Why this choice? I could understand almost all decisions in his campaign, but not this one.
Why this choice? I could understand almost all decisions in his campaign, but not this one
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When girls get married, they always choose ugly dresses for their bridesmaids.
Still bummed about him not settling early for Vince McMahon or Oprah, real talk.
Support Trump but I'm really not feeling this VP choice right now, but I'm interested in how this plays out
He's throwing, he was a Hillary plant
This. VP has to show how special the top of the ticket is. Look at Reagan/Bush Sr or Clinton/Gore or Obama/Biden. The VP is always bland boring and a Washington Insider.
it's a gambit. He'll use him and lose him when needs be and reveal his true vp. You're a fucking fool if you fell for pence being his actual vp.
Then again pol is for retarded children so who fucking cares.
Pol's choice was Flynn. And while Flynn has a lot of good qualities, last night we saw why a candidate shouldn't always take pol's advice.
Flynn's arena just isn't politicking.
Yeah but this is "field trip to the indian reserve and get vanilla ice cream cones on the ride back" levels of boring.
Don't get me wrong but does the VP in the states actually do anything important?
I reckon Trump had far better VP choices but will use them in other roles in his government.
All his choices were shitty
There is literally nobody with the resume to be Vice President who shares anything even close to Trump's views
No, too many idiots think VP is an important decision. It's only important in the sense, that it allows you to reach out to greater demographics during election time. VP's do very little, and in this case he will help Trump gain the trust of older republicans and help secure his position.
burgers have field trips to indian reserves?
fucking hell thats cruel
imagine being defeated, all your land taken, then you get herded into tiny reserves.
you think it cant be worse,
but no, they send their children to laugh at you and mock you pretty much daily.
>Why this choice? I could understand almost all decisions in his campaign, but not this one.
Okay, first and last time I'll explain this:
>hardcore christian
>governor of midwestern state
>nice, soft-spoken
>opposite of Trump
>Trump needs to win midwestern swing states
>midwestern swing states are majority-white and voted for Cruz because of his evangelical background
>the west coast (CA, WA, OR) is out of play for Trump
>so is the east coast (NY, NJ, MA)
>Pennsylvania and Ohio have a lot of delegates
>So does Michigan
>If he wins those states, and the south, he wins the presidency
Trump doesn't need an attack dog really he is already the alpha in the pack.
Pence is good at quiet politics and that could be why Trump picked him.
Although I did have General Flynn down as the winner.
It's more like Indians are making ass loads of cash off of stupid white people. And no one is forcing them to host their reservation as a sort of vacation spot
2 reasons.
1 nobody's every gonna shoot trump. They don't want this "literally hitler" in charge.
2 it's to win the solid support of the floating neo cons that think trumps some city slicker and not 100% Apple pie
This guy knows
See my earlier post
>1 nobody's every gonna shoot trump. They don't want this "literally hitler" in charge.
Are you retarded?
>2 it's to win the solid support of the floating neo cons that think trumps some city slicker and not 100% Apple pie
Alright, you can stop talking about American politics now
I Like Mike
Look at that smile. I bet he's a total bro irl.
U wot u cunt
He's alright
The reason the Trump campaign went with him is because the Republican party would have crashed the campaign if he hadn't have chosen a neocon establishment globalist.
No, some tribes run huge casinos for white people to spend all their money on. Then instead of helping fix the horrible problems of alcoholism, poverty, etc. on the other reservations, they keep it to themselves because Amerindians are petty shitheads.
I've watched a few of his interviews, he was eager to get into politics and he isn't a stereotypical war mongering general.
He does have some decent ideas.