A . F U C K I N G . T R E E

A . F U C K I N G . T R E E.



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pew pew

I wonder what this looks like in TREE d

>evil boy kills good girl because muh patriarchy

Another shot from the set

Isn't that from Narnia?

>Rey: "you took me from my parents!"
>Luke: "no, that isn't what happened..."
>Rey: "Liar! You denied me a loving family and ruined my life!"
>Luke: "No... I... took you from a tree... You were born of a tree"

>Force tree = Forbidden Tree
>Force = the apple
>Rey = Eve
>Snoke = Adam

Snyder is burning with jealousy.

Avatar. Avatar is apparently a prequel to Star Wars where the "Force Tree" is the tree from Avatar and the force is the embodiment of Eywa in the galaxy.

You see that tree?

That's where lightsabers are born.

I genuinely hate that actor

Only way this trilogy will end up good is if Rey becomes the villain and the other guy with the shitty lightsaber becomes the hero



1:10 because embedding does nothing with that shit.

I don't even are about the character, the actor fucking blows at acting. THAT'S HER ONLY FUCKING JOB

So Jedi are actually benders?

No, that would be mysoginist.

Blue people avatar not asian avatar

can sum1 fill me in on the force tree rumors??

This one, right?

what's the difference?

what movie is this?

why are you guys sperging out over a set piece in a 200 mil. disney movie? whats the joke

Nonstop 24/7 shitpsoting

What game is that from?

we're going to find out in guardians of the galaxy that Groot is descended from the force tree

>Disney rejects Expanded Universe (TM) because it's amateur and petty and a mess
>Disney writes generic bullshit lore involving Force Tree (TM), attempting to tie the prequels to the new movies

If there's one thing that could make the Disney cinematic memes worse, it's crossovers.

snoke is thanos)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

Cap this if you want. These are some of the major answers you've wanted. I worked on production of the film and was so disappointed with that teaser. They are purposely misleading everyone. Anyway, here you go:

>Luke has vowed to never touch a lightsaber again after tossing his aside in RotJ and almost allowing his hatred to consume him
>He trained his academy with no lightsabers, taught them only how to use the force, this is why Kylo made his own and why the Knights of Ren don't have them
>Rey's lineage will never be revealed, it is of no importance, a red herring
>Rey's death in the third act of the film will serve as the major shock (they wanted something as shocking as Vader being Luke's father)
>This trilogy is actually about the redemption of Kylo Ren
>Benecio del Toro's character kills Rey and betrays Kylo (he wanted the girl spared)
>Luke picks up her lightsaber and kills B-del's character in what I can only describe as one of the most epic fights we've ever seen. Filming on this one was nuts. Think Clint Eastwood in Unforgiven when he finally decides to fight back. No one stands a chance. The film does an excellent job of building up to Luke finally using his lightsaber again.
>Luke takes Kylo with him at the end

>Luke has vowed to never touch a lightsaber again after tossing his aside in RotJ and almost allowing his hatred to consume him

hey idiot he still has it when he's celebrating on Endor.


man if they kill her off all the femtards will go insane. disney will not let this happen. stop larping.

Would all Jedi die if someone cut that tree?

Rey dying is unlikely user. She's there for the grills to have a heroine. Disney 21st century is angled like that.


>evil man kills good woman because she was a dumb incompetent fuck
>good men take over to lead Jedi Order against evil man's Sith Order
>good men suppress Sith until the day dumb good woman fucks up again and the Sith suppress the Jedi again
>===============> Present timeline
>good man has to sacrifice himself and another good man has to take over again because a dumb bitch fucked up, and is forced to train and teach a dumb woman
>dumb woman being trained is the successor to the original good woman, except she is even more of a dumb incompetent fuck
>rince and repeat history

How would make a woman into a badass be misogynist?

This would be so dope. Luke whoopin ass just like the good old days

>Rey is a giant red herring
>the trilogy is actually about the Redemption of Kylo Ren
>Luke has a Clint Eastwood Unforgiven moment but with a lightsaber
>Luke and Kylo fuck off to turn Kylo into the ultimate badass
>yfw he says to Snoke in 9 that he is "A Solo, like my father before me" for maximum poetry

i would unironically bow down and suck Disney dick and shill their garbage if they actually did this shit.

the stuff about no lightsabers in the New Order seems to fit too

the "muh the force" wankery has always been the worst part of star wars writing

>>Luke has vowed to never touch a lightsaber again after tossing his aside in RotJ and almost allowing his hatred to consume him
>user forgets to watch the movie before writing his pasta
inb4 "n-no the writers fucked up its real"



Force Tree is the location of the first Jedi temple. Like a bazillion years ago or whatever, there were two siblings who became the first Force wielders in the galaxy at the location of that tree. The sister focused on the light side, and the brother on the dark. The brother murdered the sister because he was jealous of how awesome she was and then fucked off to the edge of the galaxy for eons. The sisters' followers became the Jedi, and it was prophesied that one day she would return to defeat the brother permanently.

The brother is still alive, and he's Snoke. And now since his ancient evil has awakened, Rey - the reincarnated sister - must become the chosen one to defeat him.

What is this? The TIE-lite?

>implying that won't be retconned away
>Luke decided to throw away his lightsaber after communing with the spirits of Obi-Wan, Yoda and Anakin on Endor

they're fucking up by focusing too much on whether or not Luke has a lightsaber. They just shouldn't show him with one until he whips it out and fucks shit up at the end. Have him train Rey like how Yoda trained him. At this point Luke should be so fucking good that he doesn't need a lightsaber anyway

>an excellent job of building up to Luke finally using his lightsaber again.
I love it when shows do the "master regains their old weapon after losing/abandoning it" thing

Star Gazer 4: Quest for Wood

>kills Rey

Never going to happen.

>inb4 "n-no the writers fucked up its real"
Or one could say that there is this thing called Character Development and "growing up", and just like many people in real life abandon old vows because they found a correct path or answer to a problem that made them create a vow, so can literary characters do so too.

Since when are fictional characters supposed to abide by some rules of critics and lore, when real people often don't abide them, yet fictional characters are supposed to be a representation of real Humanity to at least some extent?


>Force Awakens
>Female lead with a black co lead. All the villains are white males

>Rogue One
>Female lead with supporting heroes all being minorities. Evil villains are white meb

>The Last jedi
>Female lead with black co lead. All the evil villains are white men

>BattleFront 2
>Female lead. evil villains are white men.

Notice anything?

That actually sounds really good!

And because it sounds good I am going to not believe it because it doesn't fit the safe formula Disney has for SW.


The black co lead is missing from Battlefront 2.
Based Disney hating niggers since Lando Calrissian.

While he's sadly almost certainly talking bullshit, that could be explained by saying he'd never touch it again in anger.
The reason i doubt it will happen is because him never touching a saber again would torpedo their inevitable merchandising strip mining of the time gap.

Also, reminder that the original tree leaks also said that Kylo wouldn't take off his Helmet and Lando would be in it, both of which we already know are false.

>video game

Nope. What?

we avatar now

This can not be true, because it actually sounds good. It is impossible to go from TFA to this.
Here's (You) anyway.


Is this Naruto or Star Wars?

2/10 Apply Yourself

Allow me to elaborate on my postThe reason for 2/10 is that your "leaks" were simply TOO GOOD to be true. Jewsney would never allow something like this.

Such a film has the potential to top Ep,V The Empire Strikes Back.

Same. I feel bad after these predictions because I know that the actual film won't live up to them and we'll have something corny as fuck like Luke dying at the end without even a proper fight scene.

For sure, this is one cliche that will NEVER get old.

that fight betwen Kimawari and his rival tho

I don't appreciate this type of threads. Misogynstic as hell. Why don't you compare mens dicks? I thought this was a place for film discussion not pussy. /b is that way>>>>>

Guess what: I'm a woman

I've been using Sup Forums for 8 years now. I'm an MIS and Marketing major, top of my class. I have an IQ of 146. I'm only a sophomore and have had 7 internships. I'm a member of the MENSA society. I voted Trump (Ivanka that is). I'm not a feminist, however, I'm probably more intelligent than most of you in this thread.

Wether you like it or not, females are comperable. I'm not here to steal your money. I'll probably make more than you. I'm not going to make you a sandwhich, I'll have my personal chef do it. The ironic thing is my father married for looks and I'm actually attractive as well.
Cocky? Yes. Ashamed? No.

I won't show you my tits, I'll be your CEO one day

>I'll be your CEO one day

Means I'll get a job one day, thanks for the reassurance

>females are comperable
*Comparable. Fixed it for ya, Ms.CEO

>This trilogy is actually about the redemption of Kylo Ren
>Luke takes Kylo with him at the end
user they haven't filmed third film yet. At least try next time.

they're not gonna kill Rey off but yeah, if they find some way of her not being in Episode 9 that'd be great

You're a bender.

If daisy ridley dies I will be very happy

Not die in the movie. I mean die in real life. fucking dumb whore

>it's a Sup Forums thread

A tree, A tree, A fucking Tree. Look how the mighty has fallen, look and see how the once iconic has been reduced to a mere meme, and not even a particularly good meme either. See how the once laughable midichlorians is now seen in a better light because the house of rats and decay, disney, has sought to introduce something even memier than the aforementioned medichlorians. What does this tree of the force makes Rey, Kaguya? A tree, Walt, a fucking Tree!


This would make me like Star Wars again.

Isn't that the Naruto's plot from the war

Even though there's a 0% chance of that happening, capped because it's genuinely the best story for VIII I've seen someone come up with