Trump absolutely BTFO. How can someone as dumb be supporting after all this plagarisation fiasco. He can't copy his way to presidency.
Trump plagiarised Obama's tweet
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if that obama one is real then A) it was all on purpose and B) this rabbit hole goes deep.
WTF is going on
Is Trump trolling Obama this hard?
It's fake as fuck you retards. look at the dates and times
Funny isn't it?
>doesn't know homage or irony
>hasn't clued in to the Trumpian Triggers
>not removing kebab or trudeau
We deserve our country.
79th denominational chess
This is the type of shitposting all of you cunts should aspire to.
This is max level tier shitposting.
I swear this picture and the "smug" picture along with that speech will never get old lmao
My sides...
fake btw
Darn shame. Would have been amazing if it was real. lol
shit shit SHIT
that's IT
this is the final straw
i can no longer support donald trump
i am now a #jebhead
Sad part is that its not fake.
Its actually kind of scary
Go find Obamas twitter and scroll down to July 19th, 2012. Its there, its real.
Either Trump is really trolling
Or Every Single US President or future president communicates with each other and are part of a secret organization that enjoys rubbing shit in our faces.
Trump wants to create conspiracies after all he is the ultimate troll.
4D chess!!!!1111
>Donald blatantly trolling obummer so hard people think he's crashing and burning when he's literally waving his dick in obummers face
god I can't wait till he wins
The DNC Convention was Sept 4-6, 2012.
Trump is mocking him, and his chimp wife, showing America how generic his rhetoric is and how his white supermodel wife and him do it better.
Brilliant. He even snuck a Rick Roll into the speech.
literally playing 12D intergalactic othello
nobody besides trump knows his next move, and he couldn't be more smug about it.
he is daring the establishment to keep giving him publicity
dumb ass they dont write their own speeches
they pay a writer for that
It's inspiration. Not plagiarism you fucking fool. If it were word for word then it would be president. And none the less the obamas served two terms.
She can clearly say she had respect for michelle and was inspired.
Only moronic children will fall for the plagiarism meme pushed out by shillary shills.
But congratulations. You fall into that camp.
You did listen to the speech in it's 14 minute entirety right? or you turkroached your way towards cnn for the second hand source?
it's totally fake. that tweet has trump's signature style of tweeting with the "Very proud!" at the end.