How is this acceptable?
Postgrad Engineering student btw.
How is this acceptable?
Postgrad Engineering student btw.
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You were at complete liberty to pay that yourself
Australia doesn't get free college? American liberals lied to me!
melbourne uni?
Actuary with actual $200k starting
Yeah I got 50k
Should I take out student loans to buy frivolous shit? Im majoring in business.
Peasant. Come back when you have a real debt and a job.
Also, what postgrad?
Its interest free and only payable once your earn over a certain amount. But definitely not free.
Letting 17 year olds make a decision which puts them tens of thousands of dollars in debt and commits them to half a decade of study for something that could be completely worthless should be criminal.
My industry has a 99% fail rate (and its not even an industry that is respected or pays well) you can't expect children to make wise choice.
Lucky for me I am in that final 2-3% and my parents payed it for me.
Seeing as how they don't charge interest you'd be an idiot to do that
How reputed is Melbourne uni for Engineering ?
Is it difficult to start though? are they in demand/easy to get into with out connections?
I always thought actuary was more like the kind of job that was past down through family
>was tempted to go to uni
>decided to just 'wing it' and start my own business
Holy fuck am I glad now. Feels good being only 23 and owning a successful business.
MFW making 150k a year on a cert 4 and not in the mines
its pretty comfy senpai
How new are you?
This is the math major meme
no dude actuaries actually do make that much
asian lady at my parish is one, shes loaded
22 here, an investor came to me and wanted to effectively buy us out, would have had a comfy life but it would have meant giving up creative control. tfw when turned it all down for the sake of "artistic integrity" and now myself and all the other partners are dirt fucking poor.
what are you doing?
>mfw austrailian college isnt actually free
>mfw not only am i going to school for free in america, the state is actually paying me to go
Bad luck user. As for me, if I sold my business, it wouldn't be worth much. I own a Florist, so if I sold it, at most it'd be a couple hundred thousand. Probably a fair bit more if I sold all the land attached.
But I'd never do that. I enjoy my life and my work is easy.
Most of the day I simply read books while sitting behind the counter. I don't even employ others, so it's not like I need to be overly serious.
What kind of company and what would you have made by selling your shares?
>pay $50k for a few years
>greatly increase your earning potential for the next 40-50 years
You got yourself a bargain m8
>Go to small state school and have parents help pay while also working one or two part time jobs to help pay, also pick up a small scholarship
>Graduate with a bunch of college honors and a thesis done
>Get into one of the world's best graduate schools on a full scholarship so you can your PhD for free
Who else had parents who were smart enough to not let them take out tens of thousands of dollars so they could have the """college experience""" and waste 4-6 years of their life as well as put themselves into debt? Almost no one I know who did the normal college thing ended up being successful. Hell, half of them partied too hard and failed out.
hahaha top kek abbo, doesnt everyone have free education?
At least you're not a 40 year old graduate doctor i know with a $300k debt
Mfw I have a diploma in I.T from tafe that I paid 2.5k for and I make 100k yr at 26.
I'm embarrassed that countries like yours are still so backwards. You're celebrating in being on the wrong side of history and getting sucked over by rich people lmao.
Yeah but you work in IT
Stop making me jealous cunt.
what do you do?
I went and got a Tafe diploma, AFTER the government cut funding so I ended up paying about 10grand.
Then I searched for a job for about a year in Perth but no one wanted some pleb with just a Diploma. Best jobs I could find was IT help desk earning about 45,000 per year which is really low income and I was worried I'd be stuck in that job for the next 10-20 years.
I had a great idea, maybe if I go to uni and get a computer science degree I'll be able to go into further debt and get a job after. Now I'm doing Computer Science at uni which I love doing and getting good grades but I don't know how easy getting a job will be. Thinking about changing to do Cyber Security as the first year units are the same as Computer Science.
Actually regretting not going and doing an electrical apprenticeship to start with. I'd be finished by now and earning decent pay. In too deep now, might as well finish.
Dude, create your own business and contract yourself out and pay yourself minimum wage, then you don't have to ever pay the loan off(sub 50k).
>mfw welding on oil rigs and making 500k/yr starting
Stay mad
Goddammit I really should study something.
>hahaha top kek abbo, doesnt everyone have free education?
Free education? Have you looked at your taxes lately?
>Letting 17 year olds make a decision which puts them tens of thousands of dollars in debt and commits them to half a decade of study for something that could be completely worthless should be criminal.
What are you talking about goy? Just live in the moment and follow your dreams! Your parents are just squares anyway.
jokes on you, i dont pay taxes
If only i knew better. If only my parents weren't so shitty ands actually taught me things about life and stuff
100k I.t here. That's where I started on help desk on 33k a year. You've got to start somewhere.
I got a diploma of sys admin and earn the same, 1 year older than you
that said I could have done this without the diploma, my team is 20 people and only me and one other guy have a degree in anything
kids in high school should be taught more about choosing a career instead of 'just follow your passion lol', choosing something australia has a shortage of means you are easily going to get a job and will be paid as much as fuckface who sat in uni for 5 years
what do we currently have a shortage of?
my company is literally bleeding out the arse trying to hire competent IT people, do you know linux/windows webhosting? (apache, nginx, iis, sql)
I disagree, I think there should be better high-school career guidance but there is no better alternative.
you just have to cross reference something that sounds interesting on that list with advertised wages and requirements on seek
Anyone know how much it costs to go from undergraduate to qualified GP?
I guess they make good money first year out and can cover HECS pretty quick?
>. In too deep now, might as well finish.
In a law degree and although I have no interest in doing law I tell myself it'll give me the opportunity to do a post grad in something I like, or maybe I'll find some other office work.
I like the other guy who said he opened a florist, but I can't imagine how you can compete with so many around.
Friend of mine did geology to get into the mines.
Now he works at bunnings
>Vniversitas Catholica Lovaniensis