How many of your people need to fucking die before you rise up and take action...

How many of your people need to fucking die before you rise up and take action? You're weak and you deserve to have your country on its current path to destruction.

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France is a failure, accept it. They killed themself in 1789. Fuck those godless degenerates

I fear for a French style revolution in the West.

And you ?
What are you doing when white peolpe in your country will be a minority soon ?
I mean it's not so simple.
Even if we have a Civil war, The UN will stop this, like in yugoslavia.

In fact, the WWI was Europe committing suicide.

Who cares? We deserve this.

It won't happen
it will never happen

Singles says it will never happen

I never understood why most Europeans aren't fighting back, why they aren't making pipe bombs or saving up money to buy guns on the black market. Like holy shit are they just gonna roll over and die so easily?

66 millions

All of them

All Europeans will convert to Islam and we will come to the United State to convert you with the power of Allah and the prophet Muhammad salla allah alayhi wa salam.

You think so but Muslims come to America and make godless heathen children who eat bacon and watch football

French """""cuisine""""" summer speciality;

I agree with the message but what about you, 60% ? I don't see niggers being lynched despite them raping and murdering you on a daily basis

This is taqiya, they act as a disbeliever but Allah knows what they have in their hearts. When the time comes, they will be ready and stop to act like this.

shitskin detected

Don't say that! I wish to move there within one year and I don't want to change Putin's slavery here to muzzies domination in France. My biggest hope is that French eventually elect someone responsible and reliable to clean that Muslim shit up after leftists. I've lived in Paris for a half of a year last year and was truly surpruzed how many negros and arabs they've got there. North and east of Paris is literally condemned and lost because of those. That makes me fucking sad.

>be American
>get shot

>be french
>get ran over

Your descendants will have the same skin color as me.

kys abdul

sandnigger get the fuck out

go ahead, make my day

you wanted a civil war to watch while sitting on your fat NEET ass?
too bad, here cuck country :DD



The 5th republic will come to an end within 10 years.

There is less people getting killed by muslims here that there is people getting by niggers in your country.

I don't see you doing anything about it, murrica.

>be brit
>surrender to a Muslim Mayor without any islamist attack
>well done chaps!

>Be French
>Get run over

>be burger
>be gay
>your husband get shot
>adopt a baby dindu

Why don't you fight back ?
Your country is flooded with violent spics.
You president is a nigger that hate you and want to take your right away.
The jews made you their bitch so much that your harbour their property mark with circumsizion.
Niggers kill you by thousands every year.
Why don't you go buy a gun and shoot some niggers instead of talking shit burger ?
Why don't you fight back instead of talking shit here and thinking you are in any way superior ?
Are you gonna roll over and die so easily ?
Give us the example, just like like in 1776.
Do it.

They imported niggers to work for them you dumb croissant.

>Be Amerifat
>Taking planes in the face by his own government

In reality (American, French, Brit...) you are all the same.

>be french
>get stabbed for wearing revealing clothing

we need to stop this ping-pong shit and start exterminating all non whites.

what are the chance for the nigga's and the sandniggas to unite and do a coup in france?

>be brit
>traded your fine double-breasted suit for a djellaba 10 years ago
>expert in adaptation as always

>be brit
>get your daughter raped by pakis

Most of my (((countrymen))) are leftist faggots and talk shit about my brethren because of our political views and birthplace: why should I stand up for them?

If anything, I should thank ISIS for killing these traitors.

It starts whenever some Frenchie makes a major counterattack and the "moderates" respond to it by igniting their religious war mentality.

She invented this story to accuse the Arab-Muslim.

>be french
>have no daughter because she got ran over

>have a shitskin grandson>buy him a Burberry and Hackett djellabas

>Be Finn
>no religious extremists

comfy af

>Be white
>Get cucked

There will be no revolution.
There will be an elite-backed coup.

>be finn
>get cucked by pagan Swedes
>soon by Muslim Swedes

The Future is yours!

how many of your people need to fucking die before tou rise up and take action against BLM?

I'll take mexishits over muslims any day.

You already take both Michael.


>Says the frog, as he slurps abdul's sperm out of his wife's pussy

Proud to say I have helped hundreds of muzzfucks meet Allah when I was in Afghanistan!