Can we all agree on this?

Can we all agree on this?

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nice try hrvatska

b..but how is this not accurate?

hahahahahah youre trying to put yourself in with the germans oh my fuck.

portuguese and spanish and italian contributed billions more than shitty croatia.

face it scrub boy, you will always be a shit tier europoor

Poor Croatia, Germans dont want them :(

This is literally how they thought us in geography classes in high school

we are both culturaly and historically in the centre.
However we do have southern/italian/roman culture by our coast and we did have "communist eastern" past
but we are mostly central due to long influence from Wiena

Irregular reminder that central Europe doesn't exist and is an attempt by slavs to group themselves with superior nations.

the baltics are not nordic.

The baltics are russian mongrels. Don't associate them with the north, they are eastern.

Nice try. Everybody knows Slavs are East. While the Germanic Cucks are central

East and West, no more
That's what history thought me.

>Balkans south of Danube

Please don't group us with cucks of the west, thank you

This division is fucking stupid. France is different from Germany and Britain

But if you want to stick with this, then it is obvious that Poland is eastern because it's nowhere near the living standards of Germany and other countries

Maybe 70 years ago. Now you can divide by cucks and non cucks

>someone beside of greece in the balkans could be considered as Southern European
Eh, not really Lazar
Southern Europe = Greco-Roman/Mediterranean culture

Don't be sad Hrvoje, I'll always love you.


Forgot to include Scotland in north

Poland is an eastern european country.

As are hungary and slovakia. We can debate about czech rep

what slavs? there are poles which are more mongloid. all other your neighbours are germanic.


Bosnia should be eastern too then, if the religion is the only reason for dividing Europe into regions

>le nord master race maymoo

The English are far more accomplished than all of you combined. You're bro-tier, but behave yourself.

which is that Russian region that has buddhism?


Centre europe's greatest accomplishments:
>sacking Rome
>being reatrded barbarians and vandals
>doing nothing for like 1000 years
>Martin Luther
>getting conquered by Russia
>killing white people in world wars
>inviting smelly turks



i thought the caucasus countries (armenia, georgia) were kind of considered to be a thing of their own and not part of europe. they culturally do act a lot like slavs though.

Been to London, muslims and mr.bean looking gypsies. Sad!

Western Europe is superior solely for the fact that England is part of it.

We Czechs have great tradition of opportunism. We are central/west/east Europe depending on how it suits us at the moment.
>mfw not even joking much

stop joking :)

>what are greek/byzantian towns
>german education

funny thing is that Center Masterrace Empire would control all major trade and troop movement routes plus enough teritory and population to make it uncontested superpower on the continent - wich would inevitably lead to US being pushed out of Europe

but that would require cooperation based on trust, mutual respect and willingness to work towards common interests - those were the fundations upon which the success of Poland-Lithuenia has been build - but it is not something current year germany is capable of

German superiority complex leading to constant conflict with Poland (as hidden as this conflict may be) solidifies US position in this part of the world and ultimately cucks us all leading to repeating pic related


Rate my autistic retarded division of Europe.

this tbqh

That's rich coming from the country that supports the EU when it benefits them and abandons it once it's time to shoulder some responsibility.

Cooperation, respect and trust my ass.

blow your brown gérmans up your ass

Jürgen cucked you?

Scotland is British even if they pretend to speak a retarded dialect. Otherwise pretty god.

not bad, but I'm still sticking to mine

London = NY
Germany = midwest
Finland et al = midnorth
Italy + Spain = Southern shits
East = not european

Exclude Germany from centre masterrace, Sweden from north and Belgium from west. Write ISLAMIC OCCUPATION on them.

>Centre masterrace
Kek, you are in the south with us Luka.

>austria of cucked
Yeah sure, and turks are white..

This is the most accurate

tbqh I dont have problem with that, I said that we have a huge southern/roman influence by our coast

but I think that if we look at the whole thing that we are more central than southern

One more thing, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania are members of centre masterrace. It is not snowcover duration that matters.

Just noticed you circled Estonia and Belarus. Nevermind

it's my favourite meme desu. their history pretty much consists of being savages eating rotten shark meat

>That's rich coming from the country that supports the EU when it benefits them and abandons it once it's time to shoulder some responsibility.
we are on Sup Forums at least pretend to be redpilled northstream-sempai

pic related

Estonia is understandable, but circling Belarus? Why not circle Ukraine too while you're at it?

>Superior humans
>The most cucked countries in the continent
>Worth Saving
>Catcalling now considered a crime
>London has muslim mayor
>Banned bikini ads from subway because 300 people out millions who use the subway filed complaints about them

high nordic standards of living are almost certainly caused exclusively by the fact that they're still 95% white.

I have no love for england or france in terms of what you've rotted into, but if you were 100% white I have little doubt your standards of living would surpass theirs. despite the niggers you guys still out-invent them, etc.

>tfw you're not in Pula right now swimming and enjoying life, because you have 4 fucking exams left in 8th and 9th mounth so you stayed in your shitty apartment in Zagreb.. and you're not even studying because you're shittposting on Sup Forums
should I just kill myself?

if you're west of catalonia, you're 5% arab. you have no standing to talk shit.

northern italy belongs to central and southern france belongs to south.

the only shitty parts of europe are the parts the arabs had access to

you forgot the roaches


Central Europe is literally everything about Europe that Sup Forumsacks idolize, safe for northern Europe.


Nice try

awww did a Big Baltic Cock cuck you? :

The only exception being Nazi collabs :DD

Research publications per capita:

9....United Kingdom................0.03034517


The UK wants no part in your silly euro games, peasant.

Why not France?

Fantastic mountains and coast. Only Parisians are snobby shits.

yup except the centre is then subdivided into west and east

>Swizz flag
>Acknowledging "central europe"

How the fuck did a vodkanigger get into Switzerland?

>Not Eastern Europe


yes but cut france in half from west and south. france is not a real country

No, we should be on the border.

The cold war is over, grandpa...

You've been to London.


London is a fucking powerhouse m8. Us scandis tend to get a bit arrogant, but what the fuck have we done? Not a god damn piece of shit for a 1000 years. We were lucky with the oil, and we still have shipping, but that glory period is waning. We need to get our shit together, right fucking now. Get some high level engineering schools (not that NTNU bullshit oil school.) and start doing some nuclear science. We need reactors.

I'm German actually.

Check this out:

Croatia is Balkan shit

Zlovenia is too

Instead of being so in denial about being a balkanfag, accept that, take the best out of it and improve. Croats thinking they are westerners or in your case central europe are as delusional as the fuckwits we have here claiming that first there was god, then there were serbs.
Best quote for any balkan discussion:
"Save me from Croatian culture and Serbian bravery"

>americans in charge of dividing europe
lmao, ill leave it to un and eu

Ne brate, lepo izadjes pa se malo prosetaj, malo shitpostuj, pa pomalo uci.
Budi mi pozdravljen, mene ceka master teza preko leta.


carniola is german

>be literally in the north
>suddenly now west

This is why these maps are utterly retarded

No it's not, It's Slovene.

german in denial

Which race are you talking about then eh?

t. Franz Czechenburg

Do you even know PAK FA is newer than F-35, and they are currently planning to builf 50 prototypes? I bet you don't know because you are a pro american and believe our superiority you degenerate

wow im central europe nice

what are the perks of being central eu? we white?

No the lower part of Bosnia is mostly Christian, I was born in Mejugoria and there are no muslims at all so I would say the leaf has it right

It is normal ... a Yankee abnormal, any small town in Spain has more history than his country

USA is a decadent people with decadent people

Croatia is a shit, and are nothing in the history of mankind

Netherlands and Germany are the same.

You guys are eastern europeans, not northern europeans end of discussion. The true nordic master race is pic related.

Better include Romania in Central Europe, before one of them sees this thread. They literally believe it.

The Nordics are fagots ... they have never been a great conqueror empire

Stop streamlining western european culture, we're not americans. National and local borders are there for a reason. Putting germans together with croats and polacks, and russians together with albanians and bulgarians is a slap in the face for everyone involved.