/leftypol/ General

Greetings, /k/omrades!

This general is for leftism! Not neo-liberal, capitalist, SJWism, but socialism! Communism! Anarchcism! Marxism! All these anti-capitalists are welcome here

Let's talk about Turkey. Was the coup a good thing? Could it have been good? Would it have pushed Turkey more to the left?

People say that "It's Kemalism the military has historically upheld, and while fiercely secular it's also a very nationalistic ideology with a long record of suppressing the working class." and others that "Erdogan funds terrorism, censors the press, and imprisons dissidents."

It seems that most comrades are ok with the coup, but solely because Edrogan is a piece of shit and his Islamic fascist shenanigans need to stop. Do you agree with this?

Let's talk about Nice as well. Was it really Islamic terror? Allegedly, he was not even Muslim, relatives and neighbors said. He did not attend a mosque, did not observe prayers, did not fast during the Ramadan, drank alcohol and ate pork; he was a loner mostly concerned with bodybuilding and salsa dancing, not religious practice. [mirror.co.uk/news/world-news/nice-terror-attacker-wasnt-muslim-8429758]

Personally, I think they should've stopped the truck and punch the bastard to death in the spirit of the storming of the Bastille.

Now we continue to a major event in the US, the shooting of 3 police officers in Baton Rouge. These cops were, of course, the enforces of private property and bourgeois state power. I say they deserved death. The 5 police officers killed in an earlier event also should be either scorned or forgotten. One of them was a white supremacist, in fact. And the killer? Murdered by the state extra-judicially.

What is your opinion on these matters?

Other urls found in this thread:


Btw, Atheists only ITT.




Communism says that each citizen gets an equal share of national production is that right?

Leftism is a sickness that is sacrilege against god!

Really is the red devil


Nationality does not exist in communism.

Does God exist?


This is very elaborate b8, albeit a bit too obvious. Still pretty nice, mind if I save it for future shitposting?

this isnt reddit get the fuck out nigger

fuggin leabs



The rules state I must have a well-thought out post. I wrote this out to comply with them, not to shitpost.


I do not understand your picture, user. Could you elaborate?

Kys nigger

Lefty you say? I know just the place to enrich your views further!


>Nationality does not exist in communism.

I need a term to define the geographic container in which this communism exists.

What would you call it?


"This communism" does not exist. Communism has never existed in any society in human history. I advocate for it to be the sturcuture of human society, ALL of human society. The geographics of communism, should it be attained by humans, will be the geographics of all humanity.

>"This communism"

Again I am using a term to refer to the type of communism you envision. I wasn't referring to any of the historical "trial runs" of communism.

Are you able to have a conversation or will this just devolve into semantic bullshit?



I apologize for the confusion. Luckily, I was referring to the communism I envision in

I used to be a pretty hardcore socialist. I supported state socialism and the disestablishment of capitalism in the west.

However, capitalism has been the greatest opponent of poverty that has ever struck the world. It was through capitalism that the poverty rate has dropped lower than ever before in history. I never recognized that; once I did I realized I was placing my ideology above my understanding of the world.
Likewise, I misunderstood the amount that the USA could produce as a country. This misunderstanding lead me to the false belief that socialism could be managed in our country. We are very, very far from a productive output that could sustain (for long, at least) a socialist society.
Finally, I've come to accept that a socialist society breeds sloth and a lack of effort.

"From each according to his ability, to each according to his need". This concept infuriates me now. A society predicated upon this notion will breed individuals who simply 'get by' by presenting the least amount of potential they possibly can. Rather than rewarding excellence with greater wealth, excellence is instead rewarded with what amounts to indentured servitude.

Leftism was fun to play around with, and I believe I can better appreciate my current beliefs now as I've gone through that particular phase.

>Communism has never existed in any society in human history


>I used to be a socialist but then I discovered I was opposed to literally everything about socialism

are you fucking retarded or what?

>state socialism
Sorry user, but you were an idiot.

>capitalism has been the greatest opponent of poverty that has ever struck the world
Sorry user, but you are an idiot.

>A society predicated upon this notion will breed individuals who simply 'get by' by presenting the least amount of potential they possibly can. Rather than rewarding excellence with greater wealth, excellence is instead rewarded with what amounts to indentured servitude.
There is no reason to work hard for nothing. What reason is there to reach my full potential in something I need only do to survive? Post-scarcity could also make any work unneccessary for survival

It has not, user.

I won't lie, I was pretty stupid when I was younger. I blindly supported these things because I liked the concept, without fully understanding the ramifications of implementing those concepts or what it would take to do so.

I was purely an ideologue and rejected pragmatism. I grew up and reevaluated my beliefs and found myself to be a proponent of things I was fundamentally opposed to.

>he thinks capitalism hasn't been the single greatest force against poverty

You might want to do a bit of research user.

>ID begins with the name of a construction vehicle driven by a literal nigger

Fuck off and suck Lenin and Mao's embalmed dick you fucking commie.

Then you never supported it. You only claimed support while not "fully understanding the ramifications of implementing those concepts or what it would take to do so."

>he thinks capitalism hasn't been the single greatest force against poverty
No, I DO think capitalism has been the single greatest force against poverty, but I think communism, if implemented, would be even greater.

someone post that gif of patrick denying "it's socialism"

you retarded faggots never learn because you're all just LARPing around, thinking your shit will actually work

human nature will always spoil your pretty little communist utopia pipedream, but you'll still do your gosh darned best to try to undermine everything that allows you to exist in the comfort you possess right now

millions of years of evolution driven by competition, but you, YOU, know better, right?

can't wait to start offering free heli rides to you corrupt, traitorous filth.

Communism is the real evil
once again confirmed

You don't have to fully understand every aspect of something in order to support it. Plenty of people support HIllary Clinton without understanding anything about her. I openly stated that state socialism was a good idea and could speak at length about what I believed made it a great idea.

>communism, if implemented, would be even greater.

I disagree and would argue that it HAS been implemented many times now. The logical conclusion of an attempt at communism is a dictatorship. To believe communism is possible is to have a fundamental misunderstanding of human nature.

I would love to continue to talk about this (not shitposting), but I need to get some rest. Have fun with your thread

why do you keep showing up
rare flags are useless when they cant be saved

Comrade Corbyn reporting

"From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs"
Put into reality it becomes grab what you can!!

>to each according to his needs
Who would be in charge of deciding how much does an individual need?

>be heavily in favor of left wing shit
>git gud job
>realize that people don't deserve your money
>fall out of love with left wing stuff as you realize life is infinitely easier the less government is involved in general
Capitalism isn't perfect by any means but I genuinely believe that left wing stuff only works in theory and is more of a fantasy for rich sheltered people to jerk off about or is entirely built upon jealousy and greed.

At least capitalism doesn't hide the fact that it's fundamentally built on greed.

anarchism is literally the opposite of communism

USSR style communism is, Marxist style communism is a lot like an anarchy.

>You don't have to fully understand every aspect of something in order to support it.
I suppose you are right, but your sentiment of knowing ore because of your "phase" of supporting socialism is idiotic because you did not understand it at the time

>I disagree and would argue that it HAS been implemented many times now
Communism: a stateless, moneyless, and classless society, in which private property is abolished and the means of production are collectively controlled by the community

Has this ever been acheived?

Incorrect. Anarchists work towards communism, but in a different manner than do Marxists and other leftists.

I'm interested to know if Marxists still think it is possible to transition from capitalism to state control and then that state will "wither away" over time to leave stateless communism. Seems to me it just never happens and we have to cut out the state from the beginning as anarcho-communists call for.

You mean this?



Yes, Marcists still think that. I agree; anarcho-communism is a much better method for acheiving communism. There may be a syndicalist transitory period, however. That's basically communism, though

anarchism is literally true communism

pic related: Kropotkin

Is this thread for people that are leftists or for people that are on the left compared to Sup Forums generally?

BTW, I couldn't upload the image directly due to size constraints

Leftists, but anything is better than Sup Forums. Welcome, /k/omrade!


I'm skeptical
Will I be purged if I'm, a socialist nationalist?


>Communism: a stateless, moneyless, and classless society, in which private property is abolished and the means of production are collectively controlled by the community
>Has this ever been acheived?

It wasn't "achieved" as such - it was the natural way of life for tribal peoples for 1000s of years. Nowadays we hear people say "communism will never happen because people are too greedy" but that is because they have been brainwashed by capitalist society and media. For 1000s of years the main motivation of the vast majority of people was food, shelter, peace and security NOT greed and war.

The Dispossessed by Ursula Le Guin discusses how anarcho-communal society might work in the framework of a sci-fi novel.

You mean, a national socialist? Could you elaborate?

Also, as an anarchist, I advocate violence only to acheive the revoltion. No "purging"

If only such a board existed

see this



Is there an age limit for this thread? I'm over 16 years old so I think I might not fit in here.

"Debt: The First 5000 Years" is a great book on primitive economies, discussing gift economies, and debunking the myth that most societies used bartering back then.

You are technically correct, as far as we know, but I don't usually mention it because it has primitivist conotations, and because private property may or may not have existed back then. Nomads likely had no concept of it, of course


>Be me
>browsing Sup Forums catalog
>spot /leftypol/
>this will be interesting
>click on link
>no stimulating discussion
>shit content
>inspired, I unbutton pants, squat down on the rug
>leave a beautiful long steamer coated with lemonade
>tear a page out of communist book for TP

>see this
nah, no thanks, Im just giving that dude his webm, this isn't my arguement,
and honestly I don't care whether it's socialism, communism, or neo-soc-annarchistic-LGBT--postmodern-autofelacial-hyper-communism
it's all stupid

France's ruling party is called socialist also, dipshit. It doesn't mean anything.

Oh sorry

BTW, gif > webm for lack of audio

>gif > webm for lack of audio
webm makes smaller files iirc, either way I got the file as an mp4 and had to trans-code it to something Sup Forums usable, webm was the easiest

eh, true

Where did you get it as mp4? That's just strange

I grabbed it off twitter after I first saw it from red-panels re-tweeting it

when someone uploads a .gif to twitter it actually saves it as an mp4 (despite the little gif watermark they put there), check the inspect element if you want

National Socialism has been given a bad name. I believe In my nation, and I embrace Socialism. I believe government intervention In arms production Is required, and that banks must be under strict regulation. I believe we can be self sustaining as a nation and that we can have a multi cultural nation. I firmly believe that If the state Is a union, and abolishes non union jobs, that we can achieve the dreams of a young Adolf Hitler. Not the insane brain damaged ( From WW1 ) drug addict, but the man that believed his nation could be better with a government of the people. Obviously this Is where my arguement takes a turn, as Hitler wasn't all that great... But Hitler built the Autobahn like how Eisenhower built the US interstate to create jobs just like Hitler. Or how FDR's new deal allowed the banks to exist, but be held down under the knee of the people, just like how Hitler rebuilt the German economy, except the knee he used was his parties, and It was forced upon the entire nation. We need a new deal, and we need infrastructure now. This should be something everyone agrees with.

>Well-thought out

well-thought out POST. That is, the OP post

Communism Is nothing more than legalized organized crime. National Socialism Is the closet a nation can go to Communism with destroying itself implicit.


The nation should be destryoed, user. That is the point. You are correct; the nation cannot exist in communism. That is why I oppose it's existence.

My deepest apologies
>POST about Communism
>well thought out POST
Will you accept this attempt to insult your intelligence or should I give it another go?


Can someone answer. I'm legitimately curious

Get the fuck out morons.

There has never been a high population and successful, left leaning state or government.

Stop trying to equally spread the misery you dumb piece of trash milky lickers.

I'll give it a shot.
>The lowest common denominator
Wow, that was easy.

Wew saved

So let's say a regular Sup Forumsack makes a long, logical post debunking communism. All leftists around the world read the post and immediatly denounce communism as idiotic.

But of course, though the post was highly logical, it was not well-thoought out at all, as it was about COMMUNISM

The community. That mantra may not be the one followed, however.

What about the United States? They were left compared to the world at the time. In fact, human history has seen a progression from right to left, and has also seen a higher population, knowledge of the universe, survival and longevity.

This. Sup Forums is a contrarian website.leftism is not contrarian--it's literally sucking the dicks of the people currently in power.

>communists are in power
I see only the crushing boot of capitalism. The entire world is capitalist, user.

>In fact, human history has seen a progression from right to left, and has also seen a higher population, knowledge of the universe, survival and longevity.
correlation =/= causation

Agreed, user. I never said it did.

That post wouldn't be about Communism, it would be about anti-Communism, making it well-thought out. Seriously, I knew you commies were dumb, but can you not understand this simple logic?

>The community. That mantra may not be the one followed, however.
What if there was a disagreement in the community about one's needs?

>What about the United States? They were left compared to the world at the time.
True. But modern left has nothing in common with 19th century "left" that was in charge in the USA at the time.

> geographics of all humanity
Can you just say if a town will bring all their products to the townhall and every can take what he needs or do you have to be vague about the simplest things?

> Jamestown

>it would be about anti-Communism
So if I made a post arguing against anti-Communism, it is automatically well-thought out?

>What if there was a disagreement in the community about one's needs?
The community usually trumps any disagreement. The tyranny of the majority. This differs, of course, in certain communities. Compromise is sometimes taken to great lengths in communities that do not wish to have a tyranny of the majority

>Can you just say if a town will bring all their products to the townhall and every can take what he needs or do you have to be vague about the simplest things?
I thought we were talking about the geographics of communism. I'm sorry, but I have no idea what this post is arguing.

>I used to be a socialist but then I discovered I was opposed to literally everything about socialism

it's more common than you think

Nice try, Satan! SAGED.

>The community usually trumps any disagreement. The tyranny of the majority.
Sounds a lot like redistribution of wealth through direct democracy

It is. That's the main Marxist vision of communism: the dictatorship of the proletariat as a democratic institution, which seizes the wealth of the bourgeois (and may or may not kill them), then distributes it agmonst themselves. Then they work -> produce -> distribute -> repeat, until the state "withers away"

Are you retarded? Anti-anti-Communism is just Communism. Learn your double negatives.

Not neccessarily. I could be advocating for any political philosophy, and be opposed to anti-communism

>defending private property

Your gif is retarded.


Who in their right mind would start a business or invest anything in Venezuela after this shit?

The government still allows private buisnesses to operate. They do control the market, but it is still a market. State capitalism.

If you oppose anti-Comunism, you support anti-anti-Communism, meaning you support Communism.

get the fuck oout of my fucking board you fucking fuck fuckker.

Marx's grave is in Highgate Cemetery. It's open to the public and maintained by the local council, just like every other cemetery in the country.

lefty's sux dix lol

>americans lecturing ex-commies on socialism