I.T.T: Animated kino

I.T.T: Animated kino
Starting with the best

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Is there a more pretentious flick?

The Tragedy of Man (Az ember tragédiája) is actually pure kino and one of the best films of the decade and it doesn't seem like anyone really knows about it.


You monkeys are getting to be as annoying as the flat earthers.

I'm not OP and I don't really see how its really that pretentious. I guess anything that isn't capeshit or a reboot is trying too hard to Sup Forums

Song of the Sea and Secret of Kells

This was pretty good.

Perfect Blue is a great animated thriller. Thoroughly enjoyed.

The Thief and the Cobbler

Paprika and paranoia agent are kino too


Pretty much these.

Considering Black Swan, its inferior remake, did so well, you just made the post of the thread.



Shed 17 is the definition of Kino

How old are you?

9 years old

Aw fuck this one gets me every time.

World of Tomorrow was so much better.

Yellow Submarine
Great movie but whatever band doing the music is trash

Thanks for reminding me about this, I'm gonna rewatch the whole thing.

This tbqh.

>you are my best friend, you are my only friend


chris stuckmann approved, truly kino.

Short film animated kino

This. It's actually genius, a masterpiece.

This a thousand times. TV loves shitting on everything but autistically can't accept capeshit is ruining movies.

first not pretentious thing itt


Opinionated superficial symbolism commentary film is not kino, lad.

favorite studio ghibli? mines spirited away.

It's my go-to nostalgiakino but that opening is awful.


it's none of those things retard

Me? I like Dragonball Z Battle of the Gods

>muh Christ figure is gonna smash your egg little girl

Now this is actually pretentious like other oshii works that aren't restricted by production

Patlabor 2


actual animated kino coming through

It's pretty on the nose and apparent so the symbolism didn't seem superficial to me.
The only general agenda it seemed to push is that the beauty of mankind outweighs the suffering


When is the next Tom Moore joint coming out?

This is a wonderful movie.

It would have been much better without the flat composition.


>the best




Managed to tell the same story in 90 min than super did with 8 hours

make way for the real kino, lads


Fantastic Planet

That's classic not kino


These are both great.
Even though the OST and dialog is good, I love putting on an album while watching Feherlofia. especially if i'm on dude acid lmao

Double King is pretty Nino
Felix makes comfy stuff in my opinion. It's bizarre and slightly surreal without going full "xd so randum", while having gorgeous animation and not trying to be 2 deep 4 u.

Wolfwalkers, which isn't coming out until at least q3/4 of 2018. In the mean time Cartoon Saloon is doing The Breadwinner, which I'm not expecting to enjoy as much as the other two (looks like this historically-realistic mix of Mulan and Persepolis) even though I'll definitely watch it.

I know this is bait but
>Anything that isn't Pixar is pretentious
I really don't like this mindset.

I want to watch this on acid.

Just saw it.
I get the whole biblical jist of it, but still think it's pretty incohoherent

Also how many of you cunts are on Evangelion Shitposting

looks like shit my dude

>Sup Forums
>Sup Forums

It's amazing OP, but still second to this absolute kino

This. Mindless melodramatic garbage