How does Australia stop Chinese people from buying properties here...

How does Australia stop Chinese people from buying properties here? It's getting way out of hand and it's becoming a circle jerk for the chinks.

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....Laws n shit.

How do we stop Chinese men from taking white Aussie girls like this?

reminds me of native americans selling their land for magic glass stones
why you no learn, australia?

>How do we stop Chinese men from taking white Aussie girls like this?
Girl in the middle in the above photo with her Chinese boyfriend

>>How do we stop Chinese men from taking white Aussie girls like this?

Outbreed them.

the US owns 5 times the amount of Australian assetts that the Chinese do, fwiw

It only affects young people in the short term, all the boomers already own their house.



Stop being uneducated impoverished bogans.

>Outbreed chinks
sounds like a solid plan, m8

Don't. It's better to dilute the invading zerg rush waves of chinks. Maybe the chink men will make it rain for their blonde bombshell babes instead of paying cash for your neighborhood. Everybody wins.

I don't know why we allow chinks to buy strayan farms, why don't we just lease the land? We're selling our future to chinks.
Fuck the house market its overpriced anyways chinks are the ones who keep it going

>more billionaires in Beijing than in NY
>mfw it's all over the world that THOSE SOULLESS CHINKS BUY EVERYTHING!

Have you consider building a wall?

Have you?

Yes, but the chink already has one.

Why not just forbid foreigners to own land and only allow rents for 50 or 100 years or something, kinda like they do in Thailand, Philippines or whatever SEAnigger country?

>tfw Australia and Canada will soon be completely chink


i cant wait to spread my seed when i join the navy next year

Jews won't allow us to do this

same thing happening here

Stop the communist party.

>be rich elite
>exploit the working class to the point they're living like literal dogs in shacks
>use money to buy properties in other countries to rent to make more money
>your citizens are living like shit
>everyone else is getting jewed just trying to find places to live

Fucking elites are the ultimate cancer.

Is this guy Jew?

You just selected this guy for your PM in the election by your own will again.

The problem isn't the Chinese, it's the Australians. We lowball-offer every land sale to the point of ridicule and the few that we manage to buy we run them into the ground due to being a bunch of gubmint-munny demanding lazy uneducated dole bludgers. Fuck Australians. If the Chinese are going to take over our country and turn it into productive agricultural land then more power to them. If we weren't a nation of over entitled self serving morons maybe we would have been in with a chance.


We've had a Jew PM for 8 years.

Australians(Canadians too) are submissive bata gold digger clowns and best friend of commies.

You soulless Australians allowed the chinks to use naval port for last another 99 years.

>t. Chang

White people are low IQ fags and you bring your fate by your will and making us entertained.

You white batas are selling your soul with great ease. digging your graves for money in entire history and you deserve it.

> American whites brought black slaves and got robbed raped looted and killed in their soil. now attacking white polices
> European whites allowed Allahu akbars to utilize under the name of workforce and got stabbed, axed, bombed and track minced.
> Australian whites allowed chink immigrants and start whining over their women and soil got cucked .

every fucking another day and week i can watch deadly shows, It is more enjoyable than watching fake Hollywood movies. I can't wait and see another entertainment. I need to buy more snacks.


Shh nip, sit there and jerk off while i fuck your women.

We passed a law that limits ownership of land by foreigners to a certain size some years ago.

I was conflicted about it because I'm a nationalist but I'm also very pro-market.
Still, I think it was a good step.

Isn't it your government fault of letting chinese buyers pay in full cash without asking where the money come from?