What happens after we die ?

what happens after we die ?

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I heard there's a rainbow bridge we cross over and all our old pets are there to greet us. So that's nice.


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Probably nothing, which really fucking sucks in my opinion. It keeps me up at night.

Hopefully nothing too tragic. Like goodbye, forever.

you know what was happening before you were alive?

just that.

We're reborn as another human to relive ad infinitum the consequences of our previous actions and choices

I hope nothing or isekai, being judged on my deeds and belief terrifies me a lot.

Lots of things will happen after you die, they just won't involve you

Im going to assume its basically the same as before we were born.

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So when you die you are constantly reminded of shit that did not involve you whatsoever?


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Only if you don't achieve liberation.

“Facts” doesn’t need an apostrophe.
It is not a possessive or an abbreviation.

Learn to England more better.

You get raped until you are born again. Could be tomorrow could be in a million years. Good luck!

No i was more likely referring to the ill void of not having to pay taxes

I hate this argument. Before I was born, I didn't have an entire lifetime of experiences and relationships that I care about. I don't want to fucking die and lose it all. It SUCKS.

You get all slimy and smelly and everyone pretends they liked you for a while and then they forget about you.

Depending on how many rekt treads you've viewed and laughed at, most likely hell.


Also this

>consequences of our previous actions and choices
But how do you know you didnt? Thats real shit

Oh I'm fucked big time.... I am a nice person in my regular life but I search out rekt threads regularly and am disappointed that I don't get new content.

I was injured at work, technically died and was brought back. NOT religious but I saw something I can't forget.

how shitty workers comp is?
yeah, i'm stuck in that now too.


You will re-spawn as something else or someone else or idk.

how that happen

You cease to exist, it would be childish to think there is afterlife.

If you are a virgin female you become a sex slave to a jihadi.It is known.

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Pic or didn’t happen

If you cling to the world, you will stay in the world until you learn your lesson.

Death is scary when you believe this is all that there is. When you believe that, you cling to what is here. But this is not all that there is.

We are not here so that we can form eternal relationships. Thinking this is possible or desirable will only cause you pain. We are here to learn lessons. Discern what those lessons are and learn them and your pain will disappear. Pain is only there to teach you. It persists when you refuse to learn, like a stubborn fool holding his hand against the stove and insisting that it shouldn't hurt.

Got hit by a ton of falling ice from our roof at work. Broke 11 bones, had a seizure and died for a bit. Permanent physically disabled now

shut up faggot. Life is beautiful until you die like a bitch and shit you pants, then you don't matter anymore fuck you

The body dies, the spirit lives on. Your anger exists in the void you ought to fill with insight.

Alright then kill yourself and post from the grave for proof faggot. Spirits ain't real. When you die you go in the ground like the rest of us.

>post from the grave for proof faggot
You're lashing out, not thinking, and are smarter than this. Spirits don't interact with the material world unless they are anchored in a body.

Yes, the body goes into the ground. You are not your body. You know this on some level but do not admit it because external forces have more influence over your consciousness than internal ones. That is, you believe the reality presented to you since you were a child more than you believe what is inside of you.

The words you say now were once my words. I deserve to receive them because I once delivered them to others. One day you, too, will see.

>spirits can't come to this world blah blah

Yeah more hippy bullshit spirits ain't real faggot. You'll be like that recent guru who died. Saying all this fag shit about accepting death, then scared like a little bitch when it's time.

There's nothing "hippy" about anything I said. What I said was believed for thousands of years before hippies existed. Hippies are the antithesis of actual spirituality.

I have already faced death without fear, more than once. You are projecting your own fear of death because you are immature.

I will be honest with you, OP. I know the dream of paradise where we will find those who want us well in endless happiness seems pleasant. But this is an old lie told for many, many years. After you die, you will cease to exist. First your consciousness, then your decomposing body (but this second will no longer matter, because you will no longer exist). A great and eternal nothing. No ticket back, no our wildest dreams of DNA reconstruction or any other nonsense. In the face of the universe we are nothing. What we do here in the grand scheme of things matters nothing. Everyone you have ever related to in any way, your joys, sorrows, shames. All lost and swept under the relentless rug of time. Some people will remember you for a few years. But these people will one day die too. And not even the memory that one day you were here will continue. Like dust we are. So if you're lucky enough to wake up in this world of doldrums we live in and notice we're dying ... I don't know, you might remember Dylan Thomas's poetry: "RAGE, RAGE AGAINST THE DYING OF THE LIGHT". Don't go easly, OP. Fight against Everything, don't let the light go out easily. Peace

fear of what? we all die, admitting it isn't fear. Spending your life convincing yourself you reached some false form of enlightenment, convincing yourself something comes after is fear. There's no spirit's, no ghosts, no all powerful judge who rewards you for feeding a puppy.

You'll die like everyone else. Stop being scared and giving yourself a safety net.

holy fuck.

Sorry about your luck mate. I hope you're doing better now, especially mentally.

How would you say you've recovered? Both physically and mentally?

think of an old television. With the antenna, you can tune into a couple of channels.

Now throw that television off the roof of a building. The TV's broken as fuck, but that signal is still there. It's still being transmitted. It's out there, it's just not being received by the TV anymore.

Where do you think your thoughts come from? Your brain can help you translate them, much like the television takes the signal and displays the resulting content. But the actual forming of thoughts. How do you think this happens?

>fear of what? we all die, admitting it isn't fear.
Did you even read my post?
>Spending your life convincing yourself you reached some false form of enlightenment
This is literally you, though you're merely repeating society's default position, which you have never thought past.
>Stop being scared and giving yourself a safety net.
Again, you are projecting your own fear onto others because you are still immature. Only children and very dumb adults do this so nakedly.

Stardust to stardust.

>Believes in ghosts
Can't prove em
>There is life after
Can't prove it
>I'm not afraid of dying
Has safety net and won't admit it's just nothingness
>The spirit lives on
No it doesn't, there is no spirit, you're just a bag of meat that will expire.

Yeah go ahead and say you're not afraid as you spend time rationalizing you're need to provide a safety net for the inevitable death everyone faces.

>Questions with no answers

Yeah I'm sure the answer is ghosts or invisible magic.
Why is the sun red user? we're the Aztecs right in it's because the blood of old gods?

We don't know how gravity works fully yet, is that the weight of God's cock on the Earth?

Well I now have a crazy case of paranoia when it comes to ice, and my pain is almost constant. Can't walk more than 20 min at a time and can't lift more than a 12 pack of eggs or my back throbs. I get steroids injections in spine and ankle.

It’s kind of like puberty but in reverse. You will start losing hair in places and those strange urges will go away.

We wake up

okay, so with that you've just contradicted all of your previous statements.

You previously said nothing happens, you just go in the ground.

Now you're saying that nobody knows.

So I guess the better answer here then is that nobody fucking knows. Who would have thought

>Believes in ghosts
But I don't, liar.
>Can't prove it
The inability to prove something is not equivalent to it being false. For example, it is impossible to prove the existence of your thoughts or their contents, yet you can know they exist and what their contents are through firsthand experience.

As I told you, I have already faced death without fear in this life. You're just an angry shut-in who cannot comprehend this because you've never done anything interesting or dangerous in your life, repeating demoralization propaganda and declaring himself wise.

Nobody knows so all that spiritual mumbo jumbo is bullshit. What we do know? We all die and go in the ground and nobody gives a shit about you anymore.

No real proof of spirits, ghosts, god, devil, karma, faith,destiny. Go ahead and call out to your favorite demon/devil/god/savior/apostle/politician when you're dying. They're not gonna come.

Rationalizing that there is life after death or "the spirit will live on" with no real proof is just giving yourself a safety net to avoid the truth that all people must accept. You could be king of a country for a golden age in time, have your people love you, and have roses thrown at your feet. When you die, they cover you in dirt, and you'll be forgotten like everyone else.

>declaring himself wise

Yeah cause I'm the one saying the spirit lives on with no proof and some faggot shit about near death experience? I'm just saying we all die faggot prove me wrong.

You will reborn into another human, without conscience or memory.
Trust us

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Death doesn’t bother me anymore. Not even other people. It’s suffering that I don’t know how to deal with.

If all we have ever known is life, why should I believe life ever ends?

No, you're the one saying the spirit definitely does not exist, without proof, fool.

Why would I try to prove to you that we do not all die? We all obviously die and I never claimed otherwise. You are both dumb and nakedly dishonest.

Ah, understandable. Do you know what the source of suffering is? Have you investigated it? Wise men in ages past have coped with the same question, and solved it.

>Not trying to sound wise

>Death is scary when you believe this is all that there is. When you believe that, you cling to what is here. But this is not all that there is.

Says there is more after giving some vague guru fag talk.
>We are not here so that we can form eternal relationships. Thinking this is possible or desirable will only cause you pain. We are here to learn lessons. Discern what those lessons are and learn them and your pain will disappear.

Another sad attempt at trying to sound wise.

> Pain is only there to teach you. It persists when you refuse to learn, like a stubborn fool holding his hand against the stove and insisting that it shouldn't hurt.

Did you Google that or read it off some self help guru book? Yeah I'm the one trying to seem wise and full of answers. Stop projecting faggot.

You are equally convinced of your own correctness. The difference between us is that you are wrong, you lack insight but think you have it, and you are filled with hatred.

>More sad attempts to be wise

kek good luck with your self help guru book. I'm sure it'll help when you're dying like a pathetic faggot shitting his pants. If you want to post proof of spirits just anhero and post to rekt threads. I'll carefully watch for your spirit as the buckshot leaves the barrel.

Trust me Sup Forumsro I've had close calls, it must be real

Trips of wisdom, nice.

Frankly I’m grappling with the idea of possible mass destruction from the imminent solar flash. My suffering doesn’t really bother me; I know where I’m headed. It’s knowing/watching others suffer that I can’t deal with, frankly. Including animals, fuck it just kills me. Hopefully it’s not the world ending event that I’m picturing.

you go to Heaven or Hell.

I hope whoever reads this finds Jesus this coming 2020 New Year (you know who you are).

enjoy the holidays while they are still here /b!

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>grappling with the idea of possible mass destruction from the imminent solar flash
Ideas like this are spread in order to control your emotions - to make you afraid. Bad men in high places benefit from this. Care only about the things you can control - you are not responsible for everything else.

The reason you suffer is because you cling to things which are transitory by nature, and could not be any other way. It's good to be concerned with the well-being of all sentient beings, but if that concern is causing you suffering, is it well-aimed? There is an error in your thinking if this is so, because shouldn't the suffering you are experiencing through misapplied empathy be alleviated as well?

Try to conquer ill-will, delusion, and clinging. In this case, the delusion that seems to be causing you pain is the delusion that this world can be free of suffering, or that you can control or are responsible for the suffering of others. If you can alleviate the suffering of others, do so, but when you can't, do not dwell on it. You should seek insight into your specific situation, unravel the specific delusions you are suffering from. Treat it like a medical situation in dire need of attention - not like background noise that cannot be removed.

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If you die when you're old then you get to rest .
If you die when you're young then you had a tragic death and you also got to rest .
If you die when you're young then you rage quit .

That’s just it; I’ve read/been told NOT to be afraid. And I’m not really. It’s just...this terrible dread. But I hear what you’re saying.

Someone who has insight can tell you "do not be afraid" but it is not going to have any effect on you unless you understand why fear is not justified. That is, unless you gain the insight that led them to say that.

Work at gaining that insight. Grapple with the big questions and do not turn away from any of them, however insurmountable they appear from afar. It is not enough to believe their conclusions: you must do the same work they have done for yourself, or you will never attain the benefits they have attained. The only thing the wise can do for you is to point you to the path and encourage you. You MUST walk it for yourself.

Learn to recognize what the path is and what the path is not, by looking within yourself. Every time you turn away these things, from your own inner voice, recognize this as "I am turning away from the path". Every time you gain an insight and feel like you are shining inside, recognize this as "I have found the path." Once you can discern these things, the only thing that remains is your choice between them.

where do people go once they died?
life reset, you start all over again with freshly erased memories.
but then, your spawn point is random, in this life you might be Eric, next spawn might be Jason or Chintong or Tandoori or loklok boogabooga, you just shuffle with whatever available spawn point at the time regardless of era..
Cycle goes on that at one point you might be Eric again, the very Eric right now but reborn to relive the same life over again.
Now here is the part about dejavu or knowledge that you just happen to have without knowing where it's from, remember the erased memories part? well it doesn't always erased fully and fragments remain, so little that it doesn't make sense what it's about but you feel astonished when it does. for example you know some historical stories without even reading about it, hearing tunes in your head for songs that only later on plays on the media or the most common one, knowing people name when both sides agrees they never meet or even know of each other existence till event.

get what I mean?

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i dont really believe in reincarnation just because if it really exist/ works shouldnt the population always remain somewhat constant unless if you are saying some people who passed away will be born as another type of animal like a cat or monkey, or they will be born in another universe similar or different to earth aka aliens or some shit tbh anything would be bttr than being in a dark void filled with emptiness, that shit is pretty fucked

Fill that gap, fall upon your swords. Life has no meaning. There will be a mint julep waiting on the other side, sir. Release your soul to me.

nice israeli girls

The reality is that there are only so many souls to go around. The rest are just NPCs fulfilling the need for logical consistency in the world by appearing to be human.

We are reborn in accordance with our kamma.


You get to watch your pet waiting for you to come home if you don't have a pet then you get to watch your own life on repeat

It's the same as before you were born.

that's just non-existence. why not just say it's oblivion instead of trying to sound clever?