"Western Culture is degenerate"
*terrorist attack*
"Fuck these Muslims trying to destroy our superior Western Culture"
does anyone watch this retard anymore? All he does is bitch about gays and muh jesus these days.
"Western Culture is degenerate"
*terrorist attack*
"Fuck these Muslims trying to destroy our superior Western Culture"
does anyone watch this retard anymore? All he does is bitch about gays and muh jesus these days.
he's a closeted homo
I listen to his podcast, yes.
>Fuck these Muslims trying to destroy our superior Western Culture
He didn't say anything like that after Orlando.
Also he's pretty much right. If all non-whitees dissappeared from the West tommorow, we'd still bee doomed.
The west has been dead ever since the Industrial Revolution.
The Amish will inherit America.
In all honesty if all Sup Forums users disappeared from the West right now the west would be at least 50% less degenerate.
Sup Forums users have to take a look at where they are vefore they can claim they're not a major part of the problem.
Everything CF says is the truth
CF's subreddit is an infinitely less disgusting place than Sup Forums to discuss the same topic yet Sup Forums will dismiss it as reddit because Sup Forums is by far the mkre degenerate place and always has beeb
>"Fuck these Muslims trying to destroy our superior Western Culture"
Did he really say this?
Anyway cf is right about everything. Every newfag reddit tier "altrighter" should listen to his podcast.
Yep it's just that he rightfully exposes Sup Forums as the filthy place it is which is why he is kryptonite to Sup Forums.
If you claim to be conservative and visit this site you are a closet liberal. Growing out of chan culture is the final redpill.
For all your talk of degenerate media you're on one of the worst offenders. And ir was ALWAYS bad so you can't blame newfags. Why is being an 'oldfag' something to be proud of when it usually means you're fully corrupted
You're right except ''reddit tier'' isn't the right expression because the degeneracy is inherent to Sup Forums too and yiu can't get out of the blame by deflecting to reddit
Sup Forums is degenerate.
CF reddit is much better. I wish I was joking but i honestly have realized what a trap this website is and how it's like crabs in a bucket with every pathetic scum here trying to drag you back in
You don't have to like him, but everyone who seriously gets offended by what he says outs himself as a self-glorifying moron to me.
Also, can someone with an account ask him for his show what his backup plans are for when (not if) Reddit shuts it down?
culture is a social construct
He should make his own forum with strict moderation to kick out degenerates.
Anonymity is societal cancer and really censorship and moderation is needed for a good internet community. Somethinf 4channers never realize because theyre brainwashed libertines
>realized what a *trap* this website is
pun intended?
>The Amish will inherit America.
>implying they could match the merchant-tier organization behind mormons
There is already a good forum which CF has endorsed
I unsubscribed at episode 96
he's become ethnomasochistic
learn from the masters: we always considered muslims degenerated but we always used them for cheap labor and cannon fodder
the problem is that you anglos can't normalize this master-slave relationship with ragheads
and part of the problem is that you let women around moors. That's a big mistake. They get easily addicted to ahmed dick
He complains too much about white people being the race with most degenerates.
No shit, we've lived the most comfortably.
I like him because he pulls people to the right on degeneracy, but he really needs to stop with his crusade on white people.
We need to fix it, yes.
Not sure what he's expecting, to let fucking muslims take over?
Notice how he isn't a hypocrite and advocates Sup Forums as a place to ''fight degeneracy''.
He's better off never having been raised by the chans.
Which secretly everyone here wishes deep dowb.
this is the leader/owner of ironmarch
Unabomber is the only person with any idea of a real fix.
YOU CANNOT HAVE modern technology and a moral stable society.
Fundamentally incompatible.
There is no solution other than returning to the land whether voluntarily or by cataclysm .
It's not about politics and ideology it is about technology and physical struggle
And? Iron March is a fascist forum not a racial purity forum.
unabomber was a guy whose brain was purposedly fried by the CIA with drugs
it really makes you think...
>Notice how he isn't a hypocrite and advocates Sup Forums as a place to ''fight degeneracy''.
Did he really say this?
The unabomber has the same idea as Varg
I think it's very possible to live a tradional life alongside modern technology, though.
You'll need conscription and some laws in place to ban degeneracy, but eventually you can set up culture controlling it the same way, until eventually you achieve humans that can live that way through eugenics.
Then what the fuck is the point?
Race is nation
>Then what the fuck is the point?
The point is you can be a fascist for your nation and race whether you are white or not.
He had called out Sup Forums multiple times whether directly or implicitly
Definitely have to ban the Internet or at least anonymity. Treat it just like the public streets with real ID and indecency laws
He's a prophet
I literally only come here for Sup Forums anymore, this place is a shit hole but the bantz are too good to leave behind.
He's very concerned with Europe primarily, not centered around Russia.
Even then he's not of the ethnicity that should be fighting for Russia.
It's a war and they're killing us
Only an autist would sit there and not have a reaction
He underestimates the Jews though, If a leech bites you it's not your arm's fault for not being adapted to fighting off the leech
>they are killing us
you have a fucking useless security forces and you blame the moors?
it's like blaming the bugs for an useless farmer. Bugs are gonna bug.
The only reason to tune into him is for Tumblristas.
Kinda like how the only reasons to listen to TRS is for the Merchant Minute and Le Chateau Autiste.
>Expecting people to pay to hear you dub over tumblr posts
What a jew.
I think anyone that fights people that are fighting for Europeans remaining the majority in white countries should be fought himself.
Division is retarded, but that's what CommonFilth and to an extent ironmarch are doing.
>hurf durf
Yeah but the jews ruined the west through the media remember?
And lets be honest would mudslimes be better off at guiding and advancing humanity?
Yep it's Rather like 4channers complaining about a reddit invasion when the very format of Sup Forums is inherently defenseless against the invaders. Anonymity is the open borders of the Internet.
Want to fix the neo pol problem? Stop clining to anonymity and make a forum that can actually kick people out easily
the fuck is this cf shit
I want reddit to fuck off already, fucking summer
Shills promote internet anonymity because it lets them hide. They tell you it's about freedom as a cover.
You complain about sites Censoring and banning non PC opinions but what you really should be doing is using the same tools yourself to benefit YOUR views instead of obsession with ''muh freeze peach''
Western Culture is degenerate.
It's also still better than middle eastern culture.
Does that clear things up?
I don't listen to any of the alt right podcasts because its all lispy and or mentally ill sounding kids saying nothing important and adding gas to the fire with their dank edgy maymays
See, group think and ''Safe spaces'' isn't inherently bad like libertarians and Sup Forums make you think.
Its actually a good thing when it's GOOD group think with the right ideas. Something freedomtards and anonymous cowards never get.
Eliminating online anonymity is acthally a good, right wing thing to do.
Aka everyone on Sup Forums
I like him. He speaks the hard truth, I.e. that Alt-right white supremacist fags blaming all the woes of white culture on Jews, are no different from blacks who blame white racism for all their problems. Before you can take action, you must take responsibility.
Do you think the West becoming 100% white again will magically make the "I'm bi-poly-neo-trans*zoo-kin" that's slept with 70 people by the age of 23 middle class white university student suddenly become a straight, repentant, traditional Christian, or even radically change the culture in the West that promotes such lifestyles?
It's pretty fruitless to save something that can't save itself.
Sup Forums never takes responsibility.
The very nature of user format ks about avoiding responsibility even for future conversation.
It's just the Tinder for
>What is Sup Forums?
Sup Forums can't save itself.
Anyone who discovered the chans is already fucked up in one way or another and until they leave they're still compromised
It being saved would require an authoritarian system that would be able to fix that, yes.
The genetics of today are the same as of 300 years ago, tell me why the fuck you think you can't fix that? You can fix it, and yes, dumb cuck, then you could ruin it again.
Or do you think that Europe has never had culture you're okay with?
half Uzbeck who won't procreate and fight for the cause
Is he really?
He also posts on the TRS forums, so I wouldn't know why they'd have such a big problem with the alt right
It's funny that everything now pushed by Tumblr started on the old Sup Forums you loved. Yet tih can never accept Sup Forums is as much of a problem as Tumblr because it's easier to blame the Other.
>constantly whine about degeneracy
>traditionalist freedom fighters come to liberate westerners from said degeneracy
>whine about that instead
When will these people admit that all they're good for is winging about shit and cower when the solution to the issues shows itself
he never said that OP is lying
Enlightenment has brainwashed you well
>Eliminating online anonymity is acthally a good, right wing thing to do.
In a such a biased climate where not being fully supportive of gay men having an orgy right outside a kindergarten can have your livelihood and life destroyed by a baying mod of SJWs, even though the gay men in that orgy, or a whale on FB bitching about how all Straight Christian White Men should be draged from their homes and shot, won't get any sort of rightful comeuppance; anonymity is neccesary, even with its downsides.
Why not make real life communities where Internet and all its filth are completely rejected?
same way common filth encourages people to fight degeneracy in the chans, doing it in TRS [spoiler]WHICH IS DEGENERATE [/spoiler]
>Want to fix the neo pol problem? Stop clining to anonymity and make a forum that can actually kick people out easily
MPC and Salo-Forum
>Traditionalist freedom fighter.
A self righteous, cynical and overly arrogant degenerate who mistakes autistic social isolationism with a humble modest lifestyle.
He would rather complain about other people instead of constructing his own foundation in life.
You can scorn the hobo living in a cardboard box all you like, but you better at least have a house which you yourself earned through labor and righteous behaviour, otherwise you're just as much scum as that very hobo.
That's what people like cf is. I'm not sure if he has a wife, children, a job/business or anything like that, if he does than consider me wrong, but if he has none of those things not has produced anything of value, then he's an autistic NEET with a superiority complex. And an arrogant hypocrite.
Nobody who comes to Sup Forums and absorbs its culture is traditional.
If you were truly traditional you would outgrow this place.
Because the problem isn't inanimate objects, it's the fact people willingly choose to indulge in its filth.
He's the enemy at home, he's turning the "opposition" into something degenerate as well. With jews, you lose
why do you think TRS degenerate
I agree. Cf isn't even a real Christian. He has barely read the Bible even and has a new agey generic perception of God when asked about faith
Good goy keep drugs legal just because the good people will just reject it on their own! Addiction is a myth!
This is the most thoroughly anti-Sup Forums thread I've read since I've been here. The fuck is going on in here.
need I really explain?
If so, you're part of the problem
We are growing up.
>Something that can physically kill you.
>The same as the internet.
yeah, we should just get rid of the internet Entirely though, since it's completely impossible to be traditional in the modern age; that NoFap thing is just an edgy cult though, sure.
wyatt regularly gets banned and yes, they have an anime board cause of the amount of people that come from Sup Forums (like you)
the co-owner you posted, the national action guy, draws poo poo pee pee pepes
shouldn't you find that degenerate
>>nofap is an edgy cult
porn addict spotted.
I do agree the nofap community is one of the worst ways to stop fapping and they still worship women and have premarital sex. But that doesn't mean their thesis isnt right.
glorifying a tranny, faggotry being white identity… the list goes on and on
CF is compensating for his desire to get dick in his ass by acting like a mach christian man
Nice try, fag enabler.
Sup Forums has been a psyop since day one with the purpose of contaminating the right wing with Sup Forums's typical demographic of losers.
If you don't hate Sup Forums you are not right wing. Normal conservatives don't come here and shouldn't
You really think that's TRS?
Do you also happen to think the Earth is flat?
Cause that seems to be where this is heading.
Its not TRS.
Sup Forums is the source of degeneracy thst spread everywhere else. And yet it has the gall to then accuse those places kf being the problem Sup Forums has always been cancer. It ruins everything it touches.
CF is the only one who even attempts to address the question I've been grappling with for a while: how do you a people who will not save themselves?
Seriously, there has never been any group so utterly hell-bent on their own destruction as 21st century whites. Even to the point of European girls apologising to their Muslim rapists. How do you even deal with such a mindset? How can you possibly break that level of psychosis?
Stop deluding yourselves and face your fate with dignity and courage. The West is doomed. It was nice while it lasted, but white people gave elected to abolish themselves. This decision is not reversible, even if they wished to reverse it, which they don't.
>You really think that's TRS?
Even if the core isn't like that, it's far too indulgent with this type of thing.
>13 posts by this ID
Oh, I see why this thread reads so anti-Sup Forums now, you're making all the posts.
Right, you've yet to come up with any examples.
Faggots get banned and the tranny you're talking about was just some twitter persona that had a following of thirsty nazi NEETs, not affiliated with TRS as far as I know.
And no, Richard Spencer isn't TRS.
keep living in denial pal
You fucking cuck, Islam or any stoneage idiology is not the solution.
One man had the solution and you bullied him into suicide. Fuck you.
Is this that Slavros guy? Doesn't look as fashy as he tries to sound tbqh. I bet that Natt guy from Denmark is an effeminate manlet as well.
I agree with CF on everything but race. He needs Jesus to save him from the path he's on because it's not a good one. You can't be spiritually fulfilled and dwell on the degeneracy that he dwells on. Dedicating week after week to this isn't good for him.
you people who can only ever talk about how much you really, really, really dislike homosexuals are quite annoying
TRS hardline bans open gays, but that's not enough for you, because they don't make every discussion about how they totally hate gays
if a hardline ban policy isn't enough, maybe your forum isn't about fascism, but about homosexuality
there's the gook fever as well, and the fact that you're politically illiterate, with all these snowflake ideologies
I've had an account on ironmarch, it was pretty much the definition of snowflake ideologies with giant LARP posts about their little fantasy nations.
I don't see ironmarch having a very good pull on non-politicised people.
If it would serve any function, it'd have to be refining politics and pulling people to the right.
But what you're doing is attacking anyone that isn't you.
That kind of fracturing and infighting hurts the cause way more than if everyone from ironmarch would dissapear.
Sup Forums is the perfect example of people who can't save themselves. Nobody here is any better than the liberals. If they were they would leave.
Yep. Just like you shouldn't be on Sup Forums or really websites in general once you truly find God. Being a Sup Forums oldfag is a bad thing. It means you are more corrupted than the average normie and worse in every way
The truth is anti-Sup Forums.
Unless you outgrow this place you will never not be part of the problem. Sup Forums is just where you go to feel better about your pathetic self by blaming things or joking. Cynicism is corrosive to the soul. You know I'm right.
Deep down all of you, hiding behind your cynicism know Sup Forums damaged you.
>growing out of chan culture is the final redpill
Bullshit. Forcing discussion in threads with potential legitimate discourse and pulling up fellow anons is the endgame here.
Not using chan culture as your basis for your worldview is a healthy pill to swallow. But that should be apparent
He has Ask FM, and a big portion of his fans are involved in the (quarantined) subreddits "Public Health Watch" and "AntiPozi".
Unabomber was a Jewish autist who saw through modernism but didn't have a solution. All in all a good guy.
>Want to fix the neo pol problem? Stop clining to anonymity and make a forum that can actually kick people out easily
The problem with the right wing is that people will kick out their perpetual opponents and stagnate into a smaller crab bucket full of hangers-on of the crabs with the biggest e-peens, or else they get to the point where they let so many people in and it becomes so useless that
Sad to say this is true at this point. Only the banter and occasional maymay make it worth it, and that's hit and miss.
Early TRS had a spark of genius, because the hosts* were at the unique intersection of radical libertarianism and reaction, beginning to broach traditionally "nazi" topics like the Jews and explicit racialism.
The Pinochet meme (their best meme) comes from that time, and they admired him from both a libertarian and reactionary perspective. Nowadays that meme would never be made, because they and their new hang-on audience would write him off as a Christcuck spic inviting da Jooz in to enable his country to be abused by International Finance (TM).
*Worth pointing out that they're missing 40% of their hosts now, and 100% of the Christians. And people are wondering why the shoahs recently are lackluster compared to their past ones.
Back then they actually read and reviewed books, and interacted with a wider sphere than the mentally-unbalanced NEETzschean wewuzkangz types at Renegade and Red Ice (who are basically the same people, the only difference being one set is off their meds).
>Cynicism is corrosive to the soul. You know I'm right.
Yes, you're right, but it's still enjoyable if you have the sense to not let it fully consume you.
I've seen some good Red Ice videos though especially ones about xenoestrogens and other similar attacks on masculinity.
The pagan larping is their only problem