.
Read Karl Marx, like it or not, he was right about capitalism.
It is not exploitative if the state defends the private property rights of the individual.
Marx was literally wrong about everything right from his predictions about the way workers will overtake everything to his pseudo-LTV.
read Sowell.
No they won't an anarcho capitalst society would be made out of mostly anarcho capitalsts
Somalia is a bunch of governments fighting against each other. And private contracts will be enforced by private security which follows a set of laws that only arrest people who commit crimes in which a victim is there.
what incentive is there for this "private security" to behave decently?
Why can't they just fuck shit up and form a bunch of warring totalitarian governments like somalia?
Anarcho-capitalists are ideologues with no regard for the real world? You don't care what's easier & cost-effective ? Your kids will and they'll make a state..
>And private contracts will be enforced by private security which follows a set of laws that only arrest people who commit crimes in which a victim is there.
What if my private security allows me to break my private contracts freely and fuck everyone over?
Is the solution to that partisan war between two security firms?
This ancap nonsense becomes so far out to me because of how your "state" (really just a loose container of gun nuts) cannot produce anything nor compete on the world stage.
It creates a void for oppressive states to fill and totalitarian ideologies to gain cohesion because the majority of people are easily manipulated and don't want to be free
An anarcho-capitalist society is the only morally right thing to do, giving all people every freedom, including the freedom to compete and excel, but such a nation would never last more than 50 years. Human nature would inevitably bring it to an end.
>tfw you will never sell candy laced with uranium to the neighboring sovereign-community's children to kill them off to power your biofuel generator to sell to your own sovereign-community in exchange for access to their two-year-old prostitute warehouse
Fuck statists.
A welfare state and public healthcare can be considered as an insurance which every member of the club named society accepts. There is a demand because you can't be sure about the states of the world. Even before you are born there is uncertainty. And here it comes. Of course we could reach the same result via trading contingent claims at a complete financial market, but how is a toddler supposed to do that? If your anarcho-parents decide to kick you out at the age of 1 you are fucked unless there is the social planner solution. The whole thing converges to having a state eventually since the people demand it.
>a state
>cost effective
How is paying private security to protect your property rights any different than paying taxes?
It would be like insurance, you subscribe to one and pick the company you want. If they behaved badly nobody would pay them
Then they would loose tons of subscribers
1 the state is not efficient
2 Demanding people pay an insurance is immoral
Privatisation is more efficient, and this is just if you are smart, you could choose not to have it.
Taxes are compulsory payments and can be changed unilaterally. Paying a private company to do shit for you is neither of those things.
>No memes
Fuck you and your regulations, statist!
Because you can't have unregulated capitalism and personal financial freedom on a social scale in the same country. It's like you're asking for toll booths every 5 feet.
No, that's not a joke.
why would competeting companies want to maintain peace? you realise this will result in perpetuaal war, and ever increasing security prices right?
shut up and pay debnts
yes, I choose to live in a state
When you get rid of the state you get rid of law. Allowing tyrants to take control eventually returning any anarchist system into a form of tyranny.
Its logically incoherent, you can't have a capital without some central authority to secure its value.
For some things, not for business. Bit keeping the peace.
Right, so then I go join a different security enterprise which is more "trusted".
This is starting to sound a whole lot like a corporate dictatorship, because ultimately if they reach critical mass they can install martial law and voila a de facto state has taken over the "anarchist state".
That isn't a political system, tyranny can happen in any political system, you are thinking of despotism or fascism.
>Taxes are compulsory payments and can be changed unilaterally. Paying a private company to do shit for you is neither of those things.
Senpai you have that backwards. Taxes require votes of the people or the represe tatives they elect to change taxes. Corporations can change them unilateraly.
And rival security companies would fight if they operated in overlapping areas (Ill pay company 1 to protect me from company 2 attempting to enforce a contract I violated).
So if there was only 1 company in your area the charges would be compulsory anyway.
>Then they would loose tons of subscribers
yeah. from them dying. moron.
I'm really glad that I live in a country that doesn't take morons like you seriously.
The market neither in this case. This is not an argument against liberalism. Of course a lot of payments should be cut, merged and officials be fired.
Healthcare is very expensive in the US independently from how its paid for.
Niggers and immigration.
Political realism.
it allows Muslims to exist.
you have a cousin named libertarian
because the markets are not free and are subsidised by the government and burdenend byoverly expensive government regulations
Sup Forums is 18+ sorry
More like a democracy where you vote with your wallet.
It is, private security has been proven to be more efficient
De kommer hit for gratise ting, hvorfor ville de komme til et Anarcho capitalst samfunn?
I didn't call tyranny a political system I used the word to describe the oppressive system that would eventually arise from any form of anarchy.
Yes Mad Max is literally welcome to Anarchy 101
Also pic related you crazy cunt
>More like a democracy where you vote with your wallet.
So we've gone full circle and the state is back?
Can you bother to answer my previous point over how an "anarchist state" will have a GDP per capita comparable to an African shithole?
OK show me the proof then. And while you are at it, tell me how children with no income are going to participate
>Recreational nukes
If you had active nukes in your private possession you can rest assured you won't be getting arrested any time soon
No, because everything is privatised and there is no state.
You would get a lot of hate for doing that.
Good luck building those.
>Taxes require votes of the people or the represe tatives they elect to change taxes.
I've never voted for anyone who wanted to raise taxes, yet I've had most of them increased over the last ~9 years or so.
Shit people can't be held accountable for their actions. And there are a lot of shit people that are willing to exploit and harm others just for the fuck of it.
Any form of "anarchy" can only exist if there is an absolute moral code that 100% of the population agrees on. That is never the case.
>You would get a lot of hate for doing that
You know how stupid you sound right?
The only thing holding them back is the state.
Anarchism in general is an utopian dream, it will turn into a dictatorship.
>No, because everything is privatised and there is no state.
Read what I write for goodness sakes.
"This is starting to sound a whole lot like a corporate dictatorship, because ultimately if they reach critical mass they can install martial law and voila a de facto state has taken over the "anarchist state"."
And again, answer my point about national GDP.
anarcho-libertarian is the same as anarcho-capitalist
Of course. Anarchism is the ultimate strawman.
>Someone wants a reduction in the size of the state
>Someone wants to end the ((Drug War))
>Someone wants to decrease government spending and lower taxes
Continue ad infinitum.
Pure Ideology™ is easy to attack.
As democracy is proving, tyranny is the ultimate result of every political system, hence revolution which is by its nature, anarchy because every bit you breathe in, you will have to eventually breathe out.
I don't need luck with kindergarten prostitute cash money son
>No state
>private militias rise up to fill power vacuum
>Charge exorbitant prices and exp;oit those who live in the areas they control
>no no it will be like fucking insurance
when you don't have a state, the people who control and peddle violence effectively become the state. they have no incentive to follow or enforce any rules and can afford to expoitative as fuck.
Fucking fascist an-cap nazi.
I'll meme all I want.
It is not true anarchism though
It is not because there are many corporations and they all have to cater to your needs.
Communist spotted.
You are embarrassing yourself. We where talking about social insurance and healthcare.
>posts a 2 min video of some private burger police
>It is not because there are many corporations and they all have to cater to your needs.
What stops the big 3 security corporations from entering a cartel and erecting a de facto military dictatorship?
even though there may be many corporations, they have no incentive to give those who enjoy their protection any freedoms.
Why would a corporation that has invested capital in maintaining control allow those under it from moving out?
Unlikely but could happen
Switzerland is doing fine
>Unlikely but could happen
And how do you prevent it?
Wouldn't the core of your "anarchist state" be threatened by the fact that it would be replaced?
Are there any mechanisms against this?
>America fucks it up
>therefore it's bad
By this logic everything is bad except for getting incredibly fat and shooting people.
>De kommer hit for gratise ting, hvorfor ville de komme til et Anarcho capitalst samfunn?
Antar personlig at venstre-politiske folk vil betale for å få dem in og ha dem her. En slags privatisert vellferds tjeneste om du vil, med kultur marxisme. En litt fjern ide, men jeg anser ingenting som for ekstremt for venstre siden.
>You pay a capitalist who owns land
Who is it that decided they own that land though? They did?
If you want to protect society then sometimes you need some form of unified army.
If you want a unified army, you need a central command.
>retarded leftists choosing to pay $40k a year for a liberal arts degree and complain that they can't find a job/are drowning in debt
>therefore private education doesn't work
You could kill them yourself and rebel.
Jeg tviler på at venstre folk ville gi fra seg ting, de vill bare ha ting og ikke gi.
An anarcho capitalst society has private security and you do not need a central command.
>>give everything to the state
>>food stamps
>>basic needs are limited
How would you prevent cronyism from taking place in already established industries?
Listen you're clearly not able to have this conversation. You keep giving 5 word answers to questions with a much larger scope.
>You could kill them yourself and rebel.
This simply doesn't cut it. I asked you about mechanisms for fixing a cartel of security corporations that enacted a de facto military dictatorship.
My "rebellion" would end up with me shot dead by myself. The cartel continues to exist.
It's getting pedantic to talk to you.
Oh and you still fail to answer my question about GDP.
There is no state and cronyism can't exist.
What about GDP?
Let's say the US government breaks tommorow and anarcho-capitalism is born.
How would this society protect itself from, let's say a resource hungry China?
>what is public good?
>what is free-riding?
> More like a democracy where you vote with your wallet.
So a plutocracy? We already have a name for that.
>Implying there is anarcho-capitalism in Switzerland
>Implying Switzerland doesn't have a welfare state
>Cronyism is the practice of partiality in awarding jobs and other advantages to friends or trusted colleagues
In a free market there is no benefit from employing an unqualified person (nothing wrong with hiring a qualified friend/family member). Cronyism can only exist with a strong government.
You will answer all of my questions. Three words isn't going to cut it. Reread my previous post and put some effort into it.
A state is a vessel in which the population fills. The reason for an ideal state is to ensure the genetical purity of the population and to fend of any foreign tribes that try to claim your land and women.
So states are necesary to make sure genetical and cultural degeneration doesnt take place, for that is the death of civilizations.
Most people would be armed and private security and military exists. If a tyranny would invade I am sure most people would resist.
>It is not true anarchism though
There would be no GDP because there would be no state.
It is not true anarchism because anarcho-capitalism has a hierarchy
Those who already hold capital are allowed to coerce those who do not to work for wages valued below the worth of their labor output.
Capitalism is literally based upon paying people less than they are worth. If everybody were truly paid in proportion to their efforts as capitalists contend, then it'd be impossible to make a profit.