Hi Sup Forums.
My new psychiatrist gave me some meds and I would like to know if it's enough to kill me if I take it all at once or at least knock me down for a few days?
Hi Sup Forums
antidepressant od is super unpleasant, don't do it
I know. I tried once and had a 3 days blackout at the hospital. Wasn't great but at least I could escape a little.
Taking too much zoloft is awful. I did by accident felt like a wind up toy wound up to much.
Don’t do it user, I won’t be able to truly convince you to not kill yourself like this in some dumb Sup Forums post, but I more something that can truly help you, trust me take psilocybin mushrooms, my girlfriend took them a long time ago when she was depressed and they helped her fully recover. user there’s so much more to life but you just don’t realize it
I'm sure all that will kill you, especially if you mix it with alcohol
Thanks for your concern user.
I wish you were right. It's way too good to be true.
Man thats a bad way to go. Id almost rather go with immolation.
Ne le fais pas. Je pense que même si c'est dur, il y a encore des choses à voir ou à faire qui vont t'étonner te cultiver et te faire garder espoir. Reste curieux et essaye de profiter de la vie.
Immolation isn't as worth as this? I may light up some candles for NYE and accidentally put them a little too close to the curtains then.
Mix the Xanax with alcohol over the course of a night. You’ll pass out and not wake up. Pretty good way to go. I tried it once but didn’t have enough Xanax and woke up feeling fine but kind of disappointed.
I second this, I too struggle with depression and a mushroom trip every couple months always reconnects me
Merci mais j'ai déjà essayé. J'ai même tatoué ce fichu "point-virgule" sur mon bras parce que j'ai eu une phase où j'ai été moins dépressive.
Enfin bon, tout ça pour dire que je fini toujours par toucher le fond, encore et encore, et j'en ai marre. Je ne serais pas une perte. Le monde continuera de tourner.
22.5mg of Xanax with a bunch of booze should be enough I’d think
How xanax do I need then? Do I have enough?
Please make my thread survive. I know things can go pretty fast on Sup Forums.
I have to go out a little while to pick my mom up for NYE.
J'étais dans un sale état à un moment, j'ai eu l'occasion de déménager loin, hors du pays. Et j'ai compris que je pouvais renaitre, car nouvelles personnes plus de rapport avec l'ancienne vie, c'est un bon moyen de faire le Phoenix.
Give it a shot first, it sounded too good to be true for me too, personally I’ve never been depressed but either way it helped me put my life in order, you’ll find a bright new aspect to life
The ld50 of xanax in lab rats is between 331mg and 2171mg per kilogram of bodyweight. Xanax is currently prescribed because its almost impossible to kill yourself with.
This is awful advice for someone that may be bipolar or schizophrenic or have a history of episodes of psychosis.
Eat right, workout, sleep well.
Put some effort into your life before you throw it away, you might just decide to wait out the next 50 or so years, life's gona kill you in the end anyway, it's coming, why not be later rather than sooner
Don’t do it user
>Eat right, workout, sleep well.
Check, check, and check, mushrooms helped me get there
Which is all well and good for you user but everybody should know... people that have had bad trips on mushrooms that they never come back from nearly always have a history of serious mental illness ie psychosis
Especially if they've also been subject to serious mental, physical and sexual abuse.
I'm sorry, I don't think mushrooms are bad, I just don't like people assuming they're some kind of wonder drug for everybody when they have actually fucked some people up that could have done really well without a life altering bad trip
Nurse here. GABAergics are given to ODs on SSRIs.
Beside that neither of both packages will result in death. The sertraline will give you convulsions, the alprazolam will give you two days of disinhibition, amnesia and sleep. Afterwards you'll get the heaviest panic attacks.
If xou want to die look up paracetamol, aspirin, chloroquin, fentanyl + MCP + diazepam or helium or ask your doc next time for tricyclic antidepressants like amitryptillyn.
Goddammit. Thanks for your honesty user.
I don't think I have psychosis but I may have BPD and/or cyclothymia, plus social anxiety and some fun things like that on top of my depression. I should probably say I have clinical depression because I have something more but I still don't know what it is even though I have depression for more than 15 years.
Thanks for the tip user.
No one really has psychosis all the time, I'm bipolar and have had only two serious episodes in my life, I'm 30 now, one of them lasted 5 days till I was finally hospitalised and when treated with antipsychotics I was back to 'normal' in about 9weeks. Episodes of psychosis going untreated or not properly treated by a team of doctors can last upto 1-2years or indefinitely, happened to my sister, was very hard to see her go through that for that long, antipsychotics alone didn't help her.
This is why I'm very very cautious of anybody like Joe fucking Rogan that throws around bullshit like everybody needs to try mushrooms or dmt or lsd... Luckily he's had some people on that have brought up the dangers of people with serious mental illness not trying them at all.
ur a huge faggot, wah wah why me. but wash that alprazolam down with a quart of vodka, and chances are the world wont have to be subject to your fucking ass anymore.
>Just take shrooms bro
I 'only' experienced depersonalization in the past.
Thanks for reminding me user.
Dmt or iowaska is better
thx for the laff
Play some vidya and fap. That's what I do. But whatever you do don't drink alcohol.
sounds like a good idea, totally now downside to it, cannot recommend enough, i did it once and i feel better